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15 lines (10 loc) · 1.32 KB


Master file

The master documentation file(s) are in the root of this repo. It will be the newest version of the MS Word document titled EERC User Guide*.docx . The versions published on the web site must be manually derived from that document by opening the file in Word and using Save As... to export the file.


  1. Open the .docx file in Word. Choose File -> Save As and change the name to EERC User Guide (without any date codes). Choose the format "Web Page - Filtered" format and save. This will create a .html file and a .fld folder (directory) that contains the images. Copy those files in the same structure into the public/ directory (overwriting any previous files). Close the document.
  2. Open the original .docx file again. Choose File -> Save As and change the name to EERC User Guide again. Now choose the format "PDF" and choose the "Optimized for Printing" option and click Export. This will create a PDF file EERC User Guide.pdf . Copy that file into public/, overwriting the previous version.

You can now remove all EERC User Guide files in the repo root directory EXCEPT for the .docx file. Use git add filename to add the new .docx file to Git. Use git status to look for newly created files in public/ that need to be added or old ones that got removed, and commit and push the changes.