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Prefect server application bundle


Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name prefect-server:

helm repo add prefect
helm install prefect-server prefect/prefect-server

Prefect Configuration

Container Port // Port Forwarding

Without making any modifications to the values.yaml file, you can access the Prefect UI by port forwarding either the Server pod or service with the following command and visiting http:localhost:4200:

kubectl port-forward svc/prefect-server 4200:4200

Note: If you choose to make modifications to either the server.prefectApiUrl or service.port, make sure to update the other value with the updated port!

PostgreSQL Configuration

Handling Connection Secrets

Using the bundled PostgreSQL chart

By default, Bitnami's PostgreSQL Helm Chart will be deployed. This is not intended for production use, and is only included to provide a functional proof of concept installation.

In this scenario, you'll need to provide either one of the following fields:

  1. postgresql.auth.password: a password you want to set for the prefect user (default: prefect-rocks)

  2. postgresql.auth.existingSecret: name of an existing secret in your cluster with the following field:

    • connection-string: fully-quallified connection string in the format of postgresql+asyncpg://{username}:{password}@{hostname}/{database}
      • username = postgresql.auth.username
      • hostname = <release-name>-postgresql.<release-namespace>:<postgresql.containerPorts.postgresql>
      • database = postgresql.auth.database

Two secrets are created when not providing an existing secret name:

  1. prefect-server-postgresql-connection: used by the prefect-server deployment to connect to the postgresql database.

  2. <release-name>-postgresql-0: defines the postgresql.auth.username's password on the postgresql server to allow successful authentication from the prefect server.

Using an external instance of PostgreSQL

If you want to disable the bundled PostgreSQL chart and use an external instance, provide the following configuration:

    enabled: false

    # Option 1: provide the name of an existing secret following the instructions above.
    create: false
    name: <existing secret name>

    # Option 2: provide the connection string details directly
    create: true
    username: myuser
    password: mypass
    port: 1234
    database: mydb

Connecting with SSL configured

  1. Mount the relevant certificate to /home/prefect/.postgresql so that it can be found by asyncpg. This is the default location postgresql expects per their documentation.

          - name: db-ssl-secret
              secretName: db-ssl-secret
              defaultMode: 384
          - name: db-ssl-secret
            mountPath: "/home/prefect/.postgresql"
            readOnly: true
        enabled: false
          existingSecret: external-db-connection-string
  2. Create a secret to hold the ca certificate for the database with the key root.crt

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: db-ssl-secret
    type: Opaque
  3. Set the connection string in the existing secret following this format - ?ssl=verify-ca is cruicial:



Name Email Url


Repository Name Version common 2.20.5 postgresql 12.12.10


Key Type Default Description
commonAnnotations object {} annotations to add to all deployed objects
commonLabels object {} labels to add to all deployed objects
fullnameOverride string "prefect-server" fully override common.names.fullname
ingress.annotations object {} additional annotations for the Ingress resource. To enable certificate autogeneration, place here your cert-manager annotations.
ingress.className string "" IngressClass that will be used to implement the Ingress (Kubernetes 1.18+)
ingress.enabled bool false enable ingress record generation for server
ingress.extraHosts list [] an array with additional hostname(s) to be covered with the ingress record
ingress.extraPaths list [] an array with additional arbitrary paths that may need to be added to the ingress under the main host
ingress.extraRules list [] additional rules to be covered with this ingress record
ingress.extraTls list [] an array with additional tls configuration to be added to the ingress record string "prefect.local" default host for the ingress record string "/" default path for the ingress record string "ImplementationSpecific" ingress path type
ingress.selfSigned bool false create a TLS secret for this ingress record using self-signed certificates generated by Helm
ingress.servicePort string "server-svc-port" port for the ingress' main path
ingress.tls bool false enable TLS configuration for the host defined at parameter
nameOverride string "" partially overrides
namespaceOverride string "" fully override common.names.namespace
postgresql.auth.database string "server" name for a custom database
postgresql.auth.enablePostgresUser bool false determines whether an admin user is created within postgres
postgresql.auth.password string "prefect-rocks" password for the custom user. Ignored if auth.existingSecret with key password is provided
postgresql.auth.username string "prefect" name for a custom user
postgresql.enabled bool true enable use of bitnami/postgresql subchart
postgresql.image.tag string "14.3.0" Version tag, corresponds to tags at
postgresql.primary.initdb.user string "postgres" specify the PostgreSQL username to execute the initdb scripts
postgresql.primary.persistence.enabled bool false enable PostgreSQL Primary data persistence using PVC
secret.create bool true whether to create a Secret containing the PostgreSQL connection string
secret.database string "" database for the PostgreSQL connection string string "" host for the PostgreSQL connection string string "" name for the Secret containing the PostgreSQL connection string To provide an existing Secret, provide a name and set create=false
secret.password string "" password for the PostgreSQL connection string
secret.port string "" port for the PostgreSQL connection string
secret.username string "" username for the PostgreSQL connection string
server.affinity object {} affinity for server pods assignment
server.autoscaling.enabled bool false enable autoscaling for server
server.autoscaling.maxReplicas int 100 maximum number of server replicas
server.autoscaling.minReplicas int 1 minimum number of server replicas
server.autoscaling.targetCPU int 80 target CPU utilization percentage
server.autoscaling.targetMemory int 80 target Memory utilization percentage
server.containerSecurityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation bool false set server containers' security context allowPrivilegeEscalation
server.containerSecurityContext.capabilities object {} set server container's security context capabilities
server.containerSecurityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem bool true set server containers' security context readOnlyRootFilesystem
server.containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot bool true set server containers' security context runAsNonRoot
server.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser int 1001 set server containers' security context runAsUser
server.debug bool false enable server debug mode
server.env list [] array with environment variables to add to server nodes
server.extraArgs list [] array with extra Arguments for the server container to start with
server.extraContainers list [] additional sidecar containers
server.extraEnvVarsCM string "" name of existing ConfigMap containing extra env vars to add to server nodes
server.extraEnvVarsSecret string "" name of existing Secret containing extra env vars to add to server nodes
server.extraVolumeMounts list [] array with extra volumeMounts for the server pod
server.extraVolumes list [] array with extra volumes for the server pod
server.image.prefectTag string "3-latest" prefect image tag (immutable tags are recommended)
server.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" server image pull policy
server.image.pullSecrets list [] server image pull secrets
server.image.repository string "prefecthq/prefect" server image repository
server.livenessProbe.config.failureThreshold int 3 The number of consecutive failures allowed before considering the probe as failed.
server.livenessProbe.config.initialDelaySeconds int 10 The number of seconds to wait before starting the first probe.
server.livenessProbe.config.periodSeconds int 10 The number of seconds to wait between consecutive probes.
server.livenessProbe.config.successThreshold int 1 The minimum consecutive successes required to consider the probe successful.
server.livenessProbe.config.timeoutSeconds int 5 The number of seconds to wait for a probe response before considering it as failed.
server.livenessProbe.enabled bool false
server.loggingLevel string "WARNING"
server.nodeSelector object {} node labels for server pods assignment
server.podAnnotations object {} extra annotations for server pod
server.podLabels object {} extra labels for server pod
server.podSecurityContext.fsGroup int 1001 set server pod's security context fsGroup
server.podSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot bool true set server pod's security context runAsNonRoot
server.podSecurityContext.runAsUser int 1001 set server pod's security context runAsUser
server.prefectApiHost string "" sets PREFECT_SERVER_API_HOST
server.prefectApiUrl string "http://localhost:4200/api" sets PREFECT_API_URL
server.priorityClassName string "" priority class name to use for the server pods; if the priority class is empty or doesn't exist, the server pods are scheduled without a priority class
server.readinessProbe.config.failureThreshold int 3 The number of consecutive failures allowed before considering the probe as failed.
server.readinessProbe.config.initialDelaySeconds int 10 The number of seconds to wait before starting the first probe.
server.readinessProbe.config.periodSeconds int 10 The number of seconds to wait between consecutive probes.
server.readinessProbe.config.successThreshold int 1 The minimum consecutive successes required to consider the probe successful.
server.readinessProbe.config.timeoutSeconds int 5 The number of seconds to wait for a probe response before considering it as failed.
server.readinessProbe.enabled bool false
server.replicaCount int 1 number of server replicas to deploy
server.resources.limits object {"cpu":"1","memory":"1Gi"} the requested limits for the server container
server.resources.requests object {"cpu":"500m","memory":"512Mi"} the requested resources for the server container
server.revisionHistoryLimit int 10 the number of old ReplicaSets to retain to allow rollback
server.tolerations list [] tolerations for server pods assignment
server.uiConfig.enabled bool true set PREFECT_UI_ENABLED; enable the UI on the server
server.uiConfig.prefectUiApiUrl string "" sets PREFECT_UI_API_URL
server.uiConfig.prefectUiStaticDirectory string "/ui_build" sets PREFECT_UI_STATIC_DIRECTORY
server.uiConfig.prefectUiUrl string "" sets PREFECT_UI_URL
service.annotations object {}
service.clusterIP string "" service Cluster IP
service.externalTrafficPolicy string "Cluster" service external traffic policy
service.extraPorts list []
service.nodePort string "" service port if defining service as type nodeport
service.port int 4200 service port
service.targetPort int 4200 target port of the server pod; also sets PREFECT_SERVER_API_PORT
service.type string "ClusterIP" service type
serviceAccount.annotations object {} additional service account annotations (evaluated as a template)
serviceAccount.create bool true specifies whether a ServiceAccount should be created string "" the name of the ServiceAccount to use. if not set and create is true, a name is generated using the common.names.fullname template

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.13.1