I was looking for an uwwwwwuifier that supported input from stdin and from parameters, that doesn't need 500.000 bloated dependencies to work. So i made this.
To use UwwwuPP locally, as a CLI, you do have to compile it yourself. But it is really easy. Compile instructions are below.
You can also use UwwwuPP online, there's an uwuifier website using it, and providing a free-to-use rest api. Visit uwu.pm to quickly try UwwwuPP without having to deal with compiling it.
To do so, make sure you have cmake installed. Clone this repository. Then all you have to do is to start the build:
$ cmake Src -B build
$ cd build
$ make
Lastly, verify that your build works correctly:
# Assuming workdir is build/
$ ./Src/Uwwwu Hello, thanks for paying this repository a visit :D
Hiiiiiiiiiiiii, you're twe best :33 xoxo for paaaying twis repositowy a visit :3
:33333 enyoi <3