Cleared mappings for the Diagnostic and Experiment page
Cleared mappings for the Diagnostic and Experiment page
Create docker-compose.example
Create docker-compose.example
Delete docker-compose.yaml
Delete docker-compose.yaml
fix: ir-camera save & cancel button
fix: ir-camera save & cancel button
Force push
add skeleton for variables in .env
add skeleton for variables in .env
Change margin-right style for buttons to use Tailwind classes directly
Change margin-right style for buttons to use Tailwind classes directly
Fix missing variables and do some console logging
Fix missing variables and do some console logging
Add trigger pipeline button to the UI
Add trigger pipeline button to the UI
Add: Flowmeter & IR Camera form
Add: Flowmeter & IR Camera form
Force push
Merge branch 'develop' into fix/experiment-changes
Merge branch 'develop' into fix/experiment-changes
fix: changes as suggested
fix: changes as suggested
Fix: re-add field as suggested
Fix: re-add field as suggested