Turns environmental parameter data into indicators, by adding text
Parameter data is indicatorated following the indicatoration configuration defined in the indicator schema, under the key 'indicatorationConfig'.
The 'indicatorationConfig' key configures 4 different aspects of the indicatoration: sources, ranges, sorting, and subindicatoration.
Indicators must specify an 'indicatorationConfig.source' attribute. This attribute tells the indicatorator where to query the data from, and how to format it.
Each 'source' has a corresponding 'getter' module (responsible for fetching the data) and a 'formatter' module (responsible for formatting the queried responses).
For indicator data stored in ESRI services and served over their REST JSON API. When the source property is set to 'esri', the following properties have to be provided:
: The root of the URl of the server, e.g. http://myserver.net/rest/servicesserviceName
: The of the service, e.g. NRT_AD_AirQualityfeatureServer
: The feature server ID, e.g. 1
These 3 components can be extracted from an esri rest URL, like so:
<---------- serverUrl ----------> <- serviceName -> ^featureServer
For indicator data stored in Google Drive (aka Google Docs), the property 'indicatorationConfig.spreadsheetKey' must be provided. The spreadsheet in question must be public and 'published for web' (to do so, follow 'File -> Publish for web' in Google Drive).
The given spreadsheet must contain a worksheet named 'Data', which may contain data formatted as following:
Year | Value |
1999 | 150 |
2001 | 200 |
2014 | 250.2 |
Years must be provided as integers, while values can be either integers or decimals.
For indicator data stored in CartoDB tables, the indicatorationConfig
key needs to have the properties table_name
and CartoDB username
set. The
CartoDB table must be publicly available.
You can also use CartoDB Sync to read spreadsheets into cartodb which will automatically collected (in formats such as XLS, CSV, etc.) up to every hour.
The format for data is a little constrained due to the fact postgres can't handle integers column names. You must use column names field_1 through field_n, and instead put the column headers in as the first row in the table, like so:
field_1 | field_2 | field_3 | field_4 | field_5 | field_n |
Theme | Indicator | SubIndicator | 1998 | 1999 | n |
Air | NO2 | - | 0.4 | 0.9 | n |
Air | O2 | - | 0.8 | 0.8 | n |
The first 3 values should always be Theme, Indicator and SubIndicator, followed by your date fields in order.
There is an example data table available on Google Docs.
One of the main tasks of the indicatorator is to apply ranges to the indicatorated data, following the 'indicatorationConfig.range' property, which is an array.
Every element of the 'range' array is an object composed of two properties:
: the minimum value (following default Javascript comparison) to assign a given datum to this rangetext
: the text to show when the given data is inside this range
If no range application is needed, a 'indicatorationConfig.applyRanges' property set to false can be provided. This will skip the application of ranges during the import of data.
### Subindicatoration
Basic sub indicator support is implemented by allowing grouping on a text field. This is achieved by setting the property 'indicatorationConfig.reduceField' to the group field. For example, if you had a collection of data for the same year but for different monitoring stations, specify the group field here, e.g. 'station' to have the data grouped on the station, by periodStart.
As last step of the indicatoration process, data can be sorted by setting the 'indicatorationConfig.sorting' property to an object containing the following two fields:
: the field of the indicator data to sort onorder
: the order to follow when sorting the data. This can be either 'asc' or 'desc', case insensitive.