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Equality Members Generation

Equality Members generation snippet

Quick Start

  1. Add a reference to the Uno.CodeGen Nuget package in your project. NuGet

  2. Create a new POCO class with the [GeneratedEquality] attribute

    [GeneratedEquality] // Uno.Equality.GeneratedEqualityAttribute
    public partial class MyEntity
        public string Id { get; }
        public string A { get; }
        public string B { get; }
        public string C { get; }
  3. Compile (the generation process occurs at compile time).

  4. It will generate the following public methods for you:

    partial class MyEntity : IEquatable<MyEntity>, IKeyEquatable<MyEntity>
        // Global static helper for equality
        public static bool Equals(MyEntity a, MyEntity b)
        { ... }
        // IEquatable.Equals() implementation
        public bool Equals(MyEntity other)
        { ... }
        // override for object.Equals()
        public override bool Equals(MyEntity other)
            => Equals(other as MyEntity);
        // override for object.GetHashCode()
        public override int GetHashCode()
        { ... }
        // IKeyEquatable.KeyEquals() implementation
        public bool KeyEquals(MyEntity other)
        { ... }
        // IKeyEquatable.GetKeyHashCode() implementation
        public int GetKeyHashCode()
        { ... }
        // `==` Operator overload
        public static bool operator ==(MyEntity a, MyEntity b)
        { ... }
        // `!=` Operator overload
        public static bool operator !=(MyEntity a, MyEntity b)
        { ... }
  5. Use it in your code

    var e1_1 = new MyEntity {Id ="1", A="a", B="b", C="c"};
    var e1_2 = new MyEntity {Id ="1", A="a", B="b", C="c2"};
    var e1_3 = new MyEntity {Id ="1", A="a", B="b2", C="c2"};
    var e1_4 = new MyEntity {Id ="1", A="a2", B="b2", C="c2"};
    var e2 = new MyEntity {Id ="2", A="a2", B="b2", C="c2"};
    // All following asserts will pass:
    Assert.AreEquals(e1_1.GetHashCode(), e1_2.GetHashCode());
    Assert.AreEquals(e1_1.GetHashCode(), e1_3.GetHashCode());
    Assert.AreNotEquals(e1_1.GetHashCode(), e1_4.GetHashCode());
    Assert.AreNotEquals(e1_1.GetHashCode(), e2.GetHashCode());
    Assert.AreEquals(e1_1.GetKeyHashCode(), e1_2.GetKeyHashCode());
    Assert.AreEquals(e1_1.GetKeyHashCode(), e1_3.GetKeyHashCode());
    Assert.AreNotEquals(e1_1.GetHashCode(), e2.GetHashCode());

KeyEquality? What is that?

It's simply a concept created by nventive to determine if the key of two entities are the same.

Suppose you have 2 versions of the same entity, an original version and an updated version after a change. The two won't be equals because they are representing different values, but they should be key equals because they have the same key (representing the same thing, just different versions of it).

How it works

  1. The class needs to be partial - because generated code will augment it. If you want, you can sneak to generated code by checking in the following folder of your project: obj/<target>/<platform>/g/EqualityGenerator. Each class will have its own file there.
  2. Restrictions:
    • Only read-only fields/properties should be used A warning will be generated when using mutable fields.
    • Nested classes not supported, the class must be directly in its namespace for the generation to happen.
  3. KeyEquality: The Key Equality is a feature to compare entities for the equality of their key(s). The main usage of this equality is to compare if different instances represent the same entity, even if they are a different version of it (let's say an updated version coming from the server, having the same unique key... instances will be key equals but not equals).
    • To activate KeyEquality, you need to have at least one field or property marked as Equality Key, or to derive from a type implementing it.

    • When activated, this feature will generate:

      • The class that implements the IKeyEquatable<T> interface
      • The .GetKeyHashCode() & .KeyEquals() methods


    • You can put the [EqualityKey] attribute on more than one field/property.

  4. HashCodes: Hash Codes are used to quickly differentiate/categorize the object.
    • Computing hash codes should be very quick.
    • For equivalent instances, the computed hash code MUST PRODUCE THE SAME RESULT.
    • Hash Codes can't change over time for the same instance (object). For this reason the computed result will be cached.
    • The hash code will be computed from all fields/properties tagged with [EqualityHash] and those tagged with [EqualityKey]. The same logic will apply for key equality, but will only use those tagged with the [EqualityKey] attribute.
    • IMPORTANT: Tagging a collection (ex: a List or an Array or any type implementing ICollection) with the [EqualityHash] attribute will only use the .Count value for calculating the hash code.
    • If nothing could be used to calculate the hash, the result will be hard-coded to zero (0).
  5. Operator overloading:
    • Overloading of operations will be automatic, you have nothing to do to enable it.
    • There is no operator overloading (==/!=) for Key Equality.
  6. Can be used on either a value type (struct) or a reference type (class). When used with a class, a reference equality will be done.
  7. If your code defines any of the generated methods, it will prevent the generator from generating this method. (actually, it will be generated, but the code will be commented-out, so you'll be able to sneak at it).
  8. The comparer for a field can be overriden by specifying a private static read-only property named <Field/Property name> + "_CustomComparer" and of type IEqualityComparer
  9. For string, a StringComparer.Ordinal will be used by default. If you need a different one you can specify a custom equality comparer.

Equality Rules

For processing equality, the generation will generate many comparisons, in this order:

  1. If the type of the field/property is a collection (and not a string):
    1. A reference equality comparison will be done. If equals, it will return true. If one of them is null, it will return false. If both are null, it will return true since they are reference equal.
    2. The .Count will be compared (return false if Count is different)
    3. Each item of the collection will be compared by reapplying those rules.
  2. Custom Equality Comparer: If there's a Private, Static & Read-only property with the name <Field/Propertyname>_CustomComparer of type IEqualityComparer, it will be used to compare the value. Example:
    public partial class Person
        public string Name { get; }
        // Default comparer for `Name` property
        // Tip: You can create another .cs file to keep your entity "clean"
        private static IEqualityComparer Name_CustomComparer { get; } = StringComparer.Ordinal;
  3. If the type of the field/property is a string, StringComparer.InvariantCulture will be used.
  4. The values will be compared using EqualityComparer<T>.Default.

The generation logic for fields/properties in the class, using a first-match rule...

  • For .Equals():
    1. If the tagged with [EqualityIgnore] attribute, won't be used in .Equals()
    2. All non-collection fields/properties will be evaluated first.
    3. The .Count of all collections will be checked before starting to enumerate them.
  • For .KeyEquals:
    1. If not tagged with [EqualityKey] attribute, won't be used in .KeyEquals()
    2. Rules for .Equals() will apply.
  • For .GetHashCode:
    1. Take all [EqualityHash] & [EqualityKey] fields/properties.
    2. If any of the type are a collection, only the .Count will be used to calculate a hash.
  • For .GetKeyHashCode:
    1. Same as .GetHashCode, except only on [EqualityKey] attributes.


Attribute Where Usage
[GeneratedEquality] class or struct Use to trigger the code generation
[EqualityIgnore] field or property Remove a value from equality comparison
[EqualityKey] field or property Indicate values to use for key comparison**
[EqualityHash] field or property Indicate values to use for hash computation

About [EqualityKey] attribute:

  • Some field/property names could implicitly become key equality member
  • Members with [EqualityKey] (explicit or implicit) will also be considered as [EqualityHash].
  • Using the [Key] attribute from Data Annotations will produce the same behavior.

Important Considerations

  • Never rely on Hash Code for persistence: the computed result could be different when the application will be restarted. Hash codes should never survive to the killing of the process.

  • Remember: Computing hash codes should be quick. It is better to have a quick computed value than a completely unique value. Colision should be avoided, but never as a result of a big computation. That's why only the length is used by default for collections.

  • For best results, your class should be immutable. For this, you can use the [GeneratedImmutable] attribute. There is an optional parameter on this attribute to automatically generate equality members.

    Example: [GeneratedImmutable(GenerateEquality = true)]


    Why am I getting the warning CS0282?

    The complete warning message is :

    warning CS0282: There is no defined ordering between fields in multiple declarations of partial struct '<mystruct>'. To specify an ordering, all instance fields must be in the same declaration.

    You have this warning because the generator is using partial declarations for a struct. If the layout is not important for your structs (mostly used for native interop), you can mute this warning in your project.

    You can also consider replacing the struct by a class.

    Are equality generation automatic for generated immutables?

    Yes they are by default. If you want to change this behavior, use the global [ImmutableGenerationOptions] attribute. Example:

    [assembly: Uno.ImmutableGenerationOptions(GenerateEqualityByDefault = true)]

    You can also override this default by specifying per-type:

    [GeneratedImmutable(GenerateEquality = false)]
    public class MyImmutable

    GOOD TO KNOW: The [GenerateEquality] attribute is inheritable. It means any inherited class will be generated too, even if they are defined in another assembly. (Assuming the Uno.CodeGen package is used, obviously)