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Description of inputs for Molecular Oncology Almanac

Example inputs can be found in the example_data/ folder, found in the root directory of this repository.

Table of Contents

The following describes required and optional arguments to run moalmanac/

Alternatively, a simplified version of the interpretation algorithm can be run by using moalmanac/

Required arguments

The following arguments are required to run Molecular Oncology Almanac.

Patient id

--patient_id expects a single string value which is used for labeling outputs.


--config expects a file path to the config.ini file.

This config file contains the following sections,

  • function_toggle - allows several features of the MOAlmanac algorithm to be enabled or disabled
  • logging - specifies the level that the logger should be configured to use
  • versions - specifies the versions of the MOAlmanac algorithm (interpreter) and database.
  • exac - specifies the allele frequency threshold used with ExAC to specify if a variant is a common variant or not
  • fusion - specifies minimum spanning fragments required for review by MOAlmanac, column names expected from inputs, and how "Fusion" should be written from input
  • mutations - specifies the minimum coverage and allelic fraction that a variant needs for review by MOAlmanac
  • seg - specifies the percentile to evaluate copy gain and loss variants from segmented copy number input files, as well as how amplification and deletion should be written as strings
  • signatures - specifies the minimum contribution required to review COSMIC mutational signatures by mMOAlmanac
  • validation_sequencing - Thresholds for minimum power to detect variants and minimum allelic fraction for annotation from validation sequencing. This is further described in the Methods section of our paper.
  • feature_types - String labels for each biomarker type passed to the algorithm. These values will be included in feature_type column of outputs.


--dbs expects a file path to the annotation-databases.ini file.

This config file contains a single section databases that lists the following:

  • root - path to datasources/ directory
  • almanac_handle - path within root that points to the molecular-oncology-almanac.json datasource file
  • cancerhotspots_handle - path within root that points to the Cancer Hotspots datasource file
  • 3dcancerhotspots_handle - path within root that points to the Cancer Hotspots 3D datasource file
  • cgc_handle - path within root that points to the Cancer Gene Census file
  • cosmic_handle - path within root that points to the COSMIC datasource file
  • gsea_pathways_handle - path within root that points to the GSEA pathways datasource file
  • gsea_modules_handle - path within root that points to the GSEA modules datasource file
  • exac_handle - path within root that points to the ExAC datasource file
  • acmg_handle - path within root that points to the ACMG datasource file
  • clinvar_handle - path within root that points to the ClinVar datasource file
  • hereditary_handle - path within root that points to the genes related to hereditary cancers datasource file
  • oncotree_handle - path within root that points to the Oncotree datasource file
  • lawrence_handle - path within root that points to the Lawrence et al. TCGA mutational burden datasource file

For more information about each datasource, view the datasources directory

Optional arguments

Molecular Oncology Almanac will run successfully given any combination of the following arguments:

Tumor type

--tumor_type expects a string representing the report tumor type. MOAlmanac will attempt to map this string to either an Oncotree term or code. MOAlmanac will consider clinically relevant matches of the same tumor type prior to considering matches of another tumor type.


--stage also expects a string and is intended for use to input disease stage. This is not functionally used within the method and only is outputted for display in the produced actionability report.

Somatic single nucleotide variants

--snv_handle anticipates a tab delimited file which contains somatic single nucleotide variants (snvs). This file should follow the guideline's set by either TCGA or GDC Mutation Annotation Format (MAF). Insertions and deletions can also be included in this input, the two MAFs are simply concatenated together.


Hugo Symbol NCBI_Build Chromosome Start_position End_position Reference_Allele Tumor_Seq_Allele1 Tumor_Seq_Allele2 Variant_Classification Tumor_Sample_Barcode Matched_Norm_Sample_Barcode Annotation_Transcript Protein_Change t_ref_count t_alt_count
BRAF 37 7 140453136 140453136 A T A Missense_Mutation ProfileA-Tumor ProfileA-Normal ENST00000288602.6 p.V600E 70 35
MSH2 37 2 47739466 47739466 G A G Missense_Mutation ProfileA-Tumor ProfileA-Normal ENST00000406134.1 p.D887N 50 25
STAG2 37 X 123191810 123191810 A T A Missense_Mutation ProfileA-Tumor ProfileA-Normal ENST00000371160.1 p.F467I 60 20

Required fields

Required fields can be changed from their default expectations by editing the appropriate section of colnames.ini. Column names are not case-sensitive.

  • Hugo_Symbol, gene symbol associated with the variant
  • NCBI_Build, reference genome used
  • Chromosome, chromosome of the variant
  • Start_position, genomic start position of the variant
  • End_position, genomic end position of the variant
  • Reference_Allele, reference allele at the genomic location
  • Variant_Classification, consequence of variant: Missense, Nonsense, Nonstop, Splice_Site, Frame_Shift_Ins, Frame_Shift_Del, In_Frame_Ins, or In_Frame_Del
  • Tumor_Seq_Allele1, alternate allele at the genomic location
  • Tumor_Seq_Allele2, second allele at the genomic location (will be the same as Reference_Allele for SNVs)
  • Tumor_Sample_Barcode, string associated with the tumor profile
  • Matched_Norm_Sample_Barcode, string associated with the corresponding normal profile
  • Annotation_Transcript, transcript associated with variant
  • t_ref_count, number of reference alleles observed at genomic position
  • t_alt_count, number of alternate alleles observed at genomic position

At least one of the following also must be included:

  • HGVSp_Short, protein change associated with the variant using the one-letter amino acid codes
  • Protein_Change, protein change associated with the variant using the one-letter amino-acid codes

Somatic insertion and deletion variants

--indel_handle anticipates a tab delimited file which contains somatic insertions and deletions (indels). This file should follow the guideline's set by either TCGA or GDC Mutation Annotation Format (MAF). Single nucleotide variants can also be included in this input, the two MAFs are simply concatenated together.


Hugo Symbol NCBI_Build Chromosome Start_position End_position Reference_Allele Tumor_Seq_Allele1 Tumor_Seq_Allele2 Variant_Classification Tumor_Sample_Barcode Matched_Norm_Sample_Barcode Annotation_Transcript Protein_Change t_ref_count t_alt_count
PMPCA 37 9 139312448 139312449 - G - Intron ProfileA-Tumor ProfileA-Normal ENST00000371717.3 92 31
C10orf2 37 10 102748300 102748301 TC TC - Frame_Shift_Del ProfileA-Tumor ProfileA-Normal ENST00000370228.1 p.L112fs 294 28
MEST 37 7 130138285 130138285 C C - Frame_Shift_Del ProfileA-Tumor ProfileA-Normal ENST00000223215.4 p.L168fs 60 20

Required fields

Required fields can be changed from their default expectations by editing the appropriate section of colnames.ini. Column names are not case-sensitive.

  • Hugo_Symbol, gene symbol associated with the variant
  • NCBI_Build, reference genome used
  • Chromosome, chromosome of the variant
  • Start_position, genomic start position of the variant
  • End_position, genomic end position of the variant
  • Reference_Allele, reference allele at the genomic location
  • Variant_Classification, consequence of variant: Missense, Nonsense, Nonstop, Splice_Site, Frame_Shift_Ins, Frame_Shift_Del, In_Frame_Ins, or In_Frame_Del
  • Tumor_Seq_Allele1, alternate allele at the genomic location
  • Tumor_Seq_Allele2, second allele at the genomic location (will be the same as Reference_Allele for SNVs)
  • Tumor_Sample_Barcode, string associated with the tumor profile
  • Matched_Norm_Sample_Barcode, string associated with the corresponding normal profile
  • Annotation_Transcript, transcript associated with variant
  • t_ref_count, number of reference alleles observed at genomic position
  • t_alt_count, number of alternate alleles observed at genomic position

At least one of the following also must be included:

  • HGVSp_Short, protein change associated with the variant using the one-letter amino acid codes
  • Protein_Change, protein change associated with the variant using the one-letter amino-acid codes

Bases covered

--bases_covered_handle anticipates a tab delimited file which contains a single integer representing the number of bases tested for somatic variants. This is used as the denominator to calculate tumor mutational burden (number of coding somatic variants / somatic bases tested).



Required fields

This input is looking for an integer value.

Called copy number alterations

--called_cn_handle anticipated a tab delimited file which contains one column for gene name and a second for the copy number call. For the latter, only the values Amplification and Deletion will be used by the Molecular Oncology Almanac.


gene call
TP53 Deletion
CDKN2A Deletion
BRAF Baseline
EGFR Amplification

The rows associated with TP53, CDKN2A, and EGFR will be interpreted and scored by Molecular Oncology Almanac while BRAF will be filtered.

Required fields

Required fields can be changed from their default expectations by editing the appropriate section of colnames.ini. Column names are not case-sensitive.

  • gene, gene symbol associated with the copy number alteration
  • call, copy number event of the gene. Amplification and Deletion are accepted and all other values will be filtered.

Copy number alterations

--cnv_handle anticipates a tab delimited file which contains total copy number from a source such as GATK CNV or ReCapSeg, support for allele specific copy number is in progress. This file should have genes associated with segments. Amplifications are called from the top 2.5% of all unique segments and deletions called from the bottom 2.5% of all unique segments.


gene segment_contig segment_start segment_end sample segment_mean
BRAF 7 140035556 142013739 ProfileA-Tumor 1.250062303
CDKN2A 9 21818453 27173612 ProfileA-Tumor 0.822108092
BOC 3 112282632 113393977 ProfileA-Tumor 0.957205107

Required fields

Required fields can be changed from their default expectations by editing the appropriate section of colnames.ini. Column names are not case-sensitive.

  • gene, gene symbol associated with the copy number alteration
  • segment_contig, chromosome of the copy number alteration
  • segment_start, genomic location of the segment's start position
  • segment_end, genomic location of the segment's end position
  • sample, string associated with the tumor profile
  • segment_mean, normalized segment mean


--fusion_handle anticipates a tab delimited file which contains fusions, specifically in the format of STAR Fusion.


#FusionName SpanningFragCount LeftBreakpoint RightBreakpoint
EML4--ALK 0 6:47471176 11:66563752
COL1A2--APBA3 6 9:35657873 21:46320255
POLR2A--AP2M1 12 17:7406801 3:183898675

Required fields

Required fields can be changed from their default expectations by editing the appropriate section of colnames.ini. Column names are not case-sensitive.

  • #FusionName, gene symbols associated with the fusion separated by --. Genes are labeled from 5' to 3'.
  • SpanningFragCount, counts of RNA-seq fragments supporting the fusion
  • LeftBreakpoint, genomic position of the fusion's left breakpoint
  • RightBreakpoint, genomic position of the fusion's right breakpoint

Germline variants

--germline_handle anticipates a tab delimited file which contains germline variants (both snvs and indels) associated with a case profile. This file should follow the guideline's set by either TCGA or GDC Mutation Annotation Format (MAF). Column names are not case-sensitive.


Hugo Symbol NCBI_Build Chromosome Start_position End_position Reference_Allele Tumor_Seq_Allele1 Tumor_Seq_Allele2 Variant_Classification Tumor_Sample_Barcode Matched_Norm_Sample_Barcode Annotation_Transcript Protein_Change t_ref_count t_alt_count
BRAF 37 7 140453136 140453136 A T A Missense_Mutation ProfileA-Tumor ProfileA-Normal ENST00000288602.6 p.V600E 40 25
MSH2 37 2 47739466 47739466 G A G Missense_Mutation ProfileA-Tumor ProfileA-Normal ENST00000406134.1 p.D887N 40 30
STAG2 37 X 123191810 123191810 A T A Missense_Mutation ProfileA-Tumor ProfileA-Normal ENST00000371160.1 p.F467I 80 26

Required fields

Required fields can be changed from their default expectations by editing the appropriate section of colnames.ini. Column names are not case-sensitive.

  • Hugo_Symbol, gene symbol associated with the variant
  • NCBI_Build, reference genome used
  • Chromosome, chromosome of the variant
  • Start_position, genomic start position of the variant
  • End_position, genomic end position of the variant
  • Reference_Allele, reference allele at the genomic location
  • Variant_Classification, consequence of variant: Missense, Nonsense, Nonstop, Splice_Site, Frame_Shift_Ins, Frame_Shift_Del, In_Frame_Ins, or In_Frame_Del
  • Tumor_Seq_Allele1, alternate allele at the genomic location
  • Tumor_Seq_Allele2, second allele at the genomic location (will be the same as Reference_Allele for SNVs)
  • Tumor_Sample_Barcode, string associated with the tumor profile
  • Matched_Norm_Sample_Barcode, string associated with the corresponding normal profile
  • Annotation_Transcript, transcript associated with variant
  • t_ref_count, number of reference alleles observed at genomic position
  • t_alt_count, number of alternate alleles observed at genomic position

At least one of the following also must be included:

  • HGVSp_Short, protein change associated with the variant using the one-letter amino acid codes
  • Protein_Change, protein change associated with the variant using the one-letter amino-acid codes

Somatic variants from validation sequencing

--validation_handle anticipates a tab delimited file which contains somatic variants (snvs and/or indels) from any form of validation or orthogonal sequencing on the tumor; such as re-sequencing the same tissue or somatic variants called from RNA. This file should follow the guideline's set by either TCGA or GDC Mutation Annotation Format (MAF).

Variants from this file are only used for confirmation and are not used for discovery. Specifically, MOAlmanac will look for reported somatic variants in the validation sequencing and identify if any supporting reads are present and if there is sufficient power for detection. This is consistent with best practices recommended by Yizhak et al. 2019.


Hugo Symbol NCBI_Build Chromosome Start_position End_position Reference_Allele Tumor_Seq_Allele1 Tumor_Seq_Allele2 Variant_Classification Tumor_Sample_Barcode Matched_Norm_Sample_Barcode Annotation_Transcript Protein_Change t_ref_count t_alt_count
BRAF 37 7 140453136 140453136 A T A Missense_Mutation ProfileA-Tumor ProfileA-Normal ENST00000288602.6 p.V600E 40 25
MSH2 37 2 47739466 47739466 G A G Missense_Mutation ProfileA-Tumor ProfileA-Normal ENST00000406134.1 p.D887N 40 30
STAG2 37 X 123191810 123191810 A T A Missense_Mutation ProfileA-Tumor ProfileA-Normal ENST00000371160.1 p.F467I 80 26

Required fields

Required fields can be changed from their default expectations by editing the appropriate section of colnames.ini. Column names are not case-sensitive.

  • Hugo_Symbol, gene symbol associated with the variant
  • NCBI_Build, reference genome used
  • Chromosome, chromosome of the variant
  • Start_position, genomic start position of the variant
  • End_position, genomic end position of the variant
  • Reference_Allele, reference allele at the genomic location
  • Variant_Classification, consequence of variant: Missense, Nonsense, Nonstop, Splice_Site, Frame_Shift_Ins, Frame_Shift_Del, In_Frame_Ins, or In_Frame_Del
  • Tumor_Seq_Allele1, alternate allele at the genomic location
  • Tumor_Seq_Allele2, second allele at the genomic location (will be the same as Reference_Allele for SNVs)
  • Tumor_Sample_Barcode, string associated with the tumor profile
  • Matched_Norm_Sample_Barcode, string associated with the corresponding normal profile
  • Annotation_Transcript, transcript associated with variant
  • t_ref_count, number of reference alleles observed at genomic position
  • t_alt_count, number of alternate alleles observed at genomic position

At least one of the following also must be included:

  • HGVSp_Short, protein change associated with the variant using the one-letter amino acid codes
  • Protein_Change, protein change associated with the variant using the one-letter amino-acid codes

Microsatellite status

--ms_status is a categorical input for microsatellite status, anticipating one of four options:

  • --unknown, when status is unknown
  • --mss for microsatellite stable tumors, MSS
  • --msil for microsatellite instability "low", MSI-L
  • --msih for microsatellite instability "high", MSI-H

Microsatellite status is reported in the clinical actionability report.

Mutational signatures

--mutational_signatures anticipates a tab delimited file which contains contributions to Single Base Substitution (SBS) Mutational Signatures from COSMIC version 3.4. The file should only contain signature contributions for the tumor sample being studied. We recommend generating SBS mutational signatures with SigProfilerAssignment, and have prepared a wrapper GitHub repository to run SigProfilerAssignment and format signature contributions as expected.


signature contribution
SBS1 0.03846154
SBS2 0
SBS3 0.8525641
... ...
SBS95 0

Required fields,

The required fields for this file can be changed from their default expectations by editing the appropriate section of colnames.ini. Column names are not case sensitive.

  • signature, labels for each of the 79 SBS mutational signatures included in COSMIC mutational signatures version 3.4
  • contribution, a float value between 0 and 1 for the row's associated signature weight. This column's values should sum to 1.


--purity anticipates a float value between 0.0 and 1.0 for the reported tumor purity. This is just used for reporting in the clinical actionability report.


--purity anticipates a float value for the reported tumor ploidy. This is just used for reporting in the clinical actionability report.

Whole genome doubling

--wgd is a boolean argument that, when passed, is interpreted as the tumor harboring a whole-genome doubling event. If passed, MOAlmanac will match against relevant assertions.

Disable matchmaking

--disable_matchmaking removes patient-to-cell line matchmaking from being included in the actionability report.


--description is a string input that is generally a free text field for users to enter any additional comments.

Output directory

--output-directory allows users to specify an output directory to write outputs to, the current working directory will be used if unspecified.

Preclinical databases

--preclinical-dbs expects a file path to the preclinical-databases.ini file. This argument and ini file are required to run either module that either:

  • Looks at the efficacy of relationships in cancer cell lines
  • Performs genomic similarity to cancer cell lines

This config file contains a single section preclinical that lists the following:

  • root - path to datasources/preclinical/ directory
  • almanac_gdsc_mappings - path within root that points to the formatted/almanac-gdsc-mappings.json datasource file
  • summary - path within root that points to the formatted/cell-lines.summary.txt datasource file
  • variants - path within root that points to the annotated/cell-lines.somatic-variants.annotated.txt datasource file
  • copynumbers - path within root that points to the annotated/cell-lines.copy-numbers.annotated.txt file
  • fusions - path within root that points to the annotated/cell-lines.fusions.annotated.txt datasource file
  • fusions1 - path within root that points to the annotated/cell-lines.fusions.annotated.gene1.txt datasource file
  • fusions2 - path within root that points to the annotated/cell-lines.fusions.annotated.gene2.txt datasource file
  • gdsc - path within root that points to the formatted/sanger.gdsc.txt datasource file
  • dictionarey - path within root that points to the cell-lines.pkl datasource file

For more information about each datasource, view the datasources/preclinical/ directory

Simplified input

--input is an argument only used with It accepts a tab delimited file with one genomic alteration per row based on MOAlmanac's standardized feature columns. In short the following columns are expected,

  1. feature_type, the data type of the molecular features and accepts Somatic Variant, Germline Variant, Copy Number, or Rearrangement. These strings can be customized in the feature_types section of config.ini.
  2. gene or feature, the gene name of the genomic alteration.
  3. alteration_type, classification or consequence of the genomic alteration
    • For somatic and germline variants: Missense, Nonsense, Nonstop, Splice_Site, Frame_Shift_Ins, Frame_Shift_Del, In_Frame_Ins, or In_Frame_Del
    • For copy number alterations: Amplification or Deletion
    • For rearrangements: Fusion or Translocation
  4. alteration, specific genomic alteration,
    • For somatic and germline variants: the protein change with 1-letter amino acid codes, p.HGVSp_Short
    • For copy number alterations: Leave blank
    • For rearrangements: the full fusion separated by two dashes, --

For example,

feature_type feature alteration_type alteration
Somatic Variant BRAF Missense p.V600E
Copy Number CDK4 Amplification
Rearrangement COL1A1 Fusion COL1A1--CITED4
Germline Variant BRCA2 Frameshift p.S1982fs

If you use this method, please cite our publication:

Reardon, B., Moore, N.D., Moore, N.S., et al. Integrating molecular profiles into clinical frameworks through the Molecular Oncology Almanac to prospectively guide precision oncology. Nat Cancer (2021).