You can use Reko as a class library in a .NET project. Just add a NuGet package reference from to your project:
You can use Reko in your program to disassemble machine code. To disassemble some X86 code, you can use the following code (after adding the package above):
using Reko.Core;
using Reko.Arch.X86;
using System;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
class RandomX86ByteDisassembler
public static void Main(string[] args)
// Generate some random bytes.
var rnd = new Random();
var bytes = new byte[1000];
// Put the bytes in a MemoryArea that Reko can consume.
var mem = new MemoryArea(Address.Ptr32(0x00123400), bytes);
// Create an instance of an architecture whose disassembler you wish to use.
var arch = new X86ArchitectureFlat32(new ServiceContainer(), "x86-protected-32");
// Create an image reader, starting at offset 0 of the memory area.
var rdr = arch.CreateImageReader(mem, 0);
// Create a disassembler using the image reader and loop through the random bytes.
var dasm = arch.CreateDisassembler(rdr);
foreach (var instr in dasm)
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", instr.Address, instr);