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Observational study vs Experimental

File metadata and controls

21 lines (19 loc) · 1.67 KB

Experimental vs Observational Study

It is extremely important for us to know how the study was designed to understand the quality of the study

Observational Study:

  • observer observes whats happening
  • measures things of interest and draws conclusions
  • Observes a part of population
  • We donot influence or change the conditions
  • Eg : Observing moving cars on the main road, An opinion survey asking questions about how people liked the most recent documentary
  • Observational studies are less expensive than exp studies
  • Observational studies may take years or even decades to complete the study.

Experimental Study:

  • Here we manipulate a variable and see how our manipulation affects other variables
  • It is sometimes known as scientific study
  • The experimental study involves two groups — experiment group and control group. Control group is the group in the study that does not receive treatment by the researchers
  • The most common type of control group is one held at ordinary conditions so it doesn't experience a changing variable. For example, If you want to explore the effect of salt on plant growth, the control group would be a set of plants not exposed to salt, while the experimental group would receive the salt
  • Eg : We divide people into two groups, A and B. We ask A to go for a walk every morning and B to just sit at their homes and do their regular thing and observe the heart rate of both the groups
  • Here we manipulated the variable "physical activity"
  • We then tried to analyse the cause effect relationship of how it affected the heart rate
  • Evidence provided by the experimental study is considered to be stronger than the observational study.