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Molly - A powerful intensive python package for study-booking system of CDUT Library

This is one of the projects by Twikor. It is not unusual for me to have more on my blog Twikor's (

Molly is an open source package for python helping handling with the booking process of CDUT Library's study.

This branch is for python 3.7+, If you are seeking for previous support for python 2.7+, please check out branch v1.0+, which still works but will not be maintained continuously.


First, install all the dependencies that are required for this package.

python3 -m pip install terminaltables beautifulsoup4

Then clone all the files to your computer(mostly a server to ensure availability).


File Detail main library file that contains all the methods that you need to handle the boring works main application file that automatically book a study for you in advance application file that helps to generate booking configurations
kitchens.json the file containing all the information of the studies in CDUT library
credits.json the file containing login information
recipe.json the configuration file for automatic study-booking application
beans.txt file recording all the essential logs from

Configurations & Usages

Login credits

Create a file named credits.json besides with your login credentials in the following format:

} customization

If you would like to use dinner directly in the terminal, simply navigate to the folder and import dinner, will initialize itself automatically and then you are free to use all the methods.

Once the script is imported, it automatically detects the connection to the server. The script will exit automatically if the check fails.

Otherwise, you may need to set standbyMode to True if you are using it in script or for convenience. api cheatsheet

This file contains quite a lot of methods that you may need for your application. Discover high-level usages yourself.


Initialize the library, including checking the connection to the system interface, loading room information, login credits from file and so on.

Parameter Type Default Example Detail
ignoreConnectionFault bool False True wether exit on connection failure
dynamicLoginCredits dict None {"user": 201906010101, "passwd": "010101"} making the appplication more flexible

Notice that if standbyMode is set to True, the script will not exit just as ignoreConectionFault = True does.

Return value Type Detail
True bool |
'Command_CancelAction' str action canceled on keyboard interrupt
'Exception_RemoteServerUnreachable' str automatic connection test failed
'Exception_LoginCreditsFileNotFound' str file not exists
'Exception_LoginCreditsFilePermissionError' str file permission error
'Exception_InvalidLoginCreditsFileFormat' str file format error
'Exception_RoomListFileNotFound' str file not exists
'Exception_RoomListFilePermissionError' str file permission error
'Exception_InvalidRoomListFileFormat' str file format error


Return the roomNumber for the specific room with the roomId.

Return value Type Detail
<roomNumber> str |


Get the roomId for the specific room with the roomNumber.

Return value Type Detail
<roomId> int |


Login to the system using the credentials in credits.json file, and return the fresh cookie.

Return value Type Detail
True bool |
'Command_CancelAction' str action canceled on keyboard interrupt
'Exception_RemoteServerUnreachable' str connection test failure

getUserInfoByCode(code = None, pretiffied = False):

Use the socket to filter fellow companions.

Accationally, you do not have to enter the full id number. For example:

To filter all the students in your class, use it like this '2019060103'. To filter all the students who are of the same major as yours, use it like this '20190601'.

Parameter Type Default Example Detail
code str None '201906010326' the student id, not required to be completed
prettified bool False True whether to use the data to render a user-friendly table in terminal

Defaultly return the booking information for a given id of a room in json format. If setting parameter 2 to True, it will use terminaltables to render a prettier user interface right in your browser.

Return value Type Detail
<userInfo> str |
'Command_CancelAction' str action canceled on keyboard interrupt
Exception_ConnectionTimeOut str connection to remote server could not be established
Exception_DataStreamBroken str process interrupted when handling data, retrying may help mostly

getRoomBookingInfo(roomId, prettified = False)

Parameter Type Default Example Detail
roomId int None 125 could be obtained using getRoomIdByNumber()
prettified bool False True whether to use the data to render a user-friendly table in terminal

Defaultly return the booking information for a given id of a room in json format. If setting parameter 2 to True, it will use terminaltables to render a prettier user interface right in your browser.

Return value Type Detail
<roomBookingInfo> str |
'Command_CancelAction' str action canceled on keyboard interrupt
Exception_ConnectionTimeOut str connection to remote server could not be established
Exception_DataStreamBroken str process interrupted when handling data, retrying may help mostly

bookRoom(users, roomId, beginDay, beginTime, endDay, endTime)

Parameter Type Default Example Detail
users dic[int] None [201906010326,201606013028] users to share the room gathered in a dictionary
roomId int None 125 could be obtained using getRoomIdByNumber()
beginDay str None 2019-11-02 |
beginTime str None 08:00:00 |
endDay str None 2019-11-02 |
endTime str None 10:00:00 |

For example,

Return value Type Detail
True bool successfully booked the specified room
'Command_CancelAction' str action canceled on keyboard interrupt
Exception_ConnectionTimeOut str connection to remote server could not be established
<errorMessage> str details of the failure


Renew the room which is currently used for further 2 hours if not occupied by other booking registries.

Return value Type Detail
True bool successfully renewed the room which is currently using
'Command_CancelAction' str action canceled on keyboard interrupt
Exception_ConnectionTimeOut str connection to remote server could not be established
<errorMessage> str details of the failure


Parameter Type Default Example Detail
bookingId int None 393487 could be obtained using getUserBookingInfo()

Cancel a room with the specific bookingId which could be got by using getUserBookingInfo() funcion. Return True if successful, or error message if failed.

Return value Type Detail
True bool successfully renewed the room which is currently using
'Command_CancelAction' str action canceled on keyboard interrupt
Exception_ConnectionTimeOut str connection to remote server could not be established
<errorMessage> str details of the failure

getUserBookingInfo(prettified = False)

Parameter Type Default Example Detail
prettified bool False True whether to use the data to render a user-friendly table in terminal

Refresh the cookie and make the query, then return the booking information of the current user. Set parameter prettified to True to use terminal-tables which makes it easier to check the information returnded.

Notice that once you have signed up at the entrance of the study or the time(20 minutes) has passed without your signing-up, the entry will disappear from there. So you may have to use getUserBookingHistory() instead.

Return value Type Detail
<myBookingInfo> str |
'Command_CancelAction' str action canceled on keyboard interrupt
Exception_ConnectionTimeOut str connection to remote server could not be established
Exception_DataStreamBroken str process interrupted when handling data, retrying may help mostly


Parameter Type Default Example Detail
prettified bool False True whether to use the data to render a user-friendly table in terminal
getEntriesNumber int 10 35 the number of history booking entries you want to obtain
Return value Type Detail
<myBookingHistory> str |
'Command_CancelAction' str action canceled on keyboard interrupt
Exception_ConnectionTimeOut str connection to remote server could not be established
Exception_DataStreamBroken str process interrupted when handling data, retrying may help mostly automatic-booking helper

Creat a new file named recipe.json, where you are free to present your booking tasks to like this below:

        "startAt": "2019-11-03 09:40:00",
        "endAt": "2019-11-03 13:40:00",
        "triggerAt": "2019-10-28 00:01:10"
        "startAt": "2019-11-04 09:40:00",
        "endAt": "2019-11-04 13:40:00",
        "triggerAt": "2019-10-29 00:01:10"
Parameter Type Example Detail
roomId int 125 |
users dict [201906010326,201906010328] |
startAt str '2019-11-03 09:40:00' startDate+" "+startTime
endAt str '2019-11-03 13:40:00' endDate+" "+endTime
triggerAt str '2019-11-03 09:40:00' |

The default basic configurations like debug mode, retry intervals are listed below, you are free to modify them in file.

Option Type Default Detail
debugMode bool True whether to display detailed logs
recipeFileName str "recipe.json" configuration file to import from
shelfDirectory str "./shelf/" configuration entries
retryTimes int 5 |
retryInterval int 1 |
standbyInterval int 1 |

The will automatically absorb the configurations in recipe.json, put them into job queue directory and remove the original file.

Since v2.0, has the ability to recover its task queue after restarting, which makes it more reliable to work on non-server machines.

All the essential process logs could be found in beans.txt for debugging purposes.

If you run cafe on server, suggesting using supervisor. automatic-booking helper configurations generator

No documentation on this for you.


2020/03/16, this repo is turned public.

According to the license, you are expected to make appropriate contributions to this project in case you make use of it.

You can make contributions to this project in various ways.

  • help with those listed in Todos
  • complete the library file by add functions or making optimizations
  • build your great application using library and publish your project using the same license

Check out Toay's pre-mit license for more information.


  • package the project up using pypi standard and publish

This and that

This project is maintained by twikor @ Toay laboratory, a place where we enjoy making creative things. We hope the ones who think of themselves useful to a newly-founded non-profit studio for creators not to hesitate joining us.

For more information, please have a look at this.