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Pedagogy (Round 1)

Experiment: Thickness of Strata by Graphical Method

Discipline Engineering
Lab Mining Geology Lab
Experiment 7. Thickness of Strata by Graphical Method

[1. Focus Area](#LO)

[2. Learning Objectives ](#LO)

[3. Instructional Strategy](#IS)

[4. Task & Assessment Questions](#AQ)

[5. Simulator Interactions](#SI)

1. Focus Area : Experimentation and Data Analysis

The students know the concept.

2. Learning Objectives and Cognitive Level

Sr. No Learning Objective Cognitive Level Action Verb
1. Student will be able to:
state the meaning of contour lines, angle of dip and thickness of bed and its significance.
Recall State
2. Student will be able to:
calculate the index of solid line.
Apply Calculate
3. Student will be able to:
calculate the angle of dip and analyse how horizontal lines at angle of dip intersect the X axis.
Apply Calculate
4. Student will be able to:
analyse types of stones in contour and then calculate the down throw of the fault.
Apply Calculate
5. Student will be able to:
calculate the true thickness of beds.
Apply Calculate

3. Instructional Strategy

Name of Instructional Strategy : Expository
Assessment Method: Formative Assessment

Description: Instructional Strategy will be implemented in the simulator as follows:
Detailed theory is provided by considering all the aspects which develops intuition and deeper understanding of concepts, also reference will be provided for further information. In order to understand the process followed in simulation a complete set of procedure will be provided which helps the students to perform simulation. Step by step procedure which is carried out in lab manually is being simulated which gives exposure to real life problems, empowering independent learning. Pre-quiz and post-quiz will be provided to test the understanding of the students before and after performing the experiments. Assignment questions will be provided to the students to make them explore more on the experiments. Once the students go through the virtual lab experiments, they can perform those experiments in real lab effectively.

4. Task & Assessment Questions:

Read the theory and comprehend the concepts related to the experiment. [LO1, LO2, LO3]

Sr. No Learning Objective Task to be performed by
the student in the simulator
Assessment Questions as per LO & Task Formative Questions as per LO & Task
1. Student will be able to state the meaning of contour lines, angle of dip and thickness of bed and its significance. Click on the button to display the contour map contour lines, angle of dip and thickness of bed. Q. Direction of dip is
a)Perpendicular to that of Strike
b)Parallel to that of Strike
c)Perpendicular to that of fault
d)None of the above

Q. Dip is simply the
a)Angle that the bedding plane descends at relative to the horizontal
b) Angle that the bedding plane descends at relative to the vertical
c) Angle that the direction of dip descends at relative to the vertical
d) None of the above
2. Student will be able to calculate the index of solid line. Select the value of M and N solid lines to calculate the index value of solid lines. Q. Apparent dip is
a) Any dip measured in a horizontal plane that is not perpendicular to the strike line.
b) Any dip measured in a vertical plane that is perpendicular to the strike line.
c) Any dip measured in a vertical plane that is not perpendicular to the strike line.
d) None of the above
Q. The value of M and N for the solid line p is?
a)1300 and 1400
b)1400 and 1500
c)1500 and 1600
d)1600 and 1400

Q. The obtained index value of solid line q is?
3. Student will be able to calculate the angle of dip and analyse how horizontal lines at angle of dip intersect the X axis. Based on obtained elevation value and index value, angle of dip is calculated. Q. True Thickness is
a)Distance measured parallel to the upper and lower contact of a tabular unit
b)Distance measured perpendicular to the upper and lower contact of a tabular unit.
c)Distance measured perpendicular to the upper contact of a tabular unit.
d)Distance measured perpendicular to the lower contact of a tabular unit.
Q. Angle of dip obtained for point "o" is?
a) 42.3 degree
b) 42.0 degree
c) 32.0 degree
d) 42.4 degree
4. Student will be able to analyse types of stones in contour and then calculate the down throw of the fault. Draw lines at angle of dip in anticlockwise directions to analyse the types of stones then calculate the down throw of the fault. Q. Apparent Thickness is
a)Vertical distance between an upper and lower contact in a non-horizontal unit.
b)Horizontal distance between an upper and lower contact in a non-horizontal unit.
c)Vertical distance between an upper and lower contact in a horizontal unit.
d)None of these
Q. Limestone is located between points?
a) r and s
b) p and q
c) t and s
d) u and v
5. Student will be able to calculate the true thickness of beds. Draw the horizontal and vertical line and calculate thickness of beds. Q. The apparent thickness is equal to the true thickness only when the
a)Attitude of the unit is vertical
b)Attitude of the unit is null
c)Attitude of the unit is horizontal
d)None of these

Q. Outcrop Width is
a)Distance on the map between the bounding contacts of a tabular unit measured along an azimuth perpendicular to strike
b)Distance on the map between the bounding contacts of a tabular unit measured along an azimuth parallel to the strike
c)Distance on the map between the bounding contacts of a tabular unit measured along an azimuth parallel to the dip
d)None of these
Q. Obtained Vertical Thickness value of shale is?
a) 220
b) 230
c) 210
d) 200

Q. Obtained True Thickness value of shale is?
a) 150
b) 180
c) 130
d) 120

4. Simulator Interactions:

Sr.No What students will do? What Simulator will do ? Purpose of the task
1. See the displayed objectives and features of the map then click on next button. Click next Button to proceed. Display objective and map used in the experiment. Recall the experiment.
2. Click on Get Paper the paper will be placed along the profile. Click on Mark Point to mark the point of intersection of dotted lines along the profile. The corresponding X-Y coordinate for each point on the profile will be displayed. Click next Button to proceed. Display points obtained by the intersection of dotted lines with the XY of contour map. To observe how readings of the points are taken along the profile.
3. Click on Plot X-Axis and Plot X-Axis to get axis over the graph displayed. Click on Plot Y-Axis to get the Y scale reading. Click next Button to proceed. Display the X-Axis and Y-Axis taking X as origin and define scale. Preparing the graph to be plotted.
4. Click on Define Coordinates, the X-Y coordinates of the graph will be displayed. Click on each point on profile for it to appear on the graph shown. Click on Plot Y’. Click next Button to proceed. Display the points as a, b, c… respectively taking its distance from X as X coordinate. To plot the coordinates of the points on a graph.
5. Click on Get Paper the paper will be placed along the profile. Click on Mark Point to mark the point of intersection of solid lines along the profile. The corresponding X-Y coordinate for each point on the profile will be displayed. Click next Button to proceed. Display points obtained by the intersection of solid lines with the XY of contour map. To observe how readings of the points are taken along the profile.
6. Click on Define Coordinates, the X-Y coordinates of the graph will be displayed. Click next Button to proceed. Display the points as p, q, r ….. respectively taking its distance from X as X coordinate and index value of the corresponding line as Y coordinate. To plot the coordinates of the points on a graph.
7. Click on If found /If not found based on first dotted lines has solid lines on both sides. Click next Button to proceed. Display the option as If Found or If not found. To calculate index value.
8. Click on to select Value of M and N from Contour maps and calculate index of each solid lines. Click next Button to proceed. Display the formula to calculate index value of each solid lines. To understand how to calculate soil index.
9. Click on Point to Plot (p to x) and click on each point. Click next Button to proceed. Display the points (p to t) and points (a to k) on the graph. Preparing the graph to be plotted..
10. Click on Join Points and click on Name Point. Click next Button to proceed. Display the plotting of graph over the plotted points and name them. To plot the graph.
11. Click on the button to see the formula to calculate angle of dip. Click next Button to proceed. Display the formula to calculate angle of dip. To calculate angle of dip.
12. Click on Points for theta and click on each point. Click next Button to proceed. Display angle of dip at each point. To see angle of dip at different point.
13. Click on each horizontal lines. Click next Button to proceed. Display the horizontal lines inclined at angle of dip. To see how the angle of dip in contour map.
14. Click on each stone type. Click next Button to proceed. Display the stone type distribution in the map. To see distribution of stone type in contour map.
15. Click on to draw horizontal, vertical and perpendicular line to determine vertical and true thickness of the beds. Display the vertical and true thickness of the beds. To determine the true thickness of the beds.
16. Click on Contour Map and Geographical profile along XY to view the maps. Display the resultant maps. To see the resultant maps.