Join Codesmith CEO & Co-Founder, Will Sentance, for a high-level map of deep learning and neural networks where we will dive into the following:
- Prediction: Datasets, weights & forward propagation
- Learning: Gradient descent
- Backpropagation
- The full stack is expanding to include productized prediction
- Monitoring user behavior
- Looking for fraudulent refund claims or legit ones
- Predict via prior data so automatic responses can be implemented
- Contributing to Tensorflow (2nd most popular interface to neural networks)
- Some of this was built by CodeSmith students
- Cognitive software engineer is another name for what they're covering today
- Distince from ML engineer somehow
- Other trends
- Stacastic/nuanced software AI
- Hardware questions have become software questions (like building 5G infrastructure, robotics)
- More of our default mode of operating is now online
- Software is taking it's next stage in the centrality of our lives
- What are the pieces we can invest in to be on the cutting edge of this
- Interest rates are dropping now, in the next 3 months there will be more spending on software
- The past 2-3 years shifted the dynamics of the industry
- Firms that weren't tech firms have invested in it (finance, healthcare)
- Leaders from tech companies have roles in these companies
- Were brought in from outside to lead
- No longer outsourcing tech, have more internal candidates now
- The tools that are available for these companies are becoming more suited
- Many are AI tools
- Can increase the output of your programmer teams using these nuanced tools
- Ex: software can provide legal advice
- Ex: software can help provide care to patients by finding providers
- What does this mean for software engineers
- Five things CodeSmith looks for
- Capacities, problem solving, technical communication
- Look for ways to infuse software into places where it wasn't being used before
- Engineering approach/principles have changed
- Additonal mental models (model pipelines, LLMs)
- The nature of prediction and statistics
- Domain knowledge
- Needs to stay up-to-date
- Model/data pipeline, API/Model deployment, infrastructure, UX, LangChain
- Have to be able to work with machine learing engineers
- Five things CodeSmith looks for
- It's all prediction
- Taking prior patterns that we've taken from our data (historic data patterns)
- Using that as probable identifiers of future behavior
- Using datasets to make predictions, narrowing down the sample over time
- Updating datasets if customer behaviors change over time
- Using this data to make automated responses (like for refund cases to protect from fraud)
- The model training part of this is working out what is the best patterns
- This all translated directly into prediction using neural networks
- Neural networks predictiveness is based on brain patterns
- Have been around since the 1940s - 1950s
- Computational power has made neural networks dominate/outperform other approaches
- They are the technique behind LLMs
- They're now analagous with how the brain processes data
- Backpropagation is the algo that says we can reweight and make new predictions
- It doesn't mirror how the brain works, but still has a lot in common
- Predictions that humans make have to be reflected in data for computers to mimic them
- This included image data, like the dataset that the USPS used in the 80s to read handwriting
- Many values of greyscale recognizing nuances of human handwriting
- Use subsets of weighted data to build out samples
- Single-layer neural network represented by a grid with weights for the data
- Neural networks become powerful when they use multiple layers
- Capture sub-shapes or "edges"
- This included image data, like the dataset that the USPS used in the 80s to read handwriting
- Prediction tool has to be integrated into a product or its just research
- Rise of alternative tools to improve productivity as software engineers
- Statistics and prediction are a different model from software engineering