A wrapper around prom-client.
npm install --save uw-lib-prometheus.js
const prometheus = require('uw-lib-prometheus.js')();
prometheus.newGauge('name', 'help').set(10);
Quick express example is available in examples directory.
Prometheus.constructor(string prefix)
if prefix provided, it will prefix ;) each metric name
The new*
methods are just decorators for prom-client metric objects and are responsible for some dupe vaidation and making sure metric objects are added into registry.
Prometheus.newGauge(string name, string help, string[] labels)
creates new Gauge.
Prometheus.newHistogram(string name, string help, string[] labels, {buckets: []})
creates new Histogram.
Prometheus.metric(string name)
returns previously created metric by name.
returns a factory for middleware handlers. Following handlers are available:
- dumps plain text metrics for Prometheus server to scrape.
requestDuration(string|Histogram histogram)
- records request duration in seconds, will try and assign labels based on what the histogram has defined, recognised labels are
- captures status on the response objecthttp_method
- captures request method (POST, GET etc.)path
- captures request path, note that for parametrised routes it will capture actual parameters (eg./user/123123
- captures route regex, this is useful for parametrised routes (eg./user/:id
heapUsage(string|Gauge used, string|Gauge total)
- records used and total heap in bytes.
Lib is published on NPM under the utilitywarehosue
namespace. It is public.
yarn add @utilitywarehouse/uw-lib-prometheus.js