- Send Message to a Batch of Rooms API
- Workdiary::get was replaced with Workdiary::getByCompany (breaking!)
- Milestones::delete was replaced with Milestones::deleteMilestone (breaking!)
- Migrate tests
- Bug fixes
- Stop supporting some Reports API according to announce from Thursday, 2018-06-28
- Add Room Messages API
- Add Specialties API
- Add Skills V2 API
- Fixed non-working getByContract from Workdays API
- Stop supporting deprecated Teamrooms API
- Migrate Workdiaries, Workdays and Snapshots API to v3
- fix a typo in the README
- Readline ignores \n - add space between authorization URL and the second part of the promt
- Applications API has moved from v3 to v4
- Fixed a typo in Send a Message to a Room API
- Bug fixes in Messages and Submissions API
- Added Messages API (new)
- Message API (V1) is now fully depricated
- Add optional parameter to support pagination in getTrayByType
- Get Categories (V1) is now fully depricated
- Added new Activities API - Assign to specific engagement the list of activities
- Added new Workdays API - Get Workdays by Comppany
- Added new Workdays API - Get Workdays by Contract
- welcome to Upwork!
- Added new Snapshot API - Get Snapshot by Contract
- Added new Snapshot API - Update Snapshot memo by Contract
- Added new Snapshot API - Delete Snapshot by Contract
- Added new Offer API - Accept or decline an offer
- Added new Metadata API - List categories (v2)
- Added new Workdiary API - Get Work Diary by Contract
- Added new Milestone API - Get Active Milestone for specific Contract
- Added new Milestone API - Get all Submissions for specific Milestone
- Added new Milestone API - Create a new Milestone
- Added new Milestone API - Edit the Milestone
- Added new Milestone API - Approve the Milestone
- Added new Milestone API - Activate the Milestone
- Added new Milestone API - Delete the Milestone
- Added new Submission API - Submit for Approval
- Added new Submission API - Approve the Submission
- Added new Submission API - Reject the Submission
- a release for packagist (composer)
- Added new call for Referenced User API
- Added new API - Suspend Contract
- Added new API - Resume Contract
- Un/archive Activities start supporting a list of codes
- Update OAuthPHPLib auth layer to support its usage in web example without need to modify example dirrectly, i.e. unify response of $client->getRequestToken()
- Fixed a typo in MC API for contexts
- Deprecated Get Full List in oTasks API
- Deprecated Delete Codes in oTasks API
- Deprecated company's level in oTasks API
- Added new API - Get MC Thread by Context
- Added new API - Get Last Posts by Context
- Fixed Assign engagements to the list of activities
- Added archive/unarchive oTasks API
- Added Get Codes by Activity for oTasks
- Deprecated Get Codes for specific user in oTasks API
- Fixed Client Job Applications API
- Code cleanup - drop unsupported API
- Fixed Snapshot API
- Fixed terminology: Otasks renamed to Activites
- Added PHPUnit tests
- Some wording changes
- Added oTasks API
- Fixed Workdiary API
- Fixed Teams API
- Added an example, based on php-oauth client library
- Added Snapshot API
- Added Team API
- Added Workdiary API
- Added Search Jobs and Providers API
- Added get Provider Profile and get Job Profile API
- Added Metadata API
- Added Organization API
- Added all Hiring API
- Added support of all MC API
- Added Custom Payments API
- Added Financial Reporting
- Added Time Reports
- LICENSE file added
- Fixes in README
- Initial release, working library that provides access to a few common API (Get My Info, Get MC Trays, Post/Reply a Message)