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Releases: unitaryfund/mitiq


01 Feb 15:43
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Version 0.23.0

The main improvements introduced in this release are:

  • A significant refactoring of the Mitiq calibration module. We generalized the Settings
    object, which is now able to generate a more general list of BenchmarkProblem objects (wrapping circuits and ideal results) and a list of Strategy objects
    representing the error mitigation strategies to compare. We also improved how the optimal Strategy is determined. Specifically, we now average over BenchmarkProblems to reduce fluctuations and spurious results.
    We remark that the mitiq.calibration module is very new and quickly evolving. Therefore further significant breaking changes are likely to happen in future releases.

  • A non-trivial refactoring of the REM module. We changed the underlying workflow of the technique which is now applied directly to executors, instead of applying REM during the evaluation of expectation values. Expectation values can still be mitigated as usual with execute_with_rem but mitigated executors can now return raw MeasurementResult objects (bitstrings).

  • We also significantly extended the REM documentation with new and informative sections. Special thanks to @amirebrahimi and @nickdgardner for their high-quality and useful contributions!

  • We now have 2 tutorials focused on digital dynamical decoupling (DDD)---one for Cirq and one for Qiskit---both showing an improvement for a theoretical highly-correlated noise model. Moreover, the Qiskit tutorial on DDD is a useful starting point for testing the technique on real hardware.

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31 Jan 16:48
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In this release we focused on improving our documentation with three new examples, new REM docs, and navigation improvements, along with some bug fixes. This release also adds a new module calibration which allows one to run a series of experiments to see what error mitigation parameters will work best for their particular setup. This feature is still under active development.

Many thanks to @amirebrahimi for his continued work on making readout error mitigation available, and usable in Mitiq.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to Mitiq this year! It's been a great time for error mitigation, and we look forward to continuing to grow Mitiq in the new year! Happy holidays! 🎄🎉🎊

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30 Nov 20:17
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This release officially adds support for the learning-based PEC sub-technique which is now fully documented and ready to be applied by Mitiq users. We are still assessing the stability of this new sub-technique, so if you notice any bugs, please let us know by opening issues on GitHub.

Functions to apply Readout Error Mitigation (REM) are also introduced in this release, special thanks to Amir Ebrahimi for this contribution!

Also, the noise scaling by identity insertion method is included in the ZNE section of the user guide. Special thanks to Purva Thakre for this contribution!

During the release cycle we accepted the RFC for implementation of calibration tools (Solution 1). We also completed a prototype of this approach, which will be released in a future version of Mitiq.

In addition, this release adds support for qubit-independent representations for PEC, along with bug fixes and minor dependency upgrades.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.20.0...v0.21.0


31 Oct 22:35
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This milestone focused on updating our support for numpy (1.23), adding a tutorial demonstrating the learning-based PEC workflow, and scoping out what device/noise calibration might look like as part of Mitiq. Additionally identity insertion has been added as a noise-scaling technique available for mitigation protocols such as zero-noise extrapolation. Expect more documentation of this feature in future releases. Big thanks to @purva-thakre for getting this in Mitiq!

There are also some minor bug fixes, documentation updates, and a new example contributed by @nickdgardner as well!

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03 Oct 21:16
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Version 0.19.0


With this release Mitiq supports most recent versions of Python: 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10!
We drop support for Python 3.7.

Mitiq is now compatible with Numpy 1.21.6. Different versions of NumPy may not work properly.

Another important update is the addition of new tools for applying learning-based PEC!
This release introduces a function for learning depolarizing noise representations from Clifford circuit data.
Read more in our updated API-doc.

Special thanks to the external contributors @yitchen-tim, @amirebrahimi and @isaac-gs!

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06 Sep 17:29
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This release cycle focused on review and approval of two RFCs, one for Readout Error Mitigation (REM) #1387 and one for Identity insertion noise scaling #335 (not listed as PRs). It also includes bug fixes and minor dependency upgrades.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.17.1...v0.18.0

Release v0.17.1

09 Aug 18:32
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Version 0.17.1


This patch release includes support for the latest versions of Qiskit (0.37.1), Cirq (1.0.0), and Pyquil (3.2.1), along with other minor dependency upgrades and bug fixes.

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Release v0.17.0

06 Jul 23:20
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Version 0.17.0 (July 6th, 2022)


This release includes contributions from UnitaryHACK 2022! 🎉 We had 3 merged pull requests, and a fourth is looking to be merged in the next milestone. Along with the great contributions from hackers, this release focused on expanding our ZNE examples to other frontends (Cirq, Braket, and Pennylane), building out learning-based PEC, and improving our benchmarking infrastructure.

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Release v0.16.0

03 Jun 19:56
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Version 0.16.0 (June 3rd, 2022)


This release officially adds support for the digital dynamical decoupling (DDD) technique which is now fully documented and so ready to be applied by Mitiq users. This is still very new technique and so, if you notice any bugs, please let us know by
opening issues on GihHub.
A further notable addition is the function generate_quantum_volume_circuit() by @nickdgardner, extending the Mitiq benchmarking module with quantum volume

Congratulations to the new member of the Mitiq team @natestemen and special thanks to the external contributors @Aaron-Robertson, @nickdgardner, @ZhaoyiLi-HekJukZaaiZyuJan and @amirebrahimi!

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Release v0.15.0

29 Apr 19:03
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Version 0.15.0 (April 29th, 2022)


This milestone focused on updating dependencies and making progress on two new features, dynamical decoupling and learning based PEC. For dynamical decoupling, high-level functions and rules were added. For learning-based PEC, a function calculating representations with a biased (combination of depolarizing and dephasing) noise model was added. Several high priority bugs and issues were also fixed.

Special thanks to new contributors @RubidgeCarrie and @nickdgardner for their contributions to this release!

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