- To be useable and clearly understand what functions do
- to enable ad-hoc adjustments and bulk fixes
- to build other functionality and integrations
- To try to automate The Unjournal's production process
Mainly building the 'evaluation packages'
Also to build metadata files for RePEc
Enable other feeds and updates (e.g., evaluation data reporting)
Coda task: Work w/ PubPub API
See subtasks within
pypubpub: the actual code adapting the api to do operations
tests: trying it out
Moved to https://github.com/daaronr/unjournalpubpub_production -- production_work: actual work for real on the pubpub V6 content. Keeping track of what was done
repec_rdfs: rdf files created to add to repec (but how did we create them again?)
notebooks: Work from Google collab
Need quotes around paper title (fancy -- replace quotation marks in title with single quotes)
Need to be able to specify multiple authors
- for evaluation summary this is evaluator 1, evaluator 2, ..., eval. manager 1 (eval. manager 2)
- title should include the evaluation number... 'evaluation 1 of [papertitle]'
- connection ... it should also be listed as 'review of the ' [original research]