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File metadata and controls

225 lines (142 loc) · 8 KB

ustwo Engineering Blog

A static website so our Engineering Team can write articles and tutorials about tech.

Writing an article


Each article is self-contained inside its own directory (markdown and assets) and found in /src/content/articles/.

  1. Create a new directory - the name is the slug of the article, so make it snake-case, keep it terse and avoid special characters.

  2. Inside, create a file - this will contain the article markdown as well as various meta data as frontmatter:

title [string][required]

Unique to all other articles.

series_title [string][optional]

Title for the series of articles, if applicable.

series_number [int][optional]

This article's number in the series of article, if applicable.

Note that if an article is in a series, both the title and number fields should be supplied

author [string]

This should replicate the name used in /content/authors (see creating author below).

date [string]

Format: YYYY-MM-DD eg, 2024-02-12

description [string]

Displayed on article card and used for meta and social network descriptions. Char limit: 155

thumbnail [string]

This should live in the assets dir, eg, ./assets/thumbnail.jpg. It should be 1200px wide and no less than 630px high.

tags [string]

Comma-separated values to categorise the article, eg, javascript, gatsby, netlify

cta_prefix [string]

Additional copy added to the bottom of the article, eg, 'At ustwo, we're exploring how AI can be used to create and elevate great product experiences that help humans to connect.'

Writing style

The following style guidelines have been requested by our marketing team to maintain consistency with ustwo's other outward facing media:

  1. Use UK English spelling
  2. No Oxford commas
  3. Sentence case titles
  4. Sentence case capitalisation in headings of article sections
  5. No punctuation in Latin expressions - should read as eg, ie with a comma afterward
  6. Time - 12 hour with am or pm - eg, 6:00pm
  7. Date - day, date month, year - eg, Thursday, 26 September, 2024


Please be responsible with regards to assets size.

Files should not drastically exceed what is absolutely necessary, no matter the magic we use to transform assets to digestible sizes or the fast transfer speeds we expect out users to view them with. Ultimately, we want to keep HD space, build times, transfers times and energy used to a minimum.


For now, images for each article are kept in the repo, eg, /src/contents/articles/article-name/assets.

As a rule of thumb, images should be between 2000-3000px wide and be landscape.

Don't just use PNG as a matter of course - consider the contents of the image and determine whether JPG is more appropriate, ie, is it inherently a photo or illustration/diagram? We use gatsby-plugin-image to transform images to webp but the originals should not be unecessarily large to begin with - please no 5Mb PNGs!


No gifs! Use mp4.

For now, we host videos on our assets server. Please crunch and encode video with an application like Handbrake using H.264 at 1080p ideally. Video size? I reckon if you're over 1-2Mb per 10s then you need to crunch more!

If you are screen-recording your IDE, it might be worth considering increasing the font size.

If possible, consider adding a subtitle file of type .vtt.

<video controls style="width: 100%">
    src="" type="video/mp4"
  <track kind="subtitles" label="Off" default="true" />
    label="English Subtitles"
  Your browser does not support the video tag.
  Description: This video shows xyz.

For autoplaying, gif-like videos:

<video autoplay loop playsinline muted style="width: 100%">


  1. Inside the directory src/content/authors, create a folder with your name, separated by hyphens (-), and add an file inside it.

  2. The file should contain the following fields. contactInfo is the only optional field.

  3. name [string][required] This should be exactly what is written in the author field in the frontmatter of the article markdown file.

  4. Available contact platforms are: Email, Github, Instagram, LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter).

  5. The contactInfo field can contain one or more contact platforms. If there's no contact information, this field can be omitted.


name: Ada lovelace
role: mathematician
avatar: ./avatar-ada-lovelace.jpg
location: London, UK
shortIntro: "Mathematician and writer chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage's proposed mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine."
  - platform: Github
  - platform: Email
  - platform: Linkedin

Markdown features and tips

Check out the sandbox and /src/content/ to see how various features are used, including image captions, code blocks and tables.

Images with captions

You can utilise <figure> and <figcaption> by using standard markdown syntax for images, but add the prefix 'caption:' to the start of the alt text, eg, ![caption:This is the alt text but will generate as a caption](image_url.jpg).



Prerequisites: Node v18.12.1

npm install --global gatsby-cli
npm install

Run locally

gatsby develop

Test production locally

gatsby clean && gatsby build && gatsby serve


We use Cabin Analytics which is a privacy-first, carbon conscious web analytics service - no need for cookies and banners.

There is a public facing dashboard or contact phil-linnell ( for access to the Cabin account.


In markdown files, references to local images in frontmatter will get transformed so they can be used with GatsbyImage.

In /plugins is a bespoke plugin to handle rendering <figure> and <figcaption> for when we need to have captions for an image. It was important to keep the usual markdown image syntax [alt/caption text](image_url.jpg). So the plugin looks for the alt/caption text that starts with "caption:".

Each markdown file in /src/content/articles/ is queried in gatsby-node.js and filtered using sourceInstanceName: 'articles' ('articles' is defined in gatsby-config.js in gatsby-source-filesystem options). Each result is generated into a page using /src/templates/article.js.

NOTE: It is more performant to query using allFile and filter using sourceInstanceName rather than querying allMarkdownRemark files, as we can then only filter using regex: "/(articles)/" on fileAbsolutePath.

I'd liked to have used Gatsby's File System Route API, eg, /src/pages/articles/{}.js instead of using gatsby-node.js. The File System Route API generates pages based on file structure, but we would then filter sourceInstanceName: 'articles' in the GraphQL query after Gatsby has processed ALL files, including those we don't want, eg, Author files. This feels inefficient since we would be processing files we intend to exclude. I wonder if there will be a way to do simple filtering in the File System Route API in the future.