We provide four default algorithms (DiNTS, 2D/3D SegResNet, SwinUNETR) as baseline algorithms of Auto3DSeg. Each algorithm includes advanced network architectures and well-tuned model training recipes. And the algorithms are formulated in the MONAI package format, with an independent folder structure, providing the necessary functions for model training, verification, and inference. The concept of the MONAI bundle can be found in the following link.
The basic folder structure of algorithm bundles is shown as follows. The current bundle design follows a hybrid programming fashion with both configurations and native PyTorch scripts. Thus, scripts and configs folders are created inside the bundle. The scripts folder contains several PyTorch scripts, which describe the logic of model training, inference, and validation in fine detail. And the configs provides configurations (including hyper-parameters, network, loss function, optimizer, data augmentation, etc.) for different operations. The abstract ".yaml" files allow users to quickly modify the algorithm to try different configuration recipes.
├── configs
│ ├── hyper_parameters.yaml
│ ├── network.yaml
│ ├── transforms_infer.yaml
│ ├── transforms_train.yaml
│ └── transforms_validate.yaml
├── models
│ ├── accuracy_history.csv
│ ├── best_metric_model.pt
│ ├── Events
│ │ └── events.out.tfevents.12345678
│ └── progress.yaml
└── scripts
├── __init__.py
├── infer.py
├── train.py
└── validate.py
In order to run model training of several bundle algorithms in parallel, users can manually utilize the following bash commands inside the bundle folder to launch model training within different computing environments (via Python Fire library). After model training is accomplished, the model ensemble can be further conducted with existing bundle algorithms. All commands (including model training, inference, and validation) are described in the README.md file of each bundle.
## single-gpu training
python -m scripts.train run --config_file "['configs/hyper_parameters.json','configs/network.yaml','configs/transforms_train.json','configs/transforms_validate.json']"
## multi-gpu (8-gpu) training
torchrun --nnodes=1 --nproc_per_node=8 -m scripts.train run --config_file "['configs/hyper_parameters.json','configs/network.yaml','configs/transforms_train.json','configs/transforms_validate.json']"
After the model is trained, all related output files are saved in the models folder, including model checkpoint best_metric_model.pt (with best validation accuracy), and training history files. Among all training history files, Events folders contain event files for learning curve visualization via TensorBoard. The file accuracy_history.csv lists details about the model training progress, including training loss, validation accuracy, number of training steps, and training time cost. It can be used as an alternative to TensorBoard events. The file progress.yaml records the best validation accuracy and when it was reached.
In each bundle algorithm, we provide an easy API for users to quickly update hyper-parameters in model training, inference, and validation. Users can update any parameter at different levels in the configuration ".yaml" file by appending strings to the bash command starting with "--". The values after "--" would override the default values in the configurations. The following command shows a multi-GPU training example. During the actual model training, the learning rate becomes 0.001, num_images_per_batch is increased to 6, and the momentum in optimizers is updated to 0.99.
torchrun --nnodes=1 --nproc_per_node=8 -m scripts.train run --config_file "['configs/hyper_parameters.json','configs/network.yaml','configs/transforms_train.json','configs/transforms_validate.json'] --learning_rate 0.001 --num_images_per_batch 6 --optimizer#momentum 0.99"