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UniteJS Web site

The development infrastructure for this web site was generated using the UniteJS CLI tool.

The commands to set it up were as follows:

unite configure --packageName=unitejs-web --title="UniteJS" --sourceLanguage=TypeScript --moduleType=AMD --bundler=RequireJS --unitTestRunner=Karma --unitTestFramework=Jasmine --unitTestEngine=ChromeHeadless --e2eTestRunner=Protractor --e2eTestFramework=Jasmine --linter=TSLint --license=MIT --packageManager=Yarn --cssPre=Sass --cssPost=PostCss --appFramework=Aurelia

At this stage we could do

* gulp build
* gulp theme-build
* gulp unit
* gulp e2e

Client Packages

We wanted to use Bootstrap, FontAwesome, Bluebird (for IE compatability) and PrismJS for syntax highlighting so we issued the following UniteJS commnds:

unite clientPackage --operation=add --packageName=bootstrap --version=4.1.3 --noScript

unite clientPackage --operation=add --packageName=font-awesome --assets=fonts/**/*

unite clientPackage --operation=add --packageName=bluebird --main=/js/browser/bluebird.js --mainMinified=/js/browser/bluebird.min.js --includeMode=app --scriptIncludeMode=both

unite clientPackage --operation=add --packageName=prismjs --assets=components/prism-javascript.min.js,components/prism-typescript.min.js,components/prism-json.min.js,components/prism-nix.min.js

Then to main.scss we added

@import "node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss";
$fa-font-path: "../node_modules/font-awesome/fonts/";
@import "node_modules/font-awesome/scss/font-awesome.scss";

Production Release

To create the production release we did the following

gulp build --buildConfiguration=prod
gulp platform-web-package --buildConfiguration=prod

and that is the content you see pushed to the repository.