- Implement base Component class with lifecycle methods
- Add reactive state management system
- Implement basic event handling system
- Enhance event handling system with better error handling
- Create component composition system
- Add component prop validation
- Add component lifecycle hooks (mount, update, unmount)
- Implement component inheritance system
- Add component slots for content injection
- Create component templates system
- Basic text components (Heading, Paragraph, Text)
- Advanced text components:
- Blockquote with citations
- Pre/Code with syntax highlighting
- Address component
- Time component
- Definition lists (dl, dt, dd)
- Inline text styles (ins, del, dfn, kbd, samp, var)
- Progress and meter components
- Rich text editor integration
- Basic Button component with modern styling
- Basic TextInput component
- Add form validation to input components
- Implement component styling API
- Add state management to components
- Create new layout components:
- Container
- Grid
- Flex
- Stack
- Responsive layout system
- Add more form components:
- Select
- Checkbox
- Radio
- TextArea
- Switch
- Slider
- DatePicker
- ColorPicker
- FileUpload
- Implement data display components:
- Table
- List
- Card
- Badge
- Avatar
- Progress indicators
- Create navigation components:
- Menu
- Tabs
- Breadcrumb
- Pagination
- Drawer/Sidebar
- Create CLI for project scaffolding
- Implement hot reload functionality
- Add component inspector
- Create debugging tools
- Add performance profiling tools
- Write comprehensive API documentation
- Create getting started guide
- Add component examples
- Document best practices
- Add TypeScript type definitions
- Add unit tests for core components
- Implement integration tests
- Add end-to-end testing
- Create test utilities
- Add code coverage reporting
- Implement virtual DOM or similar optimization
- Add component lazy loading
- Optimize asset loading
- Implement caching system
- Add code splitting support
- Implement XSS protection
- Add CSRF protection
- Create input sanitization
- Add HTML sanitization for text components
- Implement markdown sanitization
- Add dynamic title management system
- Add better error messages and debugging info
- Create development time warnings
- Improve IDE support with better type hints
- Add code formatting guidelines
- Create contribution guidelines
Component Lifecycle System ✓
- Add mount, update, unmount hooks
- Implement state change detection
- Add cleanup mechanisms
Advanced Event System (Next to implement)
- Event bubbling and capturing
- Event delegation
- Custom event types
- Event middleware
Component Composition ✓
- Slots for content injection
- Component inheritance
- Mixins/Traits system
- Component templates
State Management ✓
- Global state store
- State persistence
- State history (undo/redo)
- Computed properties
Routing System
- Client-side routing
- Route parameters
- Route guards
- Nested routes
Data Binding ✓
- Two-way data binding
- Form model binding
- Array binding
- Computed bindings
Component Communication ✓
- Parent-child communication
- Sibling communication
- Event bus
- Dependency injection
Styling System
- Theme management
- CSS-in-JS
- Style inheritance
- Dynamic styling
Animation System
- Transition effects
- Animation primitives
- Gesture handling
- Page transitions
Error Handling ✓
- Error boundaries
- Error recovery
- Error reporting
- Development mode warnings