The base tag this release is branched from is
In order to tag and push the docker image, define the following environment variables:
export DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME=<docker repository/docker namespace>
export DOCKER_TAG=<image tag>
export VZ_BASE_IMAGE=<base image>
Build and push the image to container registry:
make docker-build
docker image push ${DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}/:${DOCKER_TAG}
Please note the following changes made to build Dex from source:
- The Dex docker image is built using Dockerfile_verrazzano
- The calls to cross-compilation helpers - xx, is removed in Dockerfile_verrazzano
- The package built from cmd/docker-entrypoint is not included in the image, to remove the dependency on gomplate. Instead of using templated config.docker.yaml, the image includes from the project root directory.