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vinod edited this page Dec 25, 2023 · 2 revisions

NestJS JWT Service with Cookie and Authorization

This repository contains a NestJS application showcasing JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication using cookies and authorization implementation.


  • JWT Authentication: Implementation of JWT-based authentication using NestJS.
  • Cookie-based Tokens: Store JWT tokens in HTTP-only cookies for secure communication.
  • Authorization Middleware: Middleware for protecting routes and verifying user authorization.

Cookie-Based Authentication Implementation with Nest.js


  • Node.js
  • Basic knowledge of Nest.js
  • Basic knowledge of Command Line

Getting Started

This guide focuses on cookie-based authentication in Nest.js. To begin, bootstrap the project by installing Nest CLI globally in your environment. Refer to the official docs for detailed instructions.

Implementing Basic JWT Authentication with @nestjs/jwt

Follow the Nest.js documentation to add basic authentication using @nestjs/jwt. Initially, the application uses a bearer token for authorization headers, which we'll later transition into an http-only cookie. @Module({ imports: [ UserModule, JwtModule.register({ global: true, secret: jwtConstants.secret, signOptions: { expiresIn: '60s' } }), ], providers: [ AuthService, { provide: APP_GUARD, useClass: AuthGuard, } ], controllers: [AuthController], exports: [AuthService], }) export class AuthModule {}

Update the expiration time in 'src/auth/auth.module.ts' to a longer duration for testing purposes.

Testing Authentication

Verify the authentication by obtaining a new access token and accessing the protected routes, like the users, using Postman's Authorization tab.

Migrating from Authorization Header to HTTP-Only Cookie

To enhance security and reduce client-side overhead, transition from sending tokens in the body to using http-only cookies.

Making Code Changes

  • Update 'src/auth/auth.controller.ts' to include logic for setting the access token as an http-only cookie in the response.

  • Ensure the cookie has properties like httpOnly: true, secure: false, sameSite: 'lax', and an expiration date. ` async signIn(@Body() signInDto: SignInDto, @Res() res: Response) { const token = await this.authService.signIn(, signInDto.password );

    res.cookie("access_token", token.access_token, { httpOnly: false, expires: new Date( + 1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000), path: "/", sameSite: "none", secure: false, }); res.cookie("refresh_token", token.refresh_token, { httpOnly: false, expires: new Date( + 1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000), path: "/", sameSite: "none", secure: false, });

    return sendResponse( res, HttpStatus.OK, statusMessage[HttpStatus.OK], true, null ); }`

Implementing Cookie Extraction

Download a npm package to parse cookies for easy access to request cookies in a structured format. private extractTokenFromCookie(request: Request): string | undefined { let isCookieAuth =${process.env.IS_COOKIE_AUTH}; let token = undefined; if (isCookieAuth === "true") { token = request?.cookies?.refresh_token ?? null; } else { const [type, tokenValue] = request.headers.authorization?.split(" ") ?? []; token = type === "Bearer" ? tokenValue : undefined; } return token ? token : undefined; }


Cookie-based authentication provides improved security over storing tokens in client-accessible locations like local storage. Although this implementation might have risks like CSRF attacks, it's a preferred method in certain contexts.

Ensure to manage secrets securely in a real-world scenario, avoiding hardcoding sensitive information.

This article provides a step-by-step guide to implementing cookie-based authentication in Nest.js. Feedback and suggestions are welcomed.

Find the completed version of the project here.

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