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Week of July 5-12

This week I setup the srsRAN Project and figured out how we can perform UL scheduling.


  • srsRAN Project is a 5G CU/DU solution and does not include a UE application. However, srsRAN 4G does include a prototype 5G UE (srsUE) which can be used for testing. This application note shows how to create an end-to-end fully open-source 5G network with srsUE, the srsRAN Project gNodeB and Open5GS 5G core network.
  • Following the ZeroMQ installation note (linked here) which requires me to install srsRAN 4G, Open5GS and the srsRAN Project.

Installing srsRAN 4G from source, similar to my previous work.

  1. Installing the 'libzmq' and 'czmq' packages
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install libzmq3-dev libczmq-dev
  1. Building srsRAN 4G from source as described here
$ git clone
$ cd srsRAN_4G
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ../
$ make -j 20

Installing Open5GS and dependent packages according to this installation guide.

  1. Installing and Running MongoDB
  • Proved to be slightly more difficult than expected considering I am using an Ubuntu 22.04 machine running on a Docker Container, so Tini is used as the init system (not systemcl). Figured out how to do the same with Tini.
# installing the public key used by the system
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install gnupg
$ curl -fsSL | sudo gpg -o /usr/share/keyrings/mongodb-server-6.0.gpg --dearmor
$ echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/mongodb-server-6.0.gpg] jammy/mongodb-org/6.0 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-6.0.list
# installing the package and starting it
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install -y mongodb-org
$ sudo tini -s -- /usr/bin/mongod --fork --config /etc/mongod.conf
  • To ensure I did not have to do this every single time I started the system, I created two scripts:

    • '' : This script starts MongoDB with Tini.

    ```bash #!/bin/bash /usr/bin/tini -s -- /usr/bin/mongod --fork --config /etc/mongod.conf ``` - start_mongo : an init script that calls our previous script, and runs on startup of the machine.
    case "$1" in
            echo "Starting MongoDB"
            echo "Stopping MongoDB"
            echo "Restarting MongoDB"
        echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/start_mongo {start|stop|restart}"
        exit 1
    exit 0

Wrote these scripts and enabled their functionality using the following commands:

$ sudo nano /usr/local/bin/
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
$ sudo nano /etc/init.d/start_mongo
$ sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/start_mongo
$ sudo update-rc.d start_mongo defaults

Installing Open5GS

  1. Install the Open5GS package
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:open5gs/latest
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install open5gs
  1. Install the WebUI for Open5GS
# Download and import the Nodesource GPG key
 $ sudo apt update
 $ sudo apt install -y ca-certificates curl gnupg
 $ sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings
 $ curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/nodesource.gpg

 # Create deb repository
 $ echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/nodesource.gpg]$NODE_MAJOR.x nodistro main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nodesource.list

 # Run Update and Install
 $ sudo apt update
 $ sudo apt install nodejs -y

 # Install the WebUI
 $ curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
  1. Installing the srsRAN Project
$ git clone
$ cd srsRAN_Project
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ make -j`nproc`

Ended up shifting to a new machine.

UL Scheduling Logic and Implementation

UL Scheduling Flow


  1. File: cell_scheduler.cpp

    • Location: srsRAN_Project/lib/scheduler/cell_scheduler.cpp
    • Key Function: ue_sched.run_slot
  2. File: ue_scheduler_impl.cpp

    • Location: srsRAN_Project/lib/scheduler/ue_scheduling/ue_scheduler_impl.cpp
    • Key Function: run_slot
    • Details: In the run_slot definition, run_sched_strategy is run every time. run_slot is a part of the class ue_scheduler_impl.
  3. File: ue_scheduler_impl.cpp

    • Location: srsRAN_Project/lib/scheduler/ue_scheduling/ue_scheduler_impl.cpp
    • Key Function: run_sched_strategy
    • Details: For UL, executes a ul_sched method every runtime. ul_sched is a member function of the object pointed to by the sched_strategy pointer.
  4. File: ue_scheduler_impl.cpp

    • Location: srsRAN_Project/lib/scheduler/ue_scheduling/ue_scheduler_impl.cpp
    • Key Function: create_scheduler_strategy(expert_cfg)
    • Details: run_sched_strategy is populated with create_scheduler_strategy(expert_cfg).
  5. File: scheduler_policy_factory.cpp

    • Location: srsRAN_Project/lib/scheduler/policy/scheduler_policy_factory.cpp
    • Key Function: create_scheduler_strategy
    • Details: Scheduling strategy is decided using the object expert_cfg_ of the class scheduler_ue_expert_config.
  6. File: scheduler_expert_config.h

    • Location: srsRAN_Project/include/srsran/scheduler/config/scheduler_expert_config.h
    • Key Class: scheduler_ue_expert_config
    • Details: rr is defined as the default scheduling policy here (using time_rr_scheduler_expert_config).
  7. File: scheduler_expert_config.h

    • Location: srsRAN_Project/include/srsran/scheduler/config/scheduler_expert_config.h
    • Key Classes: time_pf_scheduler_expert_config and time_pf_scheduler_expert_config
    • Details: Both are defined here.

Scheduling Logic:

  1. Round Robin

    A simple round robin implementation, where UE gets a chance to transmit one after the other.

  • Functions of interest:
    1. ul_sched

      • Class: scheduler_time_rr
      • Defined File: scheduler_time_rr.cpp
      • Logic:
        • If there are no UEs to schedule, the function terminates.
        • If there exist UEs to schedule, the scheduling logic has three parts (in order):
          1. retransmitting old UL data
          2. pending scheduling requests (Find how this is done)
          3. transmitting new UL data
        • Each of these three logics is implemented within the 'ul_sched' function using Lambda Expressions ('data_retx_ue_function', 'sr_ue_function' and 'data_tx_ue_function'). The one thing in common each of these logics have is that they call the 'round_robin_apply' and 'alloc_ul_ue' functions.
    2. round_robin_apply

      • Function is defined as a template. Allows the function to accept any callable object (in the case, a lambda expression) to allocate resources to a UE.
      • Loops through all UEs, don't see how a weight based scheduling can be implemented here.
  1. Proportional Fair

    A proportional fair implementation also exists, which can be found in the file 'scheduler_time_pf.cpp'. This is more of an implementation we can play around with, rather than the Round Robin one. Defined in 'scheduler_time_pf.cpp' file (srsRAN_Project/lib/scheduler/policy/scheduler_time_pf.cpp).

#### Basic Logic:
- The logic is based on a queue system. 
- The queues are determined using the `compute_ul_prio` function.
- Information from the UE at the top of the queue is taken, and then the `try_ue_alloc` function is called. 
- UE allocation details are decided in the `compute_ul_prio` function. Here, other scheduling implementations, such as Max CQI, Max Weight, etc, can also be implemented. A priority function is involved, which seems to be another name for the weight variable we have been using.

#### Priority Computation:
1. Estimates the instantaneous UL rate using the `get_estimated_ul_rate` function.
2. Retrieves the current average UL rate using the `ul_avg_rate` function. 
3. Calculates the priority using a proportional fair formula:
    - priority = estimated_rate / (current_avg_rate ^ fairness_coefficient)
4. If the current average rate is zero, sets priority to maximum if estimated rate is non-zero, or to zero otherwise.
5. The fairness coefficient is defined using the `pf_sched_fairness_coeff` function. It is defined in the `scheduler_expert_config.h` file.

#### Functions of Interest:

1. `get_estimated_ul_rate`: Defined in `ue_cell.cpp` and used in `tbs_calculator.cpp`.
2. `ul_avg_rate`    

Scheduling Requests in 5G


  • Few Definitions:

    • UL : UE to N/W
    • DL : N/W to UE
    • PUCCH (Physical Uplink Control Channel) is a UL Physical channel that is designed to carry UCI (Uplink Control Information). UCI messages support the scheduling of uplink shared channel (UL-SCH) transmissions. UCI can be carried either by PUCCH or PUSCH depending on the situation.
    • PUSCH (Physical Uplink Shared Channel) is responsible for carrying user data from the UE to the network (gNB). Since it is a shared channel, multiple UEs can use the same physical resources for transmission, which are allocated dynamically by the gNB based on the network conditions and demand. This allocation is typically signaled through Downlink Control Information (DCI) sent over the PDCCH (Physical Downlink Control Channel).
    • MCS (Modulation and Coding Scheme) decides both the modulation scheme and the coding rate.
  • Scheduling Request is a way for a UE to tell the network that it has some data in its MAC buffer and it needs PHY resources in the Uplink direction to send that data. A SR is only triggered when the UE does not any have any UL resources scheduled, i.e, PUSCH resources. Refer to this link.

  • There are roughly two types of situations where SR is triggered. The use cases are:

    1. Necessity-Based Use Case: A UE triggers a SR when it has some data to transmit but has no UL grant from the network.
    2. Periodicity-Based Use Case: In this case, the UE triggers SR with a certain periodicity (specified in RRC) regardless of whether it has any data to send or not.
  • Even though the SR message itself is a kind of physical layer message, it is controlled by a MAC layer process.

SR Overview

  • Negative vs Positive SR:
    • Positive SRs are sent when a UE requires an uplink transmission opportunity to send its buffered data to the network. Positive SR is crucial for efficient resource utilization, as it helps the gNB identify UEs with pending data and allocate resources accordingly.
    • Negative SRs occur when a UE does not have sufficient data in its buffers to transmit or when it determines the network conditions are not optimum for uplink transmission. An example of these types of SRs are SRs sent periodically, often ignoring the environment in which transmission occurs.

Why am I reading about this?: We need to establish a benchmark of time taken from the start of the transmission across the PUCCH to the end of the transmission across the PUSCH.

Week of July 15-22

Ran a 2 UE system and performed a few experiments to better understand scheduling and SRs in the srsRAN Project stack.

Two UE Experiments

Running Two UEs

  • To connect multiple UEs to a single gNB using ZMQ-based RF devices, we require a broker that can both receive and process UL and DL signals.
  • We use GNU-Radio Companion to implement such a broker, as it allows easy integration with our ZMQ-based RF devices. More information about the setup can be found here.


Each step is executed in a seperate terminal. The Open5GS Core is already running. Kill and start the flowgraph each time you want to run the system.

  1. Run the GRC Flowgraph
$ cd /home/wcsng-32/gitrepos/EdgeRIC-Pulak
$ sudo -E python3
  1. Run gNB
$ cd /home/wcsng-32/gitrepos/EdgeRIC-Pulak/build/apps/gnb
$ sudo ./gnb -c zmq-mode-multi-ue.yml
  1. Create network namespaces for both the UEs and run UE 1
$ cd /home/wcsng-32/gitrepos/EdgeRIC-5G/srsRAN_4G/build/srsue/src
$ sudo ./srsue ../../../.config/ue1-4g-zmq.conf
  1. Run UE 2
$ cd /home/wcsng-32/gitrepos/EdgeRIC-5G/srsRAN_4G/build/srsue/src
$ sudo ./srsue ../../../.config/ue2-4g-zmq.conf

Note: The Core Network runs using Open5GS at the destination IP Address: We can just ping back and forth from that location.

  1. Traffic Server
$ cd /home/wcsng-32/gitrepos/EdgeRIC-Pulak
$ ./
  1. Traffic Client
$ cd /home/wcsng-32/gitrepos/EdgeRIC-Pulak
$ ./

Plotting Metrics

1. Throughput

(Rough) Flow:

  1. ul_avg_rate() function:

    • located in srsRAN_Project/lib/scheduler/policy/scheduler_time_pf.cpp
    • scheduler_time_pf.cpp (used) --> scheduler_time_pf.h (defined here) --> ul_avg_rate_ (after a checkpoint)
  2. ul_avg_rate_ variable:

    • located in srsRAN_Project/lib/scheduler/policy/scheduler_time_pf.cpp
    • initialised as 0 in scheduler_time_pf.h
    • later updated below. clearly, alloc_bytes is the variable we need
    void scheduler_time_pf::ue_ctxt::save_ul_alloc(uint32_t alloc_bytes)
        if (ul_nof_samples < 1 / parent->exp_avg_alpha) {
        // Fast start before transitioning to exponential average.
        ul_avg_rate_ = ul_avg_rate_ + (alloc_bytes - ul_avg_rate_) / (ul_nof_samples + 1);
        } else {
        ul_avg_rate_ = (1 - parent->exp_avg_alpha) * ul_avg_rate_ + (parent->exp_avg_alpha) * alloc_bytes;
  3. alloc_bytes variable:

    • is actually just a local placeholder variable as are present in function definitions
    • stores data from alloc_results.alloc_bytes
    • alloc_results is defined below, and is dependent on pusch_alloc.allocate_ul_grant(grant) as defined in the try_ul_alloc function (located in the same file)
    if (ctxt.ul_newtx_h != nullptr) {
        grant.h_id                  = ctxt.ul_newtx_h->id;
        grant.recommended_nof_bytes = ues[ctxt.ue_index].pending_ul_newtx_bytes();
        alloc_result                = pusch_alloc.allocate_ul_grant(grant);
        if (alloc_result.status == alloc_status::success) {
          ctxt.ul_newtx_h = nullptr;
    return alloc_result;
    if (ctxt.ul_newtx_h != nullptr) {
        grant.h_id                  = ctxt.ul_newtx_h->id;
        grant.recommended_nof_bytes = ues[ctxt.ue_index].pending_ul_newtx_bytes();
        alloc_result                = pusch_alloc.allocate_ul_grant(grant);
        if (alloc_result.status == alloc_status::success) {
            ctxt.ul_newtx_h = nullptr;
    return alloc_result;
    • The try_ul_alloc function ensures the alloc_results class is populated with the output of pusch_alloc.allocate_ul_grant(grant)
  4. pusch_alloc.allocate_ul_grant(grant) function:

    • located in srsRAN_Project/lib/scheduler/ue_scheduling/ue_cell_grid_allocator.cpp
    • uses a function compute_ul_mcs_tbs to calculate the UL throughput per slot.
  5. compute_ul_mcs_tbs function:

    • the function definition is located in srsRAN_Project/lib/scheduler/support/mcs_tbs_calculator.cpp


Edit accordingly.

alloc_result alloc_result = {alloc_status::invalid_params};
    while (not ul_queue.empty()) {
        ue_ctxt& ue = *;
        if (alloc_result.status != alloc_status::skip_slot) {
            alloc_result = try_ul_alloc(ue, ues, pusch_alloc);
        //[PULAK] log using the rnti of this UE along with the alloc_bytes variable
        // Re-add the UE to the queue if scheduling of re-transmission fails so that scheduling of retransmission are
        // attempted again before scheduling new transmissions.
        if (ue.ul_retx_h != nullptr and alloc_result.status == alloc_status::invalid_params) {

2. SNR

(Rough) Flow:

  1. get_effective_snr()

    • located in srsRAN_Project/lib/scheduler/ue_scheduling/ue_link_adaptation_controller.cpp
    • defined as below, uses the ue_ch_st.get_pusch_snr() as the base
    float ue_link_adaptation_controller::get_effective_snr() const
        return ue_ch_st.get_pusch_snr() + (ul_olla.has_value() ? ul_olla.value().offset_db() : 0.0f);
  2. ue_ch_st.get_pusch_snr()

    • located in the srsRAN_Project/lib/scheduler/ue_scheduling/ue_link_adaptation_controller.cpp
    • simply returns another variable pusch_snr_db as the result
    • as we see here, pusch_snr_db is simply populated with the results of expert_cfg.initial_ul_sinr
    ue_channel_state_manager::ue_channel_state_manager(const scheduler_ue_expert_config& expert_cfg, unsigned nof_dl_ports_) :
    // Initialization
    nof_dl_ports(nof_dl_ports_), pusch_snr_db(expert_cfg.initial_ul_sinr), wideband_cqi(expert_cfg.initial_cqi)
  3. scheduler_ue_expert_config.initial_ul_sinr

    • private variable part of the scheduler_ue_expert_config
    • located in srsRAN_Project/include/srsran/config/scheduler_expert_config.h
    • seems to be defined somewhere, can't find how this value is set/defined. [USHASI'S INPUT NEEDED]


Define a function which creates an object of class ue_link_adaptation_controller using which we can call the function get_effective_snr(). How will this work slot-wise and UE-wise? Not sure if this is the right one.

Week July 23-August 2

Spent some time understanding C++ code and debugging C++ using VSCode. Also, tried to understand the variables and functions in use a little better. Helped me log metrics and decide how to implement further scheduling schemes.

PF File (srsRAN_Project/lib/scheduler/policy/scheduler_time_pf.cpp)

Functions and Variables of Interest

  1. ue_history_db

    • Data Type: std::map<uint16_t, ue_ctxt>
    • Key is a uint16_t (ue_index) representing the unique index or ID of a UE, and the value is an instance of ue_ctxt, which holds the context information for that UE.
    • ue_history_db keeps track of all UEs that have been scheduled.
  2. it

    • iterator used to access every member of ue_history_db
    • it->ue_index is used to access the key
    for (auto it = ue_history_db.begin(); it != ue_history_db.end();) {
        if (not ues.contains(it->ue_index)) {
  3. ues

    • likely contains all currently connected UEs
  4. ctxt

    • reference of the ue_ctxt object, contains information about a specific UE (chosen using the UE Index).
  5. try_ul_alloc

    • how do you find the final UE which transmits in a slot finally?
  6. ue.save_ul_alloc(alloc_result.alloc_bytes)

    • effectively updates the estioated rate
  7. ue_ctxt

    • contains information about the UE
  8. compute_ul_prio

    • This is the function to be edited to implement different types of scheduling algorithms.
    • how often is ul_prio used? - in a slot, once for every UE to be scheduled in that slot
    • Functions/Files of Interest:
      • Class ue_cell:
        • defined in srsRAN_Project/lib/scheduler/ue_scheduling/ue_cell.h. Check comments for more information.
        • used in srsRAN_Project/lib/scheduler/ue_scheduling/ue_cell.cpp
        • has a attribute called rnti --> access using rnti_t my_rnti = ue_cell_object.rnti();.
        • has
      • File srsRAN_Project/lib/scheduler/config/ue_configuration.h:
        • has two classes ue_cell_configiration and ue_configiration that contains information about the UE (especially the cell and realted information) for the given scheduling round.

(Rough) Flow

  1. ue_scheduler.run_slot(...):

    • called in srsRAN_Project/lib/scheduler/cell_scheduler.cpp
    • defined in srsRAN_Project/lib/scheduler/ue_scheduling/ue_scheduler.h and srsRAN_Project/lib/scheduler/ue_scheduling/ue_scheduler_impl.cpp
  2. run_slot(slot_point slot_tx, du_cell_index_t cell_index):

    • located in srsRAN_Project/lib/scheduler/ue_scheduling/ue_scheduler_impl.cpp
    • calls run_sched_strategy(...) which is located in the same file. This function eventually calls ul_sched
  3. ul_sched(ue_alloc, ue_res_grid_view, ue_db):

    • located in srsRAN_Project/lib/scheduler/policy/scheduler_time_pf.cpp.
    • finally!!!

Logging Metrics

For some reason, initially my setup didn't seem to be working. Rebuilding the srsRAN Project with the appropriate ZMQ and Debugging hooks. Using the below commands to rebuild my system.

    rm -rf build
    make clean
    make -j1