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217 lines (182 loc) · 11.5 KB

Generating JUnit Report based on custom Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) applied to the JMeter Dashboard Statistics Json file

This tool read KPI declarations in a file and apply the KPI assertion on a JMeter Dashboard Statistics Json file and generates a result file in JUnit XML format and others formats Html, Json and Csv.

Manual Dashboard JMeter Dashboard Statistics Json file could be generated in Command Line Interface (CLI) with :

  • Generation from an existing sample CSV log file
    • jmeter -g <log file> -o <Path to output folder>
    • jmeter -g <log file> -o <Path to output folder> -Jjmeter.reportgenerator.exporter.html.series_filter="SC[0-9]+_.*" -Jjmeter.reportgenerator.overall_granularity=4000 (with filter and granularity parameters)
  • Generation after load test
    • jmeter -n -t <test JMX file> -l <test log file> -e -o <Path to output folder>

The JMeter Dashboard Json file statistics.json is created in the <Path to output folder>
statistics json file in a dashboard directory

The KPI file format

The KPI file needs 5 columns :

  1. name_kpi the name of the KPI also the classname in the Test Case in JUnit
  2. metric_json_attribute the attribute name in the statistics.json file (Attributes are : sampleCount or errorCount or errorPct or meanResTime or medianResTime or minResTime or maxResTime or pct1ResTime (90 percentile) or pct2ResTime (95 percentile) or pct3ResTime (99 percentile) or throughput or receivedKBytesPerSec or sentKBytesPerSec)
  3. label_regex the Label name in regular expression, the transaction attribute in the JMeter Dashboard statistics.json file (E.g : SC01_P.* or SC\d+_P.* or SC01_P01_LOGIN or SC01_P01_LOGIN|SC01_P02_HOME or \d+ /.* )
  4. comparator the comparator < or <= or > or >=
  5. threshold the value (for percentage rate errorPct use value between 0 and 1, e.g : 0.02 for 2%)

The column separator is ',' for the kpi file

Percentiles_90 specific pages,pct1ResTime,SC01_P03_LOGIN|SC03_P03_LOGIN,<=,10
Average Pages,meanResTime,SC\d+_P.*,<=,2000
Errors Rate,errorPct,SC\d+_SCRIPT.*,<,0.01
Max time specific API,maxResTime,SC01_P05_LANCE_RECH,<=,100
Number pages,sampleCount,SC.*,>,100

KPI View in Excel
kpi in Excel

Save in UTF-8 comma separator no BOM or csv with comma separator if you have only ASCII characters (no accent é,è, à ...)


The tool have parameters :

usage: io.github.vdaburon.jmeter.utils.jsonkpi.JUnitReportFromJMDashboardStats [-csvOutFile <csvOutFile>] [-divHtmlOutFile <divHtmlOutFile>]
       [-exitReturnOnFail <exitReturnOnFail>] [-help] [-htmlOutFile <htmlOutFile>] [-jsonOutFile <jsonOutFile>] -jsonStats <jsonStats>
       [-junitFile <junitFile>] -kpiFile <kpiFile>
 -csvOutFile <csvOutFile>               Csv out file result optional (E.g: result.csv)
 -divHtmlOutFile <divHtmlOutFile>       Div Partial Html Page out file result optional (E.g: div_result.html), to include in an another HTML
 -exitReturnOnFail <exitReturnOnFail>   if true then when kpi fail then create JUnit XML file and program return exit 1 (KO); if false
                                        [Default] then create JUnit XML File and exit 0 (OK)
 -help                                  Help and show parameters
 -htmlOutFile <htmlOutFile>             Html out file result optional (E.g: result.html)
 -jsonOutFile <jsonOutFile>             Json out file result optional (E.g: result.json)
 -jsonStats <jsonStats>                 JMeter Dashboard stats file (E.g : statistics.json)
 -junitFile <junitFile>                 junit file name out (Default : jmeter-junit-plugin-jmstats.xml)
 -kpiFile <kpiFile>                     KPI file contains rule to check (E.g : kpi.csv)
E.g : java -jar junit-reporter-kpi-from-jmeter-dashboard-stats-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar -jsonStats statistics.json  -kpiFile
kpi.csv -exitReturnOnFail true
or more parameters : java -jar junit-reporter-kpi-from-jmeter-dashboard-stats-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar -jsonStats statistics.json
-kpiFile kpi_check.csv -junitFile junit.xml -htmlOutFile result.html -divHtmlOutFile div_result.html -csvOutFile result.csv -jsonOutFile
result.json -exitReturnOnFail false

JUnit Report XML file generated

Example JUnit XML file generated :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<testsuite errors="0" failures="2" name="JUnit Report From Dashboard Statistics" skipped="0" tests="6">
  <testcase classname="Percentiles_90" name="pct1ResTime (SC\d+_P.*) &lt;= 2000"/>
  <testcase classname="Percentiles_90 specific pages" name="pct1ResTime (SC01_P03_LOGIN|SC03_P03_LOGIN) &lt;= 10">
    <failure message="">Actual value 57.0 exceeds or equals threshold 10.0 for samples matching "SC01_P03_LOGIN|SC03_P03_LOGIN"; fail label(s) "SC03_P03_LOGIN"</failure>
  <testcase classname="Average Pages" name="meanResTime (SC\d+_P.*) &lt;= 2000"/>
  <testcase classname="Errors Rate" name="errorPct (SC\d+_SCRIPT.*) &lt; 0.01"/>
  <testcase classname="Max time specific API" name="maxResTime (SC01_P05_LANCE_RECH) &lt;= 100"/>
  <testcase classname="Number pages" name="sampleCount (SC.*) &gt; 100">
    <failure message="">Actual value 33.0 is less then threshold 100.0 for samples matching "SC.*"; fail label(s) "SC03_P01_ACCUEIL", "SC03_P03_LOGIN", "SC03_P04_LIEN_STATS", "SC03_P02_DMD_FORM_LOGIN", "SC03_P05_LIEN_RETOUR_MENU", "SC03_SCRIPT_STATS", "SC03_P06_LOGOUT"</failure>

Remark : failure message is limited to 1024 characters, if failure message finished with "..." then the message is voluntarily truncated.

JUnit Report in a Gitlab Pipeline

A JUnit Report with KPIs display in a Gitlab Pipeline
junit gitlab pipeline

If you click on button "View Details" for Status Fail, you will show the fail message
junit gitlab pipeline detail fail

JUnit Report in Jenkins Build

A JUnit Report with KPIs display in Jenkins Build
junit jenkins build

If you click on link "Name Test" fail , you will show the fail message
junit jenkins build detail fail

Html out format

The result could be a html page ou partial html page (div) html out format

Csv out format

The result in a csv file csv out format

Json out format

The result in a Json file csv out format


See the LICENSE file Apache 2

Usage Maven

The maven groupId, artifactId and version, this plugin is in the Maven Central Repository Maven Central junit-reporter-kpi-from-jmeter-report-csv


Just include the plugin in your pom.xml and execute mvn verify
or individual launch mvn -DjsonStats=statistics.json -DkpiFile=kpi.csv -DjunitFile=jmeter-junit-plugin-jmstats.xml exec:exec@create_junit-report-kpi-from-jmeter-json-statics



            <!-- individual launch : mvn exec:exec@create_junit-report-kpi-from-jmeter-json-statics -->
                <!-- automatically creates the classpath using all project dependencies,
                                     also adding the project build directory -->

Simple jar tool

This tool is a java jar, so it's could be use as simple jar (look at Release to download jar file)

java -jar junit-reporter-kpi-from-jmeter-dashboard-stats-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar -jsonStats statistics.json -kpiFile kpi.csv -junitFile junit-report.xml -exitReturnOnFail true

Tool installed with jmeter-plugins-manager

This tool could be installed with the jmeter-plugins-manager from
The tool name is : "vdn@github - junit-reporter-kpi-from-jmeter-dashboard-stats tool"

in JMETER_HOME\bin (Windows)

junit-reporter-kpi-from-jmeter-dashboard-stats.cmd -jsonStats statistics.json -kpiFile kpi.csv -junitFile junit-report.xml -htmlOutFile result.html -csvOutFile result.csv

in JMETER_HOME/bin (Linux or MacOS) -jsonStats statistics.json -kpiFile kpi.csv -junitFile junit-report.xml -htmlOutFile result.html -csvOutFile result.csv

Link to others projects

Usually this plugin is use with jmeter-maven-plugin set <generateReports>true</generateReports> to generate the dashboard with statistics.json file.

You could also use jmeter-graph-tool-maven-plugin


version 1.4 add installer

version 1.3 export result in html, json or csv format

Version 1.2 change the Test Suite Name

Version 1.1 change Fail Message when equality

Version 1.0 initial version