diff --git a/poetry.lock b/poetry.lock index e2a68f25a..3784be44c 100644 --- a/poetry.lock +++ b/poetry.lock @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ -# This file is automatically @generated by Poetry and should not be changed by hand. +# This file is automatically @generated by Poetry 1.5.1 and should not be changed by hand. [[package]] name = "alabaster" version = "0.7.13" description = "A configurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx theme" -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" files = [ @@ -16,7 +15,6 @@ files = [ name = "attrs" version = "22.2.0" description = "Classes Without Boilerplate" -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" files = [ @@ -35,7 +33,6 @@ tests-no-zope = ["cloudpickle", "cloudpickle", "hypothesis", "hypothesis", "mypy name = "babel" version = "2.11.0" description = "Internationalization utilities" -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" files = [ @@ -50,7 +47,6 @@ pytz = ">=2015.7" name = "black" version = "22.12.0" description = "The uncompromising code formatter." -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -85,21 +81,19 @@ uvloop = ["uvloop (>=0.15.2)"] [[package]] name = "certifi" -version = "2022.12.7" +version = "2023.7.22" description = "Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle." -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" files = [ - {file = "certifi-2022.12.7-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:4ad3232f5e926d6718ec31cfc1fcadfde020920e278684144551c91769c7bc18"}, - {file = "certifi-2022.12.7.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:35824b4c3a97115964b408844d64aa14db1cc518f6562e8d7261699d1350a9e3"}, + {file = "certifi-2023.7.22-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:92d6037539857d8206b8f6ae472e8b77db8058fec5937a1ef3f54304089edbb9"}, + {file = "certifi-2023.7.22.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:539cc1d13202e33ca466e88b2807e29f4c13049d6d87031a3c110744495cb082"}, ] [[package]] name = "cfgv" version = "3.3.1" description = "Validate configuration and produce human readable error messages." -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6.1" files = [ @@ -111,7 +105,6 @@ files = [ name = "charset-normalizer" version = "3.0.1" description = "The Real First Universal Charset Detector. Open, modern and actively maintained alternative to Chardet." -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = "*" files = [ @@ -209,7 +202,6 @@ files = [ name = "click" version = "8.1.3" description = "Composable command line interface toolkit" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -225,7 +217,6 @@ importlib-metadata = {version = "*", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\""} name = "colorama" version = "0.4.6" description = "Cross-platform colored terminal text." -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = "!=3.0.*,!=3.1.*,!=3.2.*,!=3.3.*,!=3.4.*,!=3.5.*,!=3.6.*,>=2.7" files = [ @@ -237,7 +228,6 @@ files = [ name = "cycler" version = "0.11.0" description = "Composable style cycles" -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" files = [ @@ -249,7 +239,6 @@ files = [ name = "distlib" version = "0.3.6" description = "Distribution utilities" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" files = [ @@ -261,7 +250,6 @@ files = [ name = "docutils" version = "0.19" description = "Docutils -- Python Documentation Utilities" -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -273,7 +261,6 @@ files = [ name = "docutils-stubs" version = "0.0.22" description = "PEP 561 type stubs for docutils" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.5" files = [ @@ -288,7 +275,6 @@ docutils = ">=0.14" name = "exceptiongroup" version = "1.1.0" description = "Backport of PEP 654 (exception groups)" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -303,7 +289,6 @@ test = ["pytest (>=6)"] name = "execnet" version = "1.9.0" description = "execnet: rapid multi-Python deployment" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*" files = [ @@ -318,7 +303,6 @@ testing = ["pre-commit"] name = "filelock" version = "3.9.0" description = "A platform independent file lock." -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -334,7 +318,6 @@ testing = ["covdefaults (>=2.2.2)", "coverage (>=7.0.1)", "pytest (>=7.2)", "pyt name = "fonttools" version = "4.38.0" description = "Tools to manipulate font files" -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -360,7 +343,6 @@ woff = ["brotli (>=1.0.1)", "brotlicffi (>=0.8.0)", "zopfli (>=0.1.4)"] name = "identify" version = "2.5.18" description = "File identification library for Python" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -375,7 +357,6 @@ license = ["ukkonen"] name = "idna" version = "3.4" description = "Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)" -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.5" files = [ @@ -387,7 +368,6 @@ files = [ name = "imagesize" version = "1.4.1" description = "Getting image size from png/jpeg/jpeg2000/gif file" -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*" files = [ @@ -399,7 +379,6 @@ files = [ name = "importlib-metadata" version = "6.0.0" description = "Read metadata from Python packages" -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -420,7 +399,6 @@ testing = ["flake8 (<5)", "flufl.flake8", "importlib-resources (>=1.3)", "packag name = "importlib-resources" version = "5.10.2" description = "Read resources from Python packages" -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -439,7 +417,6 @@ testing = ["flake8 (<5)", "pytest (>=6)", "pytest-black (>=0.3.7)", "pytest-chec name = "iniconfig" version = "2.0.0" description = "brain-dead simple config-ini parsing" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -451,7 +428,6 @@ files = [ name = "isort" version = "5.11.5" description = "A Python utility / library to sort Python imports." -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7.0" files = [ @@ -469,7 +445,6 @@ requirements-deprecated-finder = ["pip-api", "pipreqs"] name = "jinja2" version = "3.1.2" description = "A very fast and expressive template engine." -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -487,7 +462,6 @@ i18n = ["Babel (>=2.7)"] name = "jsonschema" version = "4.17.3" description = "An implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python" -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -511,7 +485,6 @@ format-nongpl = ["fqdn", "idna", "isoduration", "jsonpointer (>1.13)", "rfc3339- name = "kiwisolver" version = "1.4.4" description = "A fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver" -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -592,7 +565,6 @@ typing-extensions = {version = "*", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\""} name = "lxml" version = "4.9.2" description = "Powerful and Pythonic XML processing library combining libxml2/libxslt with the ElementTree API." -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, != 3.4.*" files = [ @@ -685,7 +657,6 @@ source = ["Cython (>=0.29.7)"] name = "markdown-it-py" version = "2.2.0" description = "Python port of markdown-it. Markdown parsing, done right!" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -711,7 +682,6 @@ testing = ["coverage", "pytest", "pytest-cov", "pytest-regressions"] name = "markupsafe" version = "2.1.2" description = "Safely add untrusted strings to HTML/XML markup." -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -771,7 +741,6 @@ files = [ name = "matplotlib" version = "3.5.3" description = "Python plotting package" -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -826,7 +795,6 @@ python-dateutil = ">=2.7" name = "mdurl" version = "0.1.2" description = "Markdown URL utilities" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -838,7 +806,6 @@ files = [ name = "memray" version = "1.6.0" description = "A memory profiler for Python applications" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7.0" files = [ @@ -879,7 +846,6 @@ test = ["Cython", "greenlet", "ipython", "pytest", "pytest-cov"] name = "mypy" version = "0.991" description = "Optional static typing for Python" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -931,7 +897,6 @@ reports = ["lxml"] name = "mypy-extensions" version = "1.0.0" description = "Type system extensions for programs checked with the mypy type checker." -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.5" files = [ @@ -943,7 +908,6 @@ files = [ name = "nodeenv" version = "1.7.0" description = "Node.js virtual environment builder" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=2.7,!=3.0.*,!=3.1.*,!=3.2.*,!=3.3.*,!=3.4.*,!=3.5.*,!=3.6.*" files = [ @@ -958,7 +922,6 @@ setuptools = "*" name = "numpy" version = "1.21.1" description = "NumPy is the fundamental package for array computing with Python." -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -996,7 +959,6 @@ files = [ name = "packaging" version = "23.0" description = "Core utilities for Python packages" -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -1008,7 +970,6 @@ files = [ name = "pathspec" version = "0.11.0" description = "Utility library for gitignore style pattern matching of file paths." -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -1020,7 +981,6 @@ files = [ name = "pillow" version = "9.4.0" description = "Python Imaging Library (Fork)" -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -1111,7 +1071,6 @@ tests = ["check-manifest", "coverage", "defusedxml", "markdown2", "olefile", "pa name = "pkgutil-resolve-name" version = "1.3.10" description = "Resolve a name to an object." -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" files = [ @@ -1123,7 +1082,6 @@ files = [ name = "platformdirs" version = "3.0.0" description = "A small Python package for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs, e.g. a \"user data dir\"." -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -1142,7 +1100,6 @@ test = ["appdirs (==1.4.4)", "covdefaults (>=2.2.2)", "pytest (>=7.2.1)", "pytes name = "pluggy" version = "1.0.0" description = "plugin and hook calling mechanisms for python" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" files = [ @@ -1161,7 +1118,6 @@ testing = ["pytest", "pytest-benchmark"] name = "pre-commit" version = "2.21.0" description = "A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks." -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -1181,7 +1137,6 @@ virtualenv = ">=20.10.0" name = "py-cpuinfo" version = "9.0.0" description = "Get CPU info with pure Python" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" files = [ @@ -1189,64 +1144,10 @@ files = [ {file = "py_cpuinfo-9.0.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:859625bc251f64e21f077d099d4162689c762b5d6a4c3c97553d56241c9674d5"}, ] -[[package]] -name = "pydantic" -version = "1.10.5" -description = "Data validation and settings management using python type hints" -category = "dev" -optional = true -python-versions = ">=3.7" -files = [ - 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{file = "pydantic-1.10.5.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:9e337ac83686645a46db0e825acceea8e02fca4062483f40e9ae178e8bd1103a"}, -] - -[package.dependencies] -typing-extensions = ">=4.2.0" - -[package.extras] -dotenv = ["python-dotenv (>=0.10.4)"] -email = ["email-validator (>=1.0.3)"] - [[package]] name = "pygments" version = "2.14.0" description = "Pygments is a syntax highlighting package written in Python." -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" files = [ @@ -1261,7 +1162,6 @@ plugins = ["importlib-metadata"] name = "pyparsing" version = "3.0.9" description = "pyparsing module - Classes and methods to define and execute parsing grammars" -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6.8" files = [ @@ -1276,7 +1176,6 @@ diagrams = ["jinja2", "railroad-diagrams"] name = "pyrsistent" version = "0.19.3" description = "Persistent/Functional/Immutable data structures" -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -1313,7 +1212,6 @@ files = [ name = "pytest" version = "7.2.1" description = "pytest: simple powerful testing with Python" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -1338,7 +1236,6 @@ testing = ["argcomplete", "hypothesis (>=3.56)", "mock", "nose", "pygments (>=2. name = "pytest-benchmark" version = "4.0.0" description = "A ``pytest`` fixture for benchmarking code. It will group the tests into rounds that are calibrated to the chosen timer." -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -1359,7 +1256,6 @@ histogram = ["pygal", "pygaljs"] name = "pytest-xdist" version = "3.2.0" description = "pytest xdist plugin for distributed testing, most importantly across multiple CPUs" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -1380,7 +1276,6 @@ testing = ["filelock"] name = "python-dateutil" version = "2.8.2" description = "Extensions to the standard Python datetime module" -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = "!=3.0.*,!=3.1.*,!=3.2.*,>=2.7" files = [ @@ -1395,7 +1290,6 @@ six = ">=1.5" name = "pytz" version = "2022.7.1" description = "World timezone definitions, modern and historical" -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = "*" files = [ @@ -1407,7 +1301,6 @@ files = [ name = "pyyaml" version = "6.0" description = "YAML parser and emitter for Python" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" files = [ @@ -1457,7 +1350,6 @@ files = [ name = "requests" version = "2.28.2" description = "Python HTTP for Humans." -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7, <4" files = [ @@ -1479,7 +1371,6 @@ use-chardet-on-py3 = ["chardet (>=3.0.2,<6)"] name = "requests-file" version = "1.5.1" description = "File transport adapter for Requests" -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = "*" files = [ @@ -1495,7 +1386,6 @@ six = "*" name = "requests-mock" version = "1.10.0" description = "Mock out responses from the requests package" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" files = [ @@ -1515,7 +1405,6 @@ test = ["fixtures", "mock", "purl", "pytest", "requests-futures", "sphinx", "tes name = "responses" version = "0.22.0" description = "A utility library for mocking out the `requests` Python library." -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -1537,7 +1426,6 @@ tests = ["coverage (>=6.0.0)", "flake8", "mypy", "pytest (>=7.0.0)", "pytest-asy name = "rich" version = "13.3.1" description = "Render rich text, tables, progress bars, syntax highlighting, markdown and more to the terminal" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7.0" files = [ @@ -1557,7 +1445,6 @@ jupyter = ["ipywidgets (>=7.5.1,<9)"] name = "setuptools" version = "67.3.2" description = "Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -1574,7 +1461,6 @@ testing-integration = ["build[virtualenv]", "filelock (>=3.4.0)", "jaraco.envs ( name = "six" version = "1.16.0" description = "Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities" -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*" files = [ @@ -1586,7 +1472,6 @@ files = [ name = "snowballstemmer" version = "2.2.0" description = "This package provides 29 stemmers for 28 languages generated from Snowball algorithms." -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = "*" files = [ @@ -1598,7 +1483,6 @@ files = [ name = "sphinx" version = "5.3.0" description = "Python documentation generator" -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" files = [ @@ -1634,7 +1518,6 @@ test = ["cython", "html5lib", "pytest (>=4.6)", "typed_ast"] name = "sphinx-data-viewer" version = "0.1.2" description = "Sphinx extension to show dta in an interacitve list view" -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6,<4.0" files = [ @@ -1644,35 +1527,10 @@ files = [ [package.extras] docs = ["sphinx (>=4,<5)"] -[[package]] -name = "sphinx-immaterial" -version = "0.7.3" -description = "Adaptation of mkdocs-material theme for the Sphinx documentation system" -category = "dev" -optional = true -python-versions = ">=3.7" -files = [ - {file = "sphinx_immaterial-0.7.3-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:674440fc4eb39aaa4ec9c098fd09b7cd696754438e93ddd539d19828bab0f509"}, - {file = "sphinx_immaterial-0.7.3.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:098e1069494fea1482601c33d6a124eff023d19b1616fdb6c46b482177f3e7b7"}, -] - -[package.dependencies] -markupsafe = "*" -pydantic = "*" -sphinx = ">=4.0" -typing-extensions = "*" - -[package.extras] -clang-format = ["clang-format"] -json = ["pyyaml"] -jsonschema-validation = ["jsonschema"] -keys = ["pymdown-extensions"] - [[package]] name = "sphinxcontrib-applehelp" version = "1.0.2" description = "sphinxcontrib-applehelp is a sphinx extension which outputs Apple help books" -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.5" files = [ @@ -1688,7 +1546,6 @@ test = ["pytest"] name = "sphinxcontrib-devhelp" version = "1.0.2" description = "sphinxcontrib-devhelp is a sphinx extension which outputs Devhelp document." -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.5" files = [ @@ -1704,7 +1561,6 @@ test = ["pytest"] name = "sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp" version = "2.0.0" description = "sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp is a sphinx extension which renders HTML help files" -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" files = [ @@ -1720,7 +1576,6 @@ test = ["html5lib", "pytest"] name = "sphinxcontrib-jsmath" version = "1.0.1" description = "A sphinx extension which renders display math in HTML via JavaScript" -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.5" files = [ @@ -1735,7 +1590,6 @@ test = ["flake8", "mypy", "pytest"] name = "sphinxcontrib-plantuml" version = "0.24.1" description = "Sphinx \"plantuml\" extension" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" files = [ @@ -1752,7 +1606,6 @@ test = ["Pillow", "flake8", "pytest"] name = "sphinxcontrib-qthelp" version = "1.0.3" description = "sphinxcontrib-qthelp is a sphinx extension which outputs QtHelp document." -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.5" files = [ @@ -1768,7 +1621,6 @@ test = ["pytest"] name = "sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml" version = "1.1.5" description = "sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml is a sphinx extension which outputs \"serialized\" HTML files (json and pickle)." -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.5" files = [ @@ -1784,7 +1636,6 @@ test = ["pytest"] name = "tabulate" version = "0.9.0" description = "Pretty-print tabular data" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -1799,7 +1650,6 @@ widechars = ["wcwidth"] name = "toml" version = "0.10.2" description = "Python Library for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=2.6, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*" files = [ @@ -1811,7 +1661,6 @@ files = [ name = "tomli" version = "2.0.1" description = "A lil' TOML parser" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -1823,7 +1672,6 @@ files = [ name = "typed-ast" version = "1.5.4" description = "a fork of Python 2 and 3 ast modules with type comment support" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" files = [ @@ -1857,7 +1705,6 @@ files = [ name = "types-docutils" version = "" description = "Typing stubs for docutils" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" files = [ @@ -1869,7 +1716,6 @@ files = [ name = "types-requests" version = "" description = "Typing stubs for requests" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" files = [ @@ -1884,7 +1730,6 @@ types-urllib3 = "<1.27" name = "types-setuptools" version = "" description = "Typing stubs for setuptools" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" files = [ @@ -1899,7 +1744,6 @@ types-docutils = "*" name = "types-toml" version = "" description = "Typing stubs for toml" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" files = [ @@ -1911,7 +1755,6 @@ files = [ name = "types-urllib3" version = "" description = "Typing stubs for urllib3" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" files = [ @@ -1923,7 +1766,6 @@ files = [ name = "typing-extensions" version = "4.5.0" description = "Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.7+" -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -1935,7 +1777,6 @@ files = [ name = "urllib3" version = "1.26.14" description = "HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more." -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*, !=3.5.*" files = [ @@ -1952,7 +1793,6 @@ socks = ["PySocks (>=1.5.6,!=1.5.7,<2.0)"] name = "virtualenv" version = "20.19.0" description = "Virtual Python Environment builder" -category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -1974,7 +1814,6 @@ test = ["covdefaults (>=2.2.2)", "coverage (>=7.1)", "coverage-enable-subprocess name = "zipp" version = "3.13.0" description = "Backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files" -category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" files = [ @@ -1986,11 +1825,7 @@ files = [ docs = ["furo", "jaraco.packaging (>=9)", "jaraco.tidelift (>=1.4)", "rst.linker (>=1.9)", "sphinx (>=3.5)", "sphinx-lint"] testing = ["flake8 (<5)", "func-timeout", "jaraco.functools", "jaraco.itertools", "more-itertools", "pytest (>=6)", "pytest-black (>=0.3.7)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=1.3)", "pytest-flake8", "pytest-mypy (>=0.9.1)"] -[extras] -docs = ["sphinx"] -immaterial = [] - [metadata] lock-version = "2.0" python-versions = ">=3.7.0,<4.0" -content-hash = "27f4d83ca2c7761c9440fc0979fe8975749d3b2ce6ff44c276fa9b2948f8deb8" +content-hash = "a81eff925786559b7e3198159981309b10bd0035fb9e9dab27e81017fdfa36d6"