The official Uno views for LibVLCSharp.
This package contains the views that allows to display a video played with LibVLCSharp on the Uno Platform
This package depends on LibVLCSharp. It also makes use of the Uno.UI package.
Supported frameworks:
- net8.0-android,
- net8.0-ios,
- net8.0-windows10.0.19041.
Supported platforms:
- WinUI
- Android
- iOS
NOTE: This package does not currently support WebAssembly on Uno! It will when libvlc can run on WebAssembly.
The best way to get started is to clone this repository and start one of the Uno samples.
If you want to create a video application using the Uno Platform and the power of VLC, this package is made for you.
For other platforms, see the main documentation.