This file is used to list changes made in each version of the ddnsupdate cookbook.
Virender Khatri - possible fix for some scenario for missing node.domain
Virender Khatri - lwrp rr default server attr updated in recipe rr
Bradley Corner - modifications to enable disabling the ddnssec option
Bradley Corner - fixed Typos and formatting in README
Bradley Corner - added check for domain in the /etc/resolv.conf file. If it does not exist then use the first entry in the search variable.
Bradley Corner - fixed rubocop
Virender Khatri - fixed missing ohai node attribute fqdn/domain issue, now falls back to provided zone if node['domain'] is missing. same fix applied for missing node['fqdn']
Virender Khatri - disabled knife lint check temporarily
Virender Khatri - added rubocop, food critic, knife, rspec lint test
Virender Khatri - added support for travis ci
- Virender Khatri - initial release of ddnsupdate
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