The Dapp is an election campaign promise tracker built on top of Polygon. In developing countries, political leaders get away with every promise they make in their election campaigns. Nobody holds them accountable and we don’t see media agencies engaging in analyzing the promises they kept from their election manifestos. So, here we built a promise tracker app that can be used in any election.
The Dapp keeps a list of elected candidates with their details, who can add their agendas which will be stored permanently on Polygon so that no powerful agency controls it like the media. The voters of the election get to cast their vote on the delivery of each of the agendas which is out for everyone to see and judge before casting vote again.
Link to the production app: (
Link to the video explainer: ( (
If you login as a contestant(address should we registered with us), you see your details and the list of promises you made in the election to which you can add but not edit or delete.
All the other addresses will be voters in the election and see a list of all the candidates, clicking on which takes you to the details page, and has a list of promises you can cast your vote on depending on how you feel the candidate performed. Remember, you can vote on a promise only once and it takes a little time for updating it on chain.
Polygon, Solidity, ethers.js, Next.js, React.js, HTML, CSS, Hardhat, Chai, web3uikit, web3Modal
First, enter into the webapp directory:
1. cd webapp
- npm install
- npm run dev
- # or
- yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.