A lightweight python package for rosbag data extraction. Sample plotting scripts are included.
First, read the project's main README.md and set up / run a Docker container of the ENAV image. The data loading instances are globally importable; scripts mentioned below show usage examples and are located in the container at /root/enav_utilities/scripts
A ENAVMapsLoader instance handles georeferenced maps loading & related metadata. Plotting example script:
python plot_rasters.py -d /enav_dataset/maps
A ENAVRosbagLoader instance is initialized with a specific rosbag path and provides methods to access every data stream. Some usage examples are provided below.
python plot_gps_data.py -b /path/to/file.bag -d /path/to/maps
python plot_images.py -b /path/to/file.bag
Refer to the load_pointcloud_data
method. Note that point clouds are saved in a separate rosbag for each run, so a rosbag different from the one needed for all other data types needs to be loaded.
python plot_energy.py -b /path/to/file.bag
python plot_irradiance.py -b /path/to/file.bag
python plot_imu_data.py -b /path/to/file.bag
Refer to the load_encoder_data
python plot_cmd_est_velocity_data.py -b /path/to/file.bag