An open source CMS built with the power of Elixir, Phoenix and Postgresql.
This project is currently a WIP and documentation, guides and more info is on it's way, stay tuned by staring this repo!
Many things may change before a stable version comes out, if you have any idea/suggestion/contribution, feel free to do it!
Find me (soon us I hope!) in #contento channel on Elixir Slack.
This info will be updated soon!
- Clone this repo wherever you'd like:
$ git clone
- Install dependencies:
$ cd ./contento/
$ mix deps.get
- Install assets dependencies:
$ cd ./assets/
$ yarn install
- Create database and run migrations:
$ cd ../ # leaving assets dir
$ mix ecto.setup
- Run the server:
$ mix phx.server
After that you can access the website in http://localhost:4000
and login to admin in http://localhost:4000/login
Default credentials are:
- Email:
- Password: 12345678
NOTE: Check for current features and what's expected to come next.
Info for contributing to this project will be here soon, in the meanwhile just submit your PRs!
This project is licensed under the MIT license.