The full list of implemented Agent Service endpoints.
Dumps the Agent Service actual known mapping, in the moment when this service was called. Formerly developed for debugging purposes, but seems to be generally useful to be able to check the actual Agent Service state.
Contains the complete dump from several mapping perspectives:
- the list of known agent configurations, per each there is list of adapters attached, per each adapter, the list of discovered things attached
- the list of known adapter configurations, per each there is list of discovered things attached
- the mapping of things for particular adapters
- the mapping of things based on their VICINITY oid
GET : /configuration
Example response:
"agents": [
"agent-id": "4aaf6042-9888-4cd1-bc56-f42a84204101",
"adapters": [
"adapter-id": "adapter-1",
"things": [{
"adapter-infra-id": "adapter-1---!---test",
"infra-id": "test",
"oid": "70807275-e563-4238-8ece-a68572e415fe",
"adapter-oid": "adapter-1---!---70807275-e563-4238-8ece-a68572e415fe"
"adapters": [
"adapter-id": "adapter-1",
"things": [{
"adapter-infra-id": "adapter-1---!---test",
"infra-id": "test",
"oid": "70807275-e563-4238-8ece-a68572e415fe",
"adapter-oid": "adapter-1---!---70807275-e563-4238-8ece-a68572e415fe"
"things-by-adapter": [
"for-adapter": "adapter-1",
"adapter-things": [{
"adapter-infra-id": "adapter-1---!---test",
"infra-id": "test",
"oid": "70807275-e563-4238-8ece-a68572e415fe",
"adapter-oid": "adapter-1---!---70807275-e563-4238-8ece-a68572e415fe"
"things-by-oid": [{
"adapter-infra-id": "adapter-1---!---test",
"infra-id": "test",
"oid": "70807275-e563-4238-8ece-a68572e415fe",
"adapter-oid": "adapter-1---!---70807275-e563-4238-8ece-a68572e415fe"
Agent Service must ensure, that new agents may be added and configured, also existing agents may be reconfigured. All of this on the fly without the need of whole Agent Service restart.
Agent Service provides endpoint to enable on the fly (re)configurations of particular agent components.
The endpoint:
PUT : /agents/{agid}/configure
- {agid}: the agent-id of agent to be (re)configured
The payload (the request body) is not provided!
The response is simple notification on operation success, e.g.:
"status": "success",
"data": "Agent [{agid}] was successfully configured!"
"status": "error",
"reason": "what went banana message"
Agent service search for configuration file containing the agent component with {agid} parameter. For adding the new agent, just place the new agent config file into agents config folder (by default /config/agents/) and call configuration service.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The first thing the Agent Service does is the complete clearance of existing mappings for agent with {agid}, including clearance of attached adapter components and their things. If anything in agent configuration fails (parsing errors, unavailable adapters, ...), the mapping for this agent remains empty, until the configuration runs correctly.
Agent Service enables the so-called active discovery of Adapters, this means, the Adapters may proactively send their discovery information. There are two reasons for this:
- Adapters, which are not available via static endpoints (e.g. mobile phones do not have the IP) must announce their discovery information proactively
- It is possible to reconfigure any Adapter discovery information by request, for example if the list of thing descriptions behind the Adapter needs to be actualized (added new/removed/changed things)
The endpoint:
POST: /objects
The payload is the Adapter discovery data.
The response is simple notification on operation success, e.g.:
"status": "success",
"data": "Discovery for adapter [{adapterId from posted payload}] successfully done!"
"status": "error",
"reason": "what went banana message"
IMPORTANT NOTE: The first thing the Agent Service does is the complete clearance of existing mappings for adapter and its things. If anything in adapter (re)configuration fails (parsing errors, unavailable adapters, ...), the mapping for this adapter remains empty, until the configuration runs correctly.
Accessing the object property is always triggered by concrete object behind the concrete adapter. Remote objects are those, which are in another Client Node as the requesting Adapter. And remote objects are always available via their VICINITY oid.
GET: /remote/objects/{oid}/properties/{pid}
- oid - VICINITY oid of requested object
- pid - the property identifier
To access the remote object, it is mandatory to provide identifier of object, which is requesting this data. This is always object in concrete Adapter, identified by its internal ID.
Request headers:
- infrastructure-id infrastructure-id of requesting object
- adapter-id identifier of adapter for this object
This request is forwarded to GTW API with proper VICINITY credentials of requesting object. The response is passed back to GTW API, forwarded into Agent Service, which returns it as response to this request, without touching it. The response payload should follow the specification of the DataSchema of property output provided in thing description of requested remote object.
PUT: /remote/objects/{oid}/properties/{pid}
- oid - VICINITY oid of requested object
- pid - the property identifier
To access the remote object, it is mandatory to provide identifier of object, which is requesting this data. This is always object in concrete Adapter, identified by its internal ID.
Request headers:
- infrastructure-id infrastructure-id of requesting object
- adapter-id identifier of adapter for this object
Payload is the JSON object, which should follow the specification of the DataSchema of property input provided in thing description of requested remote object.
This request is forwarded to GTW API with proper VICINITY credentials of requesting object. The response is passed back to GTW API, forwarded into Agent Service, which returns it as response to this request, without touching it. The response payload should follow the specification of the DataSchema of property output provided in thing description of requested remote object.
The reverse to accessing of remote objects. If some remote object accesses the property of some of local objects within this Agent Service. Basically, if remote object wants to access local object available via this Agent Service, it must use the remote object access using its Agent Service, as described above.
If request is received, the local object with requested VICINITY oid is found and the request is translated to call of related Adapter (responsible for this local object) using the proper Adapter endpoint.
GET: /objects/{oid}/properties/{pid}
- oid - VICINITY oid of requested object
- pid - the property identifier
The call is translated into proper call on Adapter responsible for this object.
The response payload should follow the specification of the DataSchema of property output provided in thing description of requested local object.
PUT: /objects/{oid}/properties/{pid}
- oid - VICINITY oid of requested object
- pid - the property identifier
The call is translated into proper call on Adapter responsible for this object.
The payload into service should follow the specification of the DataSchema of property input provided in thing description of requested local object.
The response payload should follow the specification of the DataSchema of property output provided in thing description of requested local object.
POST /events/{eid}
Request headers:
- infrastructure-id: internal id of object that will publish the events
- adapter-id: adapter for this object
The body of this request must be empty.
POST /objects/{oid}/events/{eid}
Request headers:
- infrastructure-id: internal id of object that will publish the events
- adapter-id: adapter for this object
The request parameter oid specifies the VICINITY oid of object, to which channel this subscription applies.
The body of this request must be empty.
PUT: /events/{eid}
- eid - the event identifier
It is mandatory to provide identifier of object, which is publishing the event. This is always object in concrete Adapter, identified by its internal ID.
Request headers:
- infrastructure-id infrastructure-id of event publishing object
- adapter-id identifier of adapter for this object
Payload is the JSON object, which should follow the specification of the DataSchema of event output provided in thing description of event publishing object.
This request is forwarded to GTW API with proper VICINITY credentials of requesting object.
PUT: /objects/{oid}/events/{eid}
- oid - the VICINITY identifier of event receiving object (object, which was subscribed for event channel)
- eid - the event identifier
Payload is the JSON object, which should follow the specification of the DataSchema of event output provided in thing description of event publishing object.
The object with oid is found and the request is forwarder to the related Adapter. The receiving Adapter is responsible for further management of this event. If Adapter wants to receive the events, it must implement the following endpoint:
PUT: /objects/{infrastructure-id}/publishers/{oid}/events/{eid}
- infrastructure-id - receiver - the internal identifier of object, which is subscribed to event
- oid - publisher - the VICINITY identifier of object, which produced event
- eid - the event identifier