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vivin edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 12 revisions


regula.validate performs the actual validation. When regula.bind runs, it builds a list of elements and all constraints bound to an element. With regula.validate it is possible to validate all elements and constraints, a specific element, or a specific element with a specific constraint (assuming that constraint has been bound to the element).


Syntax for regula.validate is:

regula.validate([elementId[, constraintType]]);


validate has two optional parameters:

Name Type Required Description
elementId String no The id of the element that you want to validate.
constraintType ConstraintType no The constraint against which you want to validate the specified element. The constraint should have been bound to the element in markup.

Return Values

validate returns an array of ValidationResult object-literals. Each ValidationResult object has the following properties:

Name Type Description
constraintName String The name of the constraint that failed.
custom boolean A flag that denotes whether the constraint that failed was a custom constraint or not.
constraintParameters Array The parameters that this constraint accepts.
receivedParameters Map A map where the key is the parameter name. The value of each key is the value assigned to the parameter name in markup.
failingElements Array Array of elements that failed the constraint. This array will only contain one element if the constraint that failed was not a form-specific constraint. Otherwise, the array can contain more than one element.
message String The error message from the constraint. This is what you probably want to display to the user.


validate will throw an exception if you either try to validate an element that has no constraints attached to it, or if you try to validate an element with a constraint that has not been bound to the element.


Validating everything

var validationResults = regula.validate();
var messages = "";

for(var index in validationResults) {
      var validationResult = validationResults[index];
      messages += validationResult.message + "\n";

if(messages != "") {

Validating a single element

var validationResults = regula.validate("someElementId");
var messages = "";

for(var index in validationResults) {
      var validationResult = validationResults[index];
      messages += validationResult.message + "\n";

if(messages != "") {

Validating a single element against a single constraint

var validationResults = regula.validate("someElementId", regula.ConstraintType.NotEmpty);
var message = validationResults[0].message;

if(message != "") {

Note: It is also possible to validate against a custom constraint. Whenever you add a custom constraint, regula.ConstraintType is updated to contain your custom constraint. Therefore, if you had a custom constraint called MyCustomConstraint, you can do regula.ConstraintType.MyCustomConstraint.

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