All Developers and Students are welcoem to contribute to this project, you can optimize the current solutions or you can add your own questions which you feel are important from the interview point of view or in general.
- Find any request for a code in the issues section of the repository and comment if you want the issue to be assigned to you.
- Create a new issue if you would like to add something from your own end, like writing your own code or optimizing a pre-exisiting solution.
- Once you have fixed the issue or added your code, simply generate a PR with link to that issue and submit for review.
First fork your own copy of the repository and clone it in your local machine.
foo@ git clone<your usernam here>/dsa-450
Generate your own branch with name that is appropriate for the issue you are trying to fix, example if you are adding "reverse a linked list" name the branch "code- reverse linked list".
Write good commit messages that explain at each step what you have added or removed, this will help in monitoring your codes.
git commit -m "added reverse linked list code"
Finally push your commits to your remote forked repository. Submit a PR for merging your changes into the main repository. You can use
git push
for this. -
Once you reach the submit pull request page, write a brief about all the changes that you made, explain the question you have added, etc and submit for review.
The moderators will review your code and if it ticks all the boxes it will be merged with the main branch.