API and Weather data visualization for the PlanMytrip application. Potentinal travel destinations and nearby hotels are recommened based on weather preferred.
Google Map platforms, API Keys, weatherPy_database.csv, city_weather.csv
Different figures were created using city_weather.csv files. The images were created based on Latitudes , Longitudes. We were able to create images on Nothern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere. We were able to create given the humidity, cloudiness, wind speeds.
Based on city_weather.csv file several images were created based on Heat Layer on different longitude and latitudes based on the "minimum and maximum temperature preferred."
Based on the preference of driving, walking or biking several cities were recommeded. Several stops were picked in order to create the hotels they are in different stops. Using the Google Maps Directions API, We created a travel route between the four cities as well as a marker layer map.
different Hotels were recommended based on the temperature and cities preferences