Clues finder is an Alexa skill which runs on AWS lambda and it is responsible for giving out hints to the users during gameplay.
The skill has 2 components -
- Frontend - Managed by Alexa Developer Console
- Backend - Managed by Amazon AWS
Here the skill is created. The dashboard has options for different kinds of skills. In our case, we need a custom skill. A comprehensive guide to create an Alexa skill is given here.
Alexa can start listening with the words "Alexa", "Amazon" and "Computer". Similarly, we need a wake word for the skill as well apart from Alexa's wake word. This can be configured in the dashboard. However, it should be atleast 2 words long. Wake-up word for Clues finder is "Stasis world".
For every distinguishable action, we need to specify a set of sentences which will envoke a certain callback. These callbacks are programmed with python which handles the response of a command.
The backend of the skill lives on AWS lambda. Callbacks of all the commands are written in python and uploaded to this repository. A comprehensive guide to create the backend for the skill is given here.
After developing the skill, we need to load the skill to the device. We can do that by enabling the skill in the Alexa app Skills and Games section under the dev tab.