Greetings, web developers! As we near the end of the semester, it's time to put your knowledge and skills in action to build a real-life product. The guidelines for this project are intentionally loose to allow you a lot of flexibility to build something interesting and useful:
- Must have some server-side functionality written in Node.js
- Must have a clear data model
- Must support create, read, update, and delete operations
- Must be a new application (cannot be something you wrote prior to this class)
That's about it for requirements, but chances are your app will require more features. You may want to optionally include the following:
- Persistent storage (using a database)
- Search/querying
- User authentication
- Social media integration
- Client-side UI frameworks (Angular, React, Ember, etc.)
The Resources file contains links to several resources that may be helpful when building your application.
The due date for the final project is midnight, December 16. Please prioritize so that your application contains all of the critical features by that time, and work on the optional functionality after the core ones are completed.