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Kyle Sanders edited this page Feb 6, 2022 · 50 revisions


If I have missed you, please write a PM to Milan or Kyle to be added to this list.

  • Milan Kroemer
    • Main/Original Author
  • Kyle Sanders
    • Project Manager
    • Advisor
  • Jackson Pfeffer
    • Consultant (Info Tech)
    • General Debugging
  • Nikolas Boling
    • Consultant (Info Tech)
  • Erik Quinn
    • Advisor
  • Dominic Nguyen
    • Advisor
  • John Lewis
    • VCI icon creation
  • Sawyer Sudit
    • Skyvector and Flightaware icon creation


The following is a list of features that we are considering or actively working on. These items are placed in somewhat of a priority order but is not strictly held to that order.

  • Log-In

    • Some sort of security should be created so that some 9 year old that does a random google, comes across this resource, doesn't go in and start putting aircraft in the hold during an event.
    • VATSIM/USA SSO would be ideal but we may have to wait on that until we have proper recognition from these organizations.
    • Until then, maybe we can have our own closed beta and use Google Log-in with our own database of who has access and what kind.
  • GUI for users to select their ARTCC and sectors.

    • EDST data should only display for selected sectors
    • Only a single person should be allowed to own a sector unless that second person is indicated as a D-Side/Controller Assistant. Data should be identical between these two controllers.
    • TMU or another controller should be able to monitor sector data but not specifics such as specific conflict detection, free text area notes, VCI, Posting area, etc...
    • If an entry is made into the EDST as if the the aircraft was suppose to enter the selected sectors, but now has changed course and altitude and will no longer enter, the entry should gray out.
  • GUI for FE's to input/edit Facility boundaries and stratums.

    • Similar to the ZLC boundary info, we should have it for all ARTCCs
    • There should be a separate entry area for Terminal Facilities so that vEDST knows where the approach control areas are. This will be used later for route analyzation and departure list logic.
  • Sector Split Management

    • If a ARTCC has 8 sectors, JOHN logs on and takes/selects all 8. Now if they want JAMES to take some sectors from him (6, 7, & 8), JAMES selects those... there should be prompt verifying that JAMES wants and has the authority to "TAKE" those sectors from JOHN prior to allowing it.
    • Once complete, JOHN will no longer have those sectors "selected" in the sector selector, and any entries he already has in his EDST for those sectors should gray out.
    • Further development: FEs can provide "Profiles" for ease of selection. In the profile name, the splits they are wanting is indicated as such. In the following example, the CTR is split north and south, but the user wants to take the northern sectors: ProfileName="N/S Split(N)", SelectedSectors="01,03,22,"
  • Sector Team features

    • When one person has the same sectors selected as another, prior to completing the selection process, the new user should be prompted to define if they are taking over this position or if they are going to be an "Assistant Controller/D-Side"
    • If Assisting, then the new user's EDST should load in the exact same manner as the current users. From this point on Management Aspects such as highlighting, free text area, remarks indications, holding, SPA/NPA/Suspense locations, Sort mode and sort by aspects, etc... should look exactly the same as if they were both working off of the same computer/monitor.
      • Ideally, both users would have complete control over what happens but if that isn't possible due to server delays and all, then the Assistant controller should be the one to have primary authority over the EDST, as that is their primary job.
    • A logic should be built in to not allow a new user to select any sectors of another controller while also selecting a new sector not selected by the other.
      • May be a good idea to do a check for this the moment a new user selects a sector already in use. If the user is going to be an assistant to that other controller, it could just auto-fill the rest of the sectors that other controller has selected.
    • While we are at it, might as well allow a "monitoring" mode that will allow someone to select any sectors they want but doesn't allow management aspects to be synced. This would be helpful for ECs, TMU, Command Center, and general observers.
  • Departure List Logic.

    • vEDST should put departure aircraft into the Departure List of the 1st CENTER sector that will work that aircraft.
      • This is done by analyzing the route, normal climb rates, and DP altitude restrictions.
      • If there is no SID, the aircraft will spawn in the Departure List of the CENTER sector that has that airport in it's surface area.
  • Appropriate Flight Data Change syncing

    • Check and sync flight plan data (altitude, equipment type and suffix codes, DEP/ARR airport codes, etc...) every 15 seconds with the VATSIM network data. If user amends any data via vEDST, stop syncing with that aircraft for at least 1min before syncing that flight again. This will give the user time to make the actual change on the network.
  • Window sizing

    • Scaling should remain consistent for a certain monitor size or higher. (This may already be the case)
    • ACL and DEP list should size and move independently.
  • Refreshing of page should have option to keep old data

    • After the user does a lot of work to organize their EDST, putting people in SPA, highlighting, VCI, etc... if the page refreshes by accident or purpose, give the user the ability to keep their current "Settings".
  • Conflict detection R/Y/A

    • Bring Raaj Patel and Mike Evans in as consultants for this one, as they may already have this logic completed for the most part.
  • Boundary Crossing Sorting

    • Ability to sort list by boundary crossing times - Works, but requires secondary sorting method for aircraft that are inside the airspace. This should be 30min or less from the boundary.
  • Feature Explanations partially complete. requires more buttons and areas to be explained

    • When the user holds down "SHIFT" and then hovers their cursor over a button or area of significance that is not easily interpreted, have a quick explanation pop-up about that button or feature.
  • Preferred routing customization per ARTCC

    • A UI should be created for ARTCC FEs and management to suppress, create, or edit the preferred routing data bases (including AAR/ADR/PFR).
      • This should be a live edit, as this will be most useful during events.
      • A "Suppress All" and "Activate All" option should be available.
      • should have the framework set up to accept preferred route strings from
        • (a) airport/group to airport/group,
        • (b) airport/group to a certain fix/airway,
        • (c) certain fix/airway to airport/group,
        • (d) fix to fix
        • (e) altitude can be specified
        • (f) FE notes for each route, ie PBI TEC RTE / PROP ONLY / AOB 160 ONLY / AOB 110 OR TPAZ DEP ONLY
  • almost done, need Icons - Route Menu VATSIM Helpers

    • When opening the route menu:
      • Put a FlightAware ICON next to the VATSIM ICON. This will take the user to the flight aware route analyzer for this flight.
      • Put a Skyvector ICON next to the other ICONs. This will take the user to the skyvector page and will auto-fill the flight plan data with the current data in the EDST.
  • Copy Route to clipboard without amending

    • We should have a way to copy the full route (including FRD if there is one) to the clipboard without having to first amend it.
    • This should be able to be done via the Route menu or the ACL. Something like CTRL+R-Click would be nice. Whatever it is, make sure it is the same for both menus.
  • Toggle VATSIM route format from ACL with no remarks icon

    • When there is no remarks icon, we currently cannot right click where the icon was to toggle the VATSIM route.


The following is a list of things that aren't working exactly the way they should.

  • Duplicate Fixes in the Direct-To-Fix Menu - Should be fixed, please report any errors on the feedback form

    • There are times when there are duplicate entries of a fix in the Route Menu.
  • Clearing "N" upon selecting the FLID.

    • While in Sort Mode = Auto, the N clears when you select the FLID immediately, however, this should only happen after the user double clicks the FLID.
  • Preferred routing is incorrect a lot of the times

    • This will continue to happen until we complete further testing, get newer routing data, and get FE's access to the system.
  • VFR Flights are not suppose to be in the EDST

    • A real world VFR flight plan does not get passed to the NAS Flight Data system, but rather just to the FSS. Therefore, seeing entries popup in the EDST for a VFR departure is a little strange. I would suggest not having a VFR aircraft be added to the EDST unless ATC has amended flight data or assigned a beacon code.
  • FRD is inaccurate most of the time

    • The FRDs are regularly pretty far off (up to about 25 miles) at times.
  • VCI //AID command only works if you do //FLID.

    • AID includes CID, FLID (callsign), and assigned beacon code. If we had to choose to drop one, drop beacon code. The most commonly used command is //CID.


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