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File metadata and controls

271 lines (204 loc) · 8.76 KB


The optimizer is a library built on top of the univocity-trader framework to test and optimize your strategies quickly. The speed improvement makes it efficient for AI or brute force methods for discovering optimal parameters to use in your indicators and in your strategy.

If you are interested in using it, send an e-mail to and I'll help you out.

Once you receive the univocity-trader-optimizer.jar, add it to your classpath. Then, you should be able to import the following package:


The following snippet allows you to create a market simulation with multiple symbols traded at the same time as demonstrated in the examples shown in the univocity-trader-examples subproject.

Simulator simulator = Strategy.simulator();

SimulationAccount account = simulator.configure().account();

... your usual configuration

simulation.addParameters(<your list of parameters>);;

Nothing too new here, but when running this it will produce pre-processed files in your temp directory and allow you to run the process multiple times pretty quickly. But that's just the beginning.

Reusing Indicators

To make your simulations run fast it's important to reuse the state of all indicators that are not having changes to their parameters across each simulation run. For that, use the Indicators factory class to instantiate the indicators in your Strategy or StrategyMonitor instead of creating instances with the new keyword.

In other words, use Indicators.<IndicatorName>(args) instead of new <IndicatorName>(args).

For example, this:

ADX adx1hour = new ADX(TimeInterval.hours(1));

Should become this:

ADX adx1hour = Indicators.ADX(TimeInterval.hours(1));

Now each core of your CPU can process groups of simulations, reusing the indicators that remain the same in each simulation of the group.

The number simulations to run per group can be configured with:


Once you put this to run, you'll notice a drastic improvement in execution speed (from hours to seconds or minutes).

That's great but the real deal is the ParameterOptimizer, presented next.

The ParameterOptimizer

The parameter optimizer collects statistics and helps to decide which parameters produce the most relevant results for your strategy.

Notice that:

  • The basic simulation configuration is exactly the same as before, but you can only use one account.

  • Each symbol will be backtested in isolation from the other symbols, using the parameters your provide.

To use the optimizer, simply write:

ParameterOptimizer optimizer = Strategy.optimizer();

The optimizer configuration allows you to provide a callback for collecting statistics:

optimizer.configure().collectStatistics(BiFunction<Parameters, Trade, T>);

Where T is the type of any object you define to collect data about a trade, with the parameters that were in use when processing it.

For example, let's create a class named MyStatistics:

public class MyStatistics {
	public Void processEntry(Parameters parameters, Trade trade) {
				parameters.toString(),   // e.g. Bollinger(1, 12)
				trade.symbol(),          // e.g. BTCUSDT
				trade.actualProfitLoss(),// e.g. 2.52%
				trade.maxChange(),       // e.g. 3.73%
				trade.minChange(),       // e.g. -0.13%
				trade.ticks(),           // e.g. 731
				trade.exitReason()       // e.g. stop loss
		return null;

    private void register(Object ... details){
		//e.g. insert details into a database

Now on your config, you can use the following:

MyStatistics myStatistics = new MyStatistics();

When the optimizer runs, every trade generated by the simulation will be sent to your MyStatistics object for processing.


The statistics collection can produce massive amounts of data pretty quickly. If you want to use a database or some other repository of information that won't perform well inserting statistics one by one, you can use the in-built batch support.

Let's modify the MyStatistics class to insert everything into a database:

public static class MyStatistics {

    public Object[] generateEntry(Parameters parameters, Trade trade) {
        return new Object[]{
                parameters.toString(),   // e.g. Bollinger(1, 12)
                trade.symbol(),          // e.g. BTCUSDT
                trade.actualProfitLoss(),// e.g. 2.52%
                trade.maxChange(),       // e.g. 3.73%
                trade.minChange(),       // e.g. -0.13%
                trade.ticks(),           // e.g. 731
                trade.exitReason()       // e.g. stop loss

    private static final String INSERT = "" +
            " INSERT INTO my_statistic" +
            " (parameters, symbol, profit, max_change, min_change, ticks, exit_reason)" +
            " VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
    public void executeBatch(Queue<Object[]> queue) {
        if (queue == null) { //null queue indicates no more data.
        JdbcTemplate db = getJdbcTemplate(); // Spring JDBC is great
        db.execute((ConnectionCallback<Object>) con -> {
            Object[] row = new Object[0];
            try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(INSERT)) {
                int len = queue.size();
                if (len > 2000) { //inserts 2K rows per batch
                    len = 2000;
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    row = queue.poll();
                    if (row != null) {
                        for (int j = 0; j < row.length; j++) {
                            ps.setObject(j + 1, row[j]);
                    } else {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Error persisting statistics: " + Arrays.toString(row), e);
            return null;

Note that generateEntry now returns the statistics back to the framework. It will be stored in an internal Queue and once it has enough data your executeBatch method will be invoked.

The following configuration will instruct the optimizer to generate entries and persist them in batches:

optimizer.configure().collectStatistics(myStatistics::generateEntry, myStatistics::executeBatch);


If you have a large list of parameters to test against multiple symbols, you can reduce processing time by blacklisting some of these parameters during the optimization process.

When running, the optimizer will pick a symbol and run simulations will all parameters available against that symbol. Once the process is complete, all parameters will be tested against the next symbol, and so on.

After the processing on a symbol is complete, the optimizer can query your statistics to ask for parameters that performed way too poorly on the previous symbol(s) and could be discarded when processing the next. This helps to reduce the time spent running simulations for parameters that are unlikely to produce good results for you.

We could add the following method to the MyStatistics class:

public static class MyStatistics {

    public Set<String> getParametersToSkip() {
        Set<String> badParameters = new HashSet<>();
        //identify bad parameters based on the statistics collected
        //return the result of the .toString() of all parameters to discard  
        return badParameters;

With that ready, we can configure the optimizer with:


Executing the optimizer.

With the statistics collection process ready, we can run the optimizer with any number of parameters:


... and it should do its thing, FAST.

Again, indicators that keep their parameters constant on each simulation run will be reused in groups, and each group will run on its own thread. The group size and number of threads can be configured with:

optimizer.configure().threads(threads); //limit of threads to use
optimizer.configure().groupSizePerThread(groupSize); //defaults to 16