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File metadata and controls

339 lines (270 loc) · 12.4 KB

Lab 3: Command Line Basics and Data Importing

Gaston Sanchez

Learning Objectives

  • Practicing with the command line
  • Navigating the filesystem and managing files
  • Practice basic manipulation of data files
  • Importing Data Tables in R
  • Default reading-table functions

General Instructions

  • Write your descriptions, explanations, and code in an Rmd (R markdown) file.
  • Name this file as lab03-first-last.Rmd, where first and last are your first and last names (e.g. lab03-gaston-sanchez.Rmd).
  • Knit your Rmd file as an html document (default option).
  • Submit your Rmd and html files to bCourses, in the corresponding lab assignment.
  • Due date displayed in the syllabus (see github repo).

Basic Bash shell commands

The first part of the lab involves navigating the file system and manipulating files (and directories) with the following basic shell commands:

  • pwd: print working directory
  • ls: list files and directories
  • cd: change directory (move to another directory)
  • mkdir: create a new directory
  • touch: create a new (empty) file
  • cp: copy file(s)
  • mv: rename file(s)
  • rm: delete file(s)

If you are using git-bash (i.e. your OS is Windows) you don’t have the man command to see the manual documentation of other commands. In this case you can check the man pages online:

Your turn

Write your bash commands inside a chunk that is NOT evaluated. One way to do this is to add the option eval = FALSE inside the curly braces of the chunk (see image below)

  • Open (or launch) the command line
  • Use mkdir to create a new directory stat133-lab03
  • Change directory to stat133-lab03
  • Use the command curl to download the following text file:
# the option is the letter O (Not the number 0)
curl -O
  • Use the command ls to list the contents in your current directory
  • Use the command curl to download these other text files:
  • Use the command curl to download the following csv files:
  • Now try ls -l to list the contents in your current directory in long format
  • Look at the man documentation of ls to find out how to list the contents in reverse order
  • How would you list the contents in long format arranged by time?
  • Find out how to use the wildcard * to move list all the files with extension .txt
  • Use the wildcard * to move list all the files with extension .csv in reverse order
  • You can use the character ? to represent a single character: e.g. ls mid?.csv. Find out how to use the wilcard ? to list .csv files with names made of 4 characters (e.g. mid1.csv, snow.csv)
  • The command ls *[1]*.csv should list .csv files with names containing the number 1 (e.g. mid1.csv, minutes1.csv). Adapt the command to list .csv files with names containing the number 2.
  • Find out how to list files with names containing any number.
  • Inside stat133-lab03 create a directory data
  • Change directory to data
  • Create a directory txt-files
  • Create a directory csv-files
  • Use the command mv to move the bread.txt file to the folder txt-files
  • Use the wildcard * to move all the text files to the directory txt-files
  • Use the wildcard * to move all the .csv files to the directory csv-files
  • Go back to the parent directory stat133-lab03
  • Create a directory copies
  • Use the command cp to copy the bread.txt file (the one inside the folder txt-files) to the copies directory
  • Use the wildcard * to copy all the .txt files in the directory copies
  • Use the wildcard * to copy all the .csv files in the directory copies
  • Change to the directory copies
  • Use the command mv to rename the file bread.txt as bread-recipe.txt
  • Rename the file Fisher.csv as iris.csv
  • Rename the file btaco.txt as breakfast-taco.txt
  • Change to the parent directory (i.e. stat133-lab03)
  • Rename the directory copies as copy-files
  • Find out how to use the rm command to delete the .csv files that are in copy-files
  • Find out how to use the rm command to delete the directory copy-files
  • List the contents of the directory txt-files displaying the results in reverse (alphabetical) order

Optional challenge

If you are already familiar with the basic bash commands to navigate the filesystem (or if you want to expand your R skills), use the R functions to manipulate files and directories to perform the exact same tasks from within R. See ?files for more information.

  • getwd()
  • setwd()
  • download.file()
  • dir.create()
  • list.files()
  • list.dirs()
  • file.create()
  • file.copy()
  • file.rename()
  • file.remove()

Abalone Data Set

The second part of the lab involves importing the Abalone Data Set that is part of the UCI Machine Learning Repository

The location of the data file is:

The location of the data dictionary (description of the data) is:

Look at both the dataset file, and the file with its description, and answer the following questions:

  • What’s the character delimiter?
  • Is there a row for column names?
  • Are there any missing values? If so, how are they codified?
  • What is the data type of each column?

One basic way to read this file in R is by passing the url location of the file directly to any of the read.table() functions:

url <- ""
abalone <- read.table(url, sep = ",")

Getting a Local Copy of the Data

My suggestion when reading datasets from the Web, is to always try to get a local copy of the data file in your machine (as long as you have enough free space to save it in your computer). To do this, you can use the function download.file() and specify the url address, and the name of the file that will be created in your computer. For instance, to save the abalone data file in your working directory, type the following commands directly on the R console:

# do NOT include this code in your Rmd file
# download copy to your working directory
origin <- ''
destination <- ''
download.file(origin, destination)

Some Bash Commands

Before describing some of the reading-table functions in R, let’s practice some basic bash commands to inspect the downloaded data file. Include the commands in your Rmd file inside an unevaluated code chunk.

Your turn

  • Use the file command to know what type of file is

  • Use the word count command wc to obtain information about: 1) newline count, 2) word count, and 3) byte count, of the file.

  • See the man documentation of wc and learn what option you should use to otabin only the number of lines in

  • Use head to take a peek at the first lines (10 lines by default) of

  • See the man documentation of head and learn what option you should use to display only the first 5 files in

  • Use tail to take a peek at the last lines (10 lines by default) of

  • See the man documentation of tail and learn what option you should use to display only the last 3 files in

  • Use the less command to look at the contents of (this command opens a paginator so you can move up and down the contents of the file). Press the key q to exit the paginator.

Basic Importing

Now that you have a local copy of the dataset, you can read it in R with read.table() like so:

# reading data from your working directory
abalone <- read.table("", sep = ",")

Once you read a data table, you may want to start looking at its contents, usually taking a peek at a few rows. This can be done with head() and/or with tail():

# take a peek of first rows

# take a peek of last rows

Likewsie, you may also want to examine how R has decided to take care of the storage details (what data type is used for each column?). Use the function str() to check the structure of the data frame:

# check data frame's structure
str(abalone, vec.len = 1)

Detailed information about the columns

So far we have been able to read the data file in R. But we are missing a few things. First, we don’t have names for the columns. Second, it would be nice if we could specify the data types of each column instead of letting R guess how to handle each data type.

Look at the data description (see “Attribute information”) in the following link:

According to the description of the Abalone data set, we could assign the following data types to each of the columns as:

Name Data Type
Sex character
Length continuous
Diameter continuous
Height continuous
Whole weight continuous
Shucked weight continuous
Viscera weight continuous
Shell weight continuous
Rings integer
  • Create a vector column_names for names of each column. Use the names displayed in the section “7. Attributes Information”.

  • Create another vector column_types with R data types (e.g. character, real, integer). Match the R data types with the suggested type in “7. Attributes Information” (nominal = character, continuous = real, integer = integer).

  • Optionally, you could also specify a type “factor” for the variable sex since this is supposed to be in nominal scale (i.e. it is a categorical variable). Also note that the variable rings is supposed to be integers, therefore we can choose an integer vector for this column.

  • Look at the documentation of the function read.table() and try to read the table in R. Find out which arguments you need to specify so that you pass your vectors column_names and column_types to read.table(). Read in the data as abalone, and then check its structure with str().

  • Now re-read with the read.csv() function. Name this data as abalone2, and check its structure with str().

  • How would you read just the first 10 lines in Name this data as abalone10, and check its structure with str().

  • How would you skip the first 10 lines in, in order to read the next 10 lines (lines 11-20)? Name this data as abalone20, and check its structure with str().

  • Use R functions to compute descriptive statistics, and confirm the following statistics. Your output does not have to be in the same format of the table below. The important thing is that you begin learning how to manipulate columns (or vectors) of a data.frame.

       Length Diam  Height  Whole  Shucked  Viscera    Shell    Rings
Min    0.075  0.055 0.000   0.002    0.001    0.001    0.002        1
Max    0.815  0.650 1.130   2.826    1.488    0.760    1.005       29
Mean   0.524  0.408 0.140   0.829    0.359    0.181    0.239    9.934
SD     0.120  0.099 0.042   0.490    0.222    0.110    0.139    3.224