Releases: udayvunnam/xng-breadcrumb
Custom Breadcrumb template (add icons, change text, add i18n ability, etc)
You can display whatever you want in the place of breadcrumb text by providing a custom template.
- Use *xngBreadcrumbItem directive to provide a custom template
- breadcrumb label is available implicitly in the template context
Change text case
path: '',
pathMatch: 'full',
component: HomeComponent,
data: {
breadcrumb: 'app home'
<ng-container *xngBreadcrumbItem="let breadcrumb">
<ng-container>{{ breadcrumb | titlecase }}</ng-container>
Add icons in front of label
- define 'info' associated with breadcrumb in route config. 'info' has type . you can pass string or object as you need.
- 'info' is available in the context of *xngBreadcrumbItem.
- Additionally 'first' and 'last' are passed to identify 'first' and 'last' items respectively.
path: '',
pathMatch: 'full',
component: HomeComponent,
data: {
breadcrumb: {
label: 'app home',
info: 'home'
<ng-container *xngBreadcrumbItem="let breadcrumb; let info = info; let first = first">
<mat-icon *ngIf="info">{{ info }}</mat-icon>
<ng-container *ngIf="!first">{{ breadcrumb }}</ng-container>
i18n ability
- Usually, internationalization is achieved in Angular using libraries like ngx-translate or transloco.
- These libraries provide a pipe to change text while language is changed.
- With ngx-translate you can change the language for breadcrumb text as shown below.
<ng-container *xngBreadcrumbItem="let breadcrumb">
<ng-container>{{ breadcrumb | translate }}</ng-container>
Custom separator
- Breadcrumb uses '/' as the separator by default.
- To use custom separator pass separator as an input to
. - You can either use a simple string(>>, -, -->) or a component (mat-icon, fa-icon) as a separator.
string as separator
<xng-breadcrumb separator=">"></xng-breadcrumb>
icon or component as separator
<xng-breadcrumb [separator]="iconTemplate"></xng-breadcrumb>
<ng-template #iconTemplate>
Custom Breadcrumb Styles
defines the least possible specificity for selectors, to make it easy to override them. -
override styles by changing the CSS for corresponding classes. (Keep this styles in app root styles file if you don't want to use ::ng-deep)
Below are classes visualization to help which class maps to which box
(Optional)xng-breadcrumb takes 'class' as input. This class will be applied to the root of the breadcrumb. This can be used to increase specificity when there are conflicting styles.
.xng-breadcrumb-root {
padding: 8px 16px;
display: inline-block;
border-radius: 4px;
background-color: #e7f1f1;
.xng-breadcrumb-separator {
padding: 0 4px;
- BreadcrumbService's setForAlias(), skip(), skipForAlias() have been deprecated earlier and removed in this release. set() method alone powers all of this features now.
- class names have been updated. clear names are used for each block xng-breadcrumb-root, xng-breadcrumb-list, xng-breadcrumb-item, xng-breadcrumb-link, xng-breadcrumb-trail. Also ViewEncapsulation.None is used to make it easier to override them by clients
- Angular8.x version upgrade. Angular 6.x and Angular 7.x are no longer supported. If you are using these versions, please, stick with version xng-beadcrumb@2.x.x ([4f73ec3](
- build scripts update (8923e2e)
Base route Breadcrumb
Added the ability to add breadcrumb for a base route such as 'Home'. closes #6
{ path: '', pathMatch: 'full', data: { breadcrumb: 'Home' } },
Custom separator: closes #5
Breadcrumb by default uses '/' as the separator. To use custom separator pass it as input to the component like below.
<xng-breadcrumb seperator=">"></xng-breadcrumb>
Styling breadcrumbs: closes #5
The library uses the least specific selectors possible in order to make it easy to override them.
you can override by changing the CSS for classes .breadcrumb, .current-path, .separator etc
with ::ng-deep
::ng-deep .breadcrumb {
background-color: bisque;
border: 1px solid;
Optional - default mapping of the route to breadcrumb label closes #2
To avoid breadcrumb labels showing by default even for routes that don't have breadcrumb configuration, set defaultMapping=false
as input
<xng-breadcrumb [defaultMapping]="false"></xng-breadcrumb>
- Quickstart with default mapping: Just by adding
show breadcrumbs anywhere in the App. Breadcrumbs defaults to route segments even without any configuration. - Declarative mapping: Map breadcrumb label for each route, while declaring App routes.
- Dynamic mapping: Resolve a breadcrumb label dynamically, by using BreadcrumbService.
- Skip Breadcrumb: Skip specific routes from displaying in breadcrumbs, conditionally.