GET /api/integration/nbevents
Unsupported. The suggestions can be retrieved only by source and target or via direct link, see the single entry and search method below.
** GET /api/integration/nbevents/<:nbevent-id>
Return a single suggestion:
"originalId": "",
"title":"Index nominum et rerum",
"eventDate": "2020/10/09 10:11 UTC",
"status": "PENDING",
"message" : {
"abstracts":"Abstract Complex functionality of the ...",
"title":"Elliptic Pdes and Symmetry of Interfaces and Layers for Odd Nonlinearities"
type: "nbevent"
- the id attribute is the event primary key
- the originalId attribute is the oai identifier of the target publication
- the title attribute is the title of the publication as provided by openAIRE
- the trust attribute is the level of accuracy of the suggestion
- the status attribute is one of (ACCEPTED, REJECTED, DISCARDED, PENDING)
- the eventDate attribute is the timestamp of the event reception
- the message attribute is a json object which structure depends on the topic of the event. When the "topic" type is
with the type of persistent identifier (doi, pmid, etc.) andmessage.value
with the corresponding value - ENRICH/MISSING/ABSTRACT: fills
with the actual keywords, the subject classification is defined by the last part of the topic (ACM, JEL, DDC, etc.) - ENRICH/MISSING/PROJECT: fills
Exposed links:
- topic: link to the topic to which the event belong to
- target: link to the item that represent the targe to whom the suggestion apply
- related: link to a second item that is involved in the nb events (i.e. the project item)
Status codes:
- 200 Ok - if the operation succeed
- 401 Unauthorized - if you are not authenticated
- 403 Forbidden - if you are not logged as an administrator
- 404 Not found - if no nb event exists with such id
It returns the list of nb events from a specific topic
The supported parameters are:
- page, size see pagination
- topic: mandatory, the key associated with the requested topic
Return codes:
- 200 OK - if the operation succeed
- 400 Bad Request - if the topic parameter is missing or invalid
Provide paginated list of the nb events available.
PATCH /api/integration/nbevents/<:nbevent-id>
This method allow users to Accept, Reject or Discard a nb event. The PATCH body must follow the JSON PATCH specification
"op": "replace",
"path": "/status",
As response, the modified nb event will be returned.
POST /api/integration/nbevents/<:nbevent-id>/related?item=<:item-uri>
Return codes:
- 201 Created - if the operation succeed
- 400 Bad Request - if the nb event doesn't allow a related item (i.e. it is not related to a */PROJECT topic)
- 401 Unauthorized - if you are not authenticated
- 403 Forbidden - if you are not logged as an administrator
- 404 Not found - if no nb event exists with such id
DELETE /api/integration/nbevents/<:nbevent-id>/related
Only the association between the nb event and the related item id deleted. The related item stays untouched
Return codes:
- 204 No content - if the delete succeeded (including the case of no-op if the nb event didn't contain a related item)
- 400 Bad Request - if the nb event doesn't allow a related item (i.e. it is not related to a */PROJECT topic)
- 401 Unauthorized - if you are not authenticated
- 403 Forbidden - if you are not logged as an administrator
- 404 Not found - if no nb event exists with such id
Replacing a related item will require deleting the related association and creating a new association hereafter