Thanks for your interest in contributing to NFIQ 2! We'd love your help, whether it be in bug reports, documentation, or source code.
If you can reproduce a problem, please submit as much information as possible in a new GitHub Issue. Include the version you're using and your operating system details. If you have more than one problem, please open multiple issues. This will help us better discuss the problem.
We are using clang-format
to format our code. A configuration file, .clang-format
, is at the root of our repository. Please write code however you want, but before submitting a pull request, run it through clang-format
using the supplied configuration. You may consider adding a git hook script to do this automatically. We've supplied a sample hook script below.
Expand to view an example git hook script.
# 1. Place this file at .git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg
# 2. Make that hook file executable
# chmod u+x .git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg
# 3: Configure your path to clang-format
# git config --bool true
# git config --path hooks.formatter.path /usr/local/bin/clang-format
run_formatter=$(git config --bool
formatter_exe=$(git config --path hooks.formatter.path)
if [ "${run_formatter}" = "true" ]; then
# Look for clang-format binary
echo "Formatting code with clang-format..."
if ! [ -x "${formatter_exe}" ]; then
echo "hooks.formatter.path is not the path to clang-format."
exit 1
# Determine which files changed
changed_sources="$(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=d | \
grep -e '.cpp$' -e '.h$' -e '.hpp$' | \
paste -s -d ';' -)"
if [ "${changed_sources}" = "" ]; then
# No files to style
exit 0
export IFS
for file in ${changed_sources}; do
# Style with clang-format
"${formatter_exe}" -i "${file}"
# Add style change
git add "${file}"
# Sometimes, clang-format gets really confused
for file in ${changed_sources}; do
if ! "${formatter_exe}" --Werror --dry-run "${file}"; then
echo "You confused clang-format. Please fix the above error."
exit 1
export IFS
echo "Formatting pass skipped."
Please limit pull requests to a single fundamental change. This makes it easier to track changes and review.
NFIQ needs to run on many platforms, so we use continuous integration to make sure code changes continue to build and score images identically. If your code change breaks the build or alters values, we will need you to make the necessary corrections before it can be merged. We would suggest you allow maintainers to edit your pull request, as we may be able to make the changes for you if they're trivial enough.
All code is released into the public domain. See the LICENSE for more details.