I have collected many FREE resources and will add many more in the future :) Hopefully it will help you a lot :D
DM Me on Discord if you want to add more resources or suggest some changes - BwainLezz#5330
Credits are also included for some google docs
Thanks to
- Dasith
- YVS37
- Swanand
- Robin
- Mr.Nickapic or Link2 for Mr.Nickapic
- Mr.RC
- Jayy
- Bornunique911
- Kiwids
- MamaMouse
For providing some amazing resources!
Learning Path for Beginners - Mrashleyball
Free Security Training - Varonis
PentesterLab Bootcamp - Pentesterlab
Penetration Testing Bootcamp - HackerSploit YouTube (55 Videos)
W3rni0 Awesome Resources - W3rni0 Github
CyberSec Courses for Beginners - Hackerstop.org
CyberAces tutorials Windows, Linux, Networking, PowerShell, Bash, Python
ITMASTERS Free Short Course on PenTesting and a free exam at the end.
Introduction to Cyber Security (Skillsforall)
These can also be found on TCM's PEH course or on YouTube below. The course he offers is free on YouTube. He also does giveaways which can be found on TCM's Twitter
TheCyberMentor YouTube Channel. PEH course is divided into categories in his channel for FREE!!
NOTE: Some are taken from EbookFoundation
ITMASTERS Free Short Course Computer Network Fundamentals and a free exam at the end.
An Introduction to Computer Networks - Second Edition - open.umm.edu
An Introduction to Computer Networks (HTML, PDF, Kindle)
Code Connected vol.1 (PDF) (book on ZeroMQ)
Computer Networking : Principles, Protocols and Practice (HTML, ePub, PDF, Kindle)
Computer Networks: A Systems Approach - Larry Peterson and Bruce Davie (HTML, epub, mobi, PDF)
High-Performance Browser Networking - Ilya Grigorik
How HTTPS Works - DNSimple
HTTP Succinctly, Syncfusion (PDF, Kindle) (email address requested, not required)
HTTP2 Explained - Daniel Stenberg
Introduction to HTTP - Launch School
IPv6 for IPv4 Experts - Yar Tikhiy (PDF)
Kafka, The definitive Guide - Neha Narkhede (PDF)
Network Science - Albert-Laszló Barabási
Introduction To Operating Systems offered By Georgia Tech University [Free Course] - Udacity
Advanced Operating Systems course offered By Georgia Tech University [Free Course] - Udacity
GT - Refresher - Advanced OS offered by Georgia Institute of Technology [Free Course] - Udacity
Gatech Sslab CS 3210: Operating Systems - TC.gts3.org
Browser to Shell - Systemweakness.com
Web-Services Recon - Thehacker.recipes
OTP Bypass Step To Step - TechnicalSurendre Medium
Web-Services Hacking Guides - Sushant747.gitbooks
Resources for Beginner Bug Bounty Hunters - Nahamsec Github
Resources for Beginner Bug Bounty Hunters - Basics - Nahamsec Github
Resources for Beginner Bug Bounty Hunters - Labs Setup - Nahamsec Github
Resources for Beginner Bug Bounty Hunters - Vuln Types - Nahamsec Github
Resources for Beginner Bug Bounty Hunters - Blogs and Reports - Nahamsec Github
XSS Resources - InfosecWriteups
SSTI and Some More Easy Reports for Bug Hunting - Gandhim373 Medium
SecurityIdiots - Web Hacking Blogs by Faraz Khan
Web Cheat Sheet - Guide.OffsecNewbie
Web Application Penetration Testing Notes - Techvomit.net
RCE via LFI Log Poisoning - ShahJerry33 Medium
Xapax Attacking Web Applications - OAuth Attack (Many more topics in the index)
Template Injection Workshop - Gosecure.Github
Nop-Tech Notes for OSED - nop-tech Github
Start Learning Reverse Engineering - Coder_RC Twitter
Binary Exploitation Blogs - Aidenpearce369 Github.io
ROP Emporium - Learn return-oriented programming through a series of challenges.
GuyInATuxedo Nightmare - Guyinatuxedo.github
PWN Land - D4mianWayne Github
Buffer Overflow Series - Heath Adams Youtube
Buffer Overflow Guide - Johnjhacking Github
How2Heap - Sellphish Github
OmegaVoid Blogs on BinExp BOF - OmegaVoid.github
Binary Exploitation for beginners - tc.gts3.org
Modern Binary Exploitation - RPISEC Github
Windows Binary Course (with videos) - Ashemery Github
Exploit Development Learning resources - Kalitut.com
Windows Exploit Development - SecuritySift - SecuritySift.com
Exploit Dev Resources - Rmusser01 Github
Exploit Development blog - Aidenpearce369 Github.io
Getting Started with Exploit Development - DayZeroSec.com
Binary Exploitation Blogs - Aidenpearce369 Github.io
Exploit Development Blogs - Aidenpearce369 Github.io
Privilege Escalation - Conda YouTube
Linnux Privilege Escalation Resources - SirenSecurity.io
Linux Exploit Suggester 2 - Github
Privilege Escalation - Book.hacktricks
Guide - Linux Privilege Escalation - Payatu.com
Linux Privilege Escalation Checklist - NetBiosX Github
Linux Priv Esc - PWNWiki.io
Linux Privilege Escalation Resources - TCM Course Resources Github
Privilege Escalation - Linux - Sushant747 Gitbooks
Windows Privilege Escalation Resources - SirenSecurity.io
Living Off The Land Binaries, Scripts and Libraries - lolbas-project.github
Windows Priv Esc - PWNWiki.io
The Read Team Guide - Privilege Escalation - KwcSec.github
Windows Privilege Escalation Resources - TCM Course Resources Github
Privilege Escalation Windows - Guide.OffsecNewbie
Introduction to Sandbox Evasion and AMSI Bypasses - Jake Krasnov, Anthony Rose, Vincent Rose - YouTube BC Security
Hack to Basics – Adapting Exploit Frameworks to Evade Microsoft ATP - BC-SECURITY Github
How to bypass AMSI and execute ANY malicious Powershell code - 0x00-0x00.github
AMSI Fail - amsi.fail
Evading Detection: A Beginner's Guide to Obfuscation - YouTube BC-Security
Bypass AMSI by Manual Modification - s3cur3th1ssh1t.github
Defense Evasion - DMCXBlue.gitbook
Art of Anti Detection 2 - PE Backdoor Manufacturing) - Pentest.blog
Malware Development Part 1 - 0xPat Github
Malware Development Part 2 - 0xPat Github
A Tale of EDR Bypass Methods - S3cur3th1ssh1t
Defense Evasion - Kwsec.gitbook
Evasion Windows - Akenofu.gitbook
Windows Defender AV Evasion - Purpl3f0xsecur1ty
Write a Crypter in any Language - Netsec.expert
Bypass AV Dynamics - blog.Sevages
Decon27 C# Workshop - Mvelazc0 Github
Weaponising C# Fundamentals - Fozavci
Implane Development and Defense Evasion Part 1 - File Basics Lsteelo Medium
AV Evasion Mimikatz - IppSec YouTube
Stegsnow - Delightlylinux
Data Carving using Foremost - Hackingarticles.in
XssMice and other tweets (Resources) - Twitter
Python Training - Distruptivelabs
BC-Security Videos - YouTube
Free Security Training - Varonis
Infosec_Reference - Rmuser01 Github
Offensive-Resources - Zeyad-Azima Github
PentesterLab Bootcamp - Pentesterlab
W3rni0 Awesome Resources - W3rni0 Github
Programming Tasks (with solutions in all languages) - Rosettacode
Resources for Beginner Bug Bounty Hunters - Nahamsec Github
W3rni0 Awesome Resources - W3rni0 Github
SecurityIdiots - Web Hacking Blogs by Faraz Khan
OSCE3 (OSWE, OSEP, OSED) Complete Guide - CyberSecurityUP Github
Rowbot's Pentesting Notes - OffsecNewbie.com
GTFOBins - Linux Service Escalation Cheat Sheet
Wadcoms - Windows Service Escalation Cheat Sheet
A brilliant CheatSheet and Explanations for various topics - Xapax Github
OSCP Useful Links - BackDoorShell.gitbooks
The Read Team Handbook - KwcSec.gitbook
Hack All The Things - Akenofu.gitbook
DarkSidious - Hunter2.gitbook
What is AD101? - Kvenkatraman10.gitbook
Certification Notes and Cheat Sheets - Ferx.gitbook
Red Team Notes 2.0 - DMCXBlue.gitbook
Sushant747 - Sushant747.gitbooks
D00mfist1 - D00mfist1.gitbooks
Lolbas-project - Github.io
Shroudri - Github.io
Aidenpearce369 - Github.io
byt3bl33d3r - Github.io
0xbharath Github.io
PWNWiki - Github.io
Wadcoms - Github.io
0x00-0x00 Github.io
s3cur3th1ssh1t - Github.io
Xapax Security Notes - Github.io
Gosecure - Github.io
GuyInATuxedo Nightmare - Github.io
OmegaVoid - Github.io
Swanandx - Github.io
Kileak - Github.io
D4mianwayne - Github.io
0xpat - Github.io
S3cur3th1ssh1t - Github.io
0xHop - Github.io
GTFOBins - Github.io
GCHQ (CyberChef) - Github.io
Razvioverflow - Github.io
Fumenoid - Github.io
(These can also be very helpfull for eCPPTv2)
Port Forwarding - Fumenoid Github.io
Windows Pivoting Commands - PWNWiki.io
Pivoting on a Penetration Test - PWNWiki.io
Metasploit Tutorials - Pivoting into Internal Subnets - Metasploitation YouTube
Port Forwarding and Tunneling - Sushasnt747 Gitbooks
Port Forwarding/SSH Tunneling - Guide.OffsecNewbie
Read Team Handbook Pivoting - KwcSec
Offensive Security Guide to SSH Tunnels and Proxies - Specterops
Explore Hidden Networks with Double Pivoting - Pentest.blog
The Cyber Plumber's Handbook - It is a paid book
How to use SSH Tunneling - Howtogeek
SOCKS Proxy Lab Setup - by Kiwids (Notion)
The Docker Handbook - Docker-handbook.farhaan.dev
Docker For Pentesters - Blog.Ropnop
Docker Getting Started - Docker Hub
Docker 101 Tutorial - Docker.com
University of Helsinki DevOps with Docker course - Devopswithdocker.co,
How To Start Learning Programming - Freecodecamp.org
Resources for Beginner Bug Bounty Hunters - Coding - Nahamsec Github
Learn Computer Science - Code.org
Programming Tasks (with solutions in all languages) - Rosettacode
Offensive Programming with Challenges - Zeyad-Azime Github
Note : Some are taken from EbookFoundation
Note : The following are some links which will help you to begin with python programming to be a professional and the rest relies on Practice and small python projects.
Python Training - Distruptivelabs
Art Of Packet Crafting with Scapy - 0xbharath Github.io
Python Foundations - 0xbharath Github.io
Python Network Programming - 0xbharath Github.io
Introduction To Python Programming [Free Course]
The Modern JavaScript Tutorial - Javascript.info
SoloLearn JavaScript course - Sololearn
C++ For Programmers - Catherine Gamboa (Udacity)
C++ Tutorial by The Bad Tutorials
C++ Tutorial for Beginners - Full Course - Mike Dane - (freeCodeCamp)
Introduction to C++ (MIT's opencourseware)
C Programming Tutorial for Beginners - Mike Dane - (freeCodeCamp)
Decon27 C# Workshop - Mvelazc0 Github
Make System.Windows.Forms work in VS2019 - Kareem Sulthan Youtube
Weaponising C# Fundamentals - Fozavci
C# 101 - Scott Hanselman, Kendra Havens Microsoft.
C# Tutorial - Full Course for Beginners - Mike Dane - (freeCodeCamp)
Learn how to program: C# - Epicodus Inc.
Bash Programming guide - Guid.bash.academy
Bash Programing Complete Series - Caleb Curry YouTube
Powershell101 book is from learnpub
Adversary Tactics: PowerShell - Specterops Github
List_Local_Admins_Remote_Hosts.ps1 - Mubix Github
PowerShell Course - info.varonis.com
PowerShell for Pentesters by The Mayor - YouTube
PowerShell 101 by Mike F Robbins - Leanpub
HackAllTheThings PowerShell Cheat Sheet - Akenofu Gitbook
PowerShell Beginners Guide (More Resources in the bottom on that page)
All the things PowerShell (YouTube) - By Shane Young
PowerShell For Beginners Full Course (YouTube) - By Nerd's lesson
Building an Active Directory domain and hacking it - Chryzsh Github
Setting up Active Directory - Shroudri Github.io
RedTeam Enumeratoin - Aidenpearce369 Github.io
Red Teaming Resources - SirenSecurity.io
Active Directory Resources - Zjja Github
Deploy-Deception - Labofapenetrationtester, Nikhil Mittal
Mimikatz - Labofapenetrationtester, Nikhil Mittal
Certified_Pre-Owned.pdf - Spectertops.io
Windows Post-Exploitation Command List - Docs.google
Windows Priv Esc - PWNWiki.io
Active Directory Attack Defense - OxSP.com
AD Recon and Movement Tricks - TheHacker.recipes
Post-Exploitation - Mass Mimikatz - Mubix Github
Practical Guide to NTLM Relaying in 2017 aka Getting a Foothold in 5 min - Byt3bl33d34.Github.io
[Thread] Kerberos basics & (ab)use of Certificates within Active Directory (i.e. AD CS and PKINIT) - Shutdown (Charlie BROMBERG) Twitter
TheReaderApp post of the Above - thereaderapp.com
Attacking Active Directory - Conda YouTube
How to Setup a Virtual Windows Active Directory Domain - Conda YouTube
Attacking Active Directory - Bloodhound - Conda YouTube
Attacking Active Directory - AS-REP Roasting - Conda YouTube
Attacking Active Directory - Kerberoasting - Conda YouTube
Priv2Admin - Gtworek Github
Intro To Windows Hashes - Hunter2.gitbook
Understanding Active Directory Enumeration - Attl4s.github
Pentesting AD MindMap - M4yFly
Pentesting AD MindMap 2 - M4yFly
The Read Team Guide - Privilege Escalation - KwcSec.github
Privilege Escalation Windows - Guide.OffsecNewbie
Kerberos in Active Directory - Hackndo
Attacking AD PEH notes by RubenFormation (Attacking and Setup)
Active Directory Pentesting Cheat Sheet - InfoSec Writups
Thank's to Jayy and MamaMouse for a lot of these resources
OSINT Resources - Rmusser01 Github
Social Engineering Resources - Nihal Umar (@0xnihalumar) Twitter
Resources for eCPPTv2, OSCP and many more
OSCE3 (OSWE, OSEP, OSED) Complete Guide - CyberSecurityUP Github
OSCP Useful Links - BackDoorShell.gitbooks
OSCP Preperation Guide - Cyber-Junk Github
OSCP - OSCP - Windows Privilege Escalation Methodology - Conda YouTube
OSCP - Linux Privilege Escalation Methodology - Conda YouTube
OSCP Priv Esc MindMap - C0nd4 Github
OSEP Helful Resources - Nullg0re
OSEP Code Snippets - Chvancooten Github
Pen300 OSEP Prep - Deletehead github
Offensive Security Evasion - Joas Antino
Nop-Tech Notes for OSED - nop-tech Github
Windows and AD Cheat Sheets
Pentesting AD MindMap - M4yFly
Pentesting AD MindMap 2 - M4yFly
Windows & Active Directory Exploitation Cheat Sheet and Command Reference - casvancooten.com
Kerberos Cheat Sheet
Penetration Tools Cheat Sheet
Pen Testing Bookmarks
Precompiled Exploits:
OSCP Cheat Sheets
CEH Cheat Sheet
Net Bios Scan Cheat Sheet
Reverse Shell Cheat Sheet
NMap Cheat Sheet
Linux Commands Cheat Sheet
Security Hardening CentOS 7
MetaSploit Cheat Sheet
Google Hacking Database:
Windows Assembly Language Mega