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204 lines (150 loc) · 8.25 KB

File metadata and controls

204 lines (150 loc) · 8.25 KB


Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

Add the dependency

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.vivekpshaligram:sit-common:2.0.3'


Network Connection Interceptor

SIT-common includes a network connection interceptor that checks for network availability before making API calls. This helps ensure that your application handles network-related issues gracefully.

Authentication Interceptor

The library also provides an authentication interceptor that manages token-based authentication seamlessly. It automatically attaches the necessary authentication tokens to your requests.

Base Adapter

SIT-common provides a base adapter to simplify the implementation of RecyclerViews. This base adapter offers common functionalities and can be easily extended for custom use cases.

BaseActivity / BaseFragment

The BaseActivity / BaseFragment class provides essential functionalities for managing fragment lifecycle and UI interactions, including:

  • Loader Management: Easily show and hide loading indicators during data operations.
  • Error Handling: Display error messages through Snackbars and dialog pop-ups.
  • Message and Success Dialogs: Show informative and success messages to users with customizable dialogs.

Key Features

  • Swipe-to-Refresh:

    • Integrates swipe-to-refresh functionality out of the box. Simply implement a listener to refresh your data.
    • Automatically manages the scrolling behavior when the RecyclerView is present within the swipe-to-refresh view.
  • Abstract Methods:

    • getLayoutId(): Define the layout resource ID for the fragment.
    • createViewModel(): Create and return the ViewModel instance associated with the fragment.


The BaseViewModel class provides essential functionality for managing application-wide states and interactions. It includes dependency injection for application context, shared preferences, and resource provider, along with various LiveData variables for managing UI states.

Key Features

  • Injected Dependencies:

    • Application Context: For accessing application-level resources.
    • Preferences: To manage user preferences easily.
    • Resource Provider: To facilitate string and resource retrieval.
  • LiveData Variables:

    • MutableLiveData:
      • loading: Indicates loading states.
      • error: Captures error messages or states.
      • success: Indicates success messages or states.
      • isDataEmpty: Boolean indicating if the data set is empty.
    • SingleLiveEvent:
      • Used for one-time events such as showing errors or success messages.
  • Pagination Management:

    • perPage: Number of items per page.
    • page: Current page number.
  • Search Management:

    • searchValue: Current search query.
    • searchJob: Job used to debounce search actions.
  • Utility Methods

    • checkResponse: Validates the API response and manages success/error states.
    • manageErrorAndSessionOut: Manages errors and session timeouts based on the API response.
    • loading: Manages loading states, especially useful for pagination.
    • clearList: Clears the current data list when starting pagination anew.
    • managePagination: Manages pagination logic by checking if more data needs to be loaded.
    • manageSearch: Handles search logic and debounces search input.


SIT-common includes a PreferenceManager class to simplify the management of shared preferences in your application. This class implements the singleton pattern, ensuring that only one instance is used throughout the app, promoting efficient memory usage and better organization. It uses encryption to secure sensitive data. All preferences are stored in an encrypted format, ensuring that data is protected against unauthorized access.


  • Singleton Instance: Access a single instance of PreferenceManager from anywhere in your app using PreferenceManager.getInstance(context).

  • Comprehensive Data Storage: Manage a variety of data types:

    • String
    • Int
    • Boolean
    • Long
    • Float
    • JSON (as String)
    • Custom Models (convert to/from JSON)
    • Arrays (as JSON)
  • Clear Preferences: Optionally clear all stored preferences with a single method call

Network Module

This is a simple Kotlin network module designed for Android applications. It provides a singleton instance of OkHttpClient, Retrofit, and HttpLoggingInterceptor, making it easy to manage network requests in a clean and efficient manner.


  • Singleton Pattern: Ensures only one instance of each component is created.
  • Lazy Initialization: Components are initialized only when accessed, optimizing performance.
  • HTTP Logging: Provides detailed logs of HTTP requests and responses for easier debugging.


This project includes a ResourcesProvider that facilitates access to string resources in Android ViewModels. By decoupling resource retrieval from the Android framework, this pattern enhances testability and maintainability in your applications.


  • Decoupled Resource Access: Provides a way to access string resources without relying directly on Context in your ViewModels.
  • Testability: Makes it easier to test ViewModels by allowing you to mock resource retrieval.
  • Flexible Implementation: Supports multiple implementations of resource providers if needed.

API Response and Error Handling

This project provides a standardized way to handle API responses and common errors in an Android application. By using a base model for responses and a centralized error handling mechanism, you can improve the maintainability and reliability of your app.


  • Standardized API Response Structure: A base model that standardizes how API responses are handled.
  • Centralized Error Management: A common mechanism to handle different types of errors from API calls.

Android Extensions and Utilities

This project provides a set of Kotlin extensions and utility functions designed to simplify common tasks in Android development. These extensions enhance the functionality of Activity, Fragment, Date, String, View, and include various utility functions for managing network checks, file operations, and data conversions.


  • Activity Extensions: Simplify keyboard management and navigation between fragments.
  • Fragment Extensions: Easily navigate and replace fragments in an Activity.
  • Date Extensions: Format dates to specified string patterns.
  • Permission Extensions: Check for permissions easily.
  • String Extensions: Convert JSON strings to models and lists, and vice versa.
  • View Extensions: Show and hide views with ease.
  • Utility Functions: Include various helper functions for network checks, file operations, and data conversions.

EventChannel for Kotlin Coroutines

This project includes an EventChannel implementation that facilitates event-driven programming using Kotlin coroutines and flows. It allows you to send and receive events in a lifecycle-aware manner, making it suitable for Android applications.


  • Lifecycle Awareness: Automatically starts and stops collecting events based on the lifecycle of the LifecycleOwner.
  • Channel-Based Communication: Uses Kotlin coroutines and channels for efficient event handling.
  • Flow Integration: Utilizes Kotlin Flows to handle event streams easily.


The SingleLiveEvent class is a custom implementation of MutableLiveData designed to handle events that are meant to be consumed only once. It is particularly useful in Android applications for scenarios such as navigation or showing snackbars/toasts, where you want to ensure that an event is not re-emitted when the UI is recreated.


  • Single Consumption: Ensures that an event is consumed only once by observers.
  • Lifecycle-Aware: Integrates seamlessly with Android's lifecycle components.
  • Thread-Safe: Uses AtomicBoolean to manage the event state safely across threads.