This is an EXAMPLE(!) ArgoCD setup, extended with user defined configurations.
Custom configurations:
ArgoCD is configured to use Keycloak for authentication.
Feature Applications in any namespace is enabled in configurations.
Repository includes 3 "root" apps named argocd, apps, projects (kind: Application).
argocd and apps use the App of Apps pattern to bootstrap the cluster.
Kustomize is used to patch the base files over with environment specific configs.
For local testing get the kustomize tool from
├── base
│ ├── /apps <!--- root admin apps
│ │ ├── apps.yaml <!--- creates app named "argocd" (syncs this repo content)
│ │ ├── projects.yaml <!--- creates app named "projects" (syncs "argocd-projects" repo content)
│ │ └── argocd.yaml <!--- creates app named "apps" (syncs "argocd-apps" repo content; "app-of-apps")
│ ├── /configmaps <!--- configmaps used by "argocd"
│ ├── /secrets <!--- repository login secrets used by apps: "argocd, "apps"
│ ├── /services <!--- services configured for "argocd"
│ ├── projects
│ │ ├── argocd.yaml <!--- used by apps: "argocd", "apps"
│ │ └── default.yaml <!--- restricted version of the default project (override)
│ ├── namespace.yaml
│ └── kustomization.yaml
└── overlays
├── dev <!--- patch the base files with "dev" env conf
│ ├── /apps
│ ├── /secrets
│ ├── argocd-cm.yaml
│ ├── argocd-cmd-params-cm.yaml
│ ├── argocd-rbac-cm.yaml <!--- argocd groups available in keycloak
│ └── kustomization.yaml
├── live
│ ├── ...
│ └── kustomization.yaml
└── test
├── ...
└── kustomization.yaml
When ArgoCD has not yet been installed to cluster use kubectl
to apply manifests aka install ArgoCD.
This is default ArgoCD install ( manifests) + custom user configurations (from this repo).
1. Install ArgoCD + AppProjects (projects needed for root applications)
# Match all labels except "kind=Application"
kustomize build . | kubectl apply -l kind!=Application -f -
PS! ArgoCD default install does not create any Applications - they are all user defined (safe to exclude)!
2. Install the root Applications (argocd,projects,apps)
kustomize build . | kubectl apply -l kind=Application -f -
NB! ArgoCD must be first installed and running before adding the applications (kind: Application) custom resources !