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Easy to use declarative transitions and a standard set of animations for React Native


$ npm install react-native-animatable --save


To animate things you must use the createAnimatableComponent composer similar to the Animated.createAnimatedComponent. The common components View, Text and Image are precomposed and exposed under the Animatable namespace. If you have your own component that you wish to animate, simply wrap it with a Animatable.View or compose it with:

import * as Animatable from 'react-native-animatable';
MyCustomComponent = Animatable.createAnimatableComponent(MyCustomComponent);

Declarative Usage

Predefined Animations

<Animatable.Text animation="zoomInUp">Zoom me up, Scotty</Animatable.Text>


To make looping animations simply set the iterationCount to infinite. Most animations except the attention seekers work best when setting direction to alternate.

<Animatable.Text animation="slideInDown" iterationCount={5} direction="alternate">Up and down you go</Animatable.Text>
<Animatable.Text animation="pulse" easing="ease-out" iterationCount="infinite" style={{ textAlign: 'center' }}>❤️</Animatable.Text>

Animatable looping demo

Generic transitions

You can create your own simple transitions of a style property of your own choosing. The following example will increase the font size by 5 for every tap – all animated, all declarative! If you don't supply a duration property, a spring animation will be used.

Note: If you are using colors, please use rgba() syntax.

Note: Transitions require StyleSheet.flatten available in React Native 0.15 or later. If you are running on anything lower, please polyfill as described under imperative usage.

<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this.setState({fontSize: (this.state.fontSize || 10) + 5 })}>
  <Animatable.Text transition="fontSize" style={{fontSize: this.state.fontSize || 10}}>Size me up, Scotty</Animatable.Text>


Note: Other properties will be passed down to underlying component.

Prop Description Default
animation Name of the animation, see below for available animations. None
duration For how long the animation will run (milliseconds). 1000
delay Optionally delay animation (milliseconds). 0
direction Direction of animation, especially useful for repeating animations. Valid values: normal, reverse, alternate, alternate-reverse. normal
easing Timing function for the animation. Valid values: linear, ease, ease-in, ease-out, ease-in-out. ease-in-out
iterationCount How many times to run the animation, use infinite for looped animations. 1
transition What style property to transition, for example opacity, rotate or fontSize. Use array for multiple properties. None
onAnimationBegin A function that is called when the animation has been started. None
onAnimationEnd A function that is called when the animation has been completed successfully or cancelled. Function is called with an endState argument, refer to endState.finished to see if the animation completed or not. None

Imperative Usage

Predefined Animations

All animations are exposed as functions on Animatable elements, they take an optional duration argument. They return a promise that is resolved when animation completes successfully or is cancelled.

import * as Animatable from 'react-native-animatable';

class ExampleView extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={() => this.refs.view.bounce(800).then((endState) => console.log(endState.finished ? 'bounce finished' : 'bounce cancelled');}>
        <Animatable.View ref="view">
          <Text>Bounce me!</Text>

To stop any ongoing animations, just invoke stopAnimation() on that element.

Generic transitions

transition(fromValues, toValues[[, duration], easing])

Will transition between given styles. If no duration or easing is passed a spring animation will be used.

transitionTo(toValues[[, duration], easing])

This function will try to determine the current styles and pass it along to transition() as fromValues.

import * as Animatable from 'react-native-animatable';

class ExampleView extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={() => this.refs.text.transitionTo({opacity: 0.2});}>
        <Animatable.Text ref="text">Fade me!</Animatable.Text>

Demo / Example

See Example folder.



Animations are heavily inspired by Animated.css.

Attention Seekers


  • bounce
  • flash
  • jello
  • pulse
  • rotate
  • rubberBand
  • shake
  • swing
  • tada
  • wobble

Bouncing Entrances


  • bounceIn
  • bounceInDown
  • bounceInUp
  • bounceInLeft
  • bounceInRight

Bouncing Exits


  • bounceOut
  • bounceOutDown
  • bounceOutUp
  • bounceOutLeft
  • bounceOutRight

Fading Entrances


  • fadeIn
  • fadeInDown
  • fadeInDownBig
  • fadeInUp
  • fadeInUpBig
  • fadeInLeft
  • fadeInLeftBig
  • fadeInRight
  • fadeInRightBig

Fading Exits


  • fadeOut
  • fadeOutDown
  • fadeOutDownBig
  • fadeOutUp
  • fadeOutUpBig
  • fadeOutLeft
  • fadeOutLeftBig
  • fadeOutRight
  • fadeOutRightBig



  • flipInX
  • flipInY
  • flipOutX
  • flipOutY



  • lightSpeedIn
  • lightSpeedOut

Sliding Entrances


  • slideInDown
  • slideInUp
  • slideInLeft
  • slideInRight

Sliding Exits


  • slideOutDown
  • slideOutUp
  • slideOutLeft
  • slideOutRight

Zooming Entrances


  • zoomIn
  • zoomInDown
  • zoomInUp
  • zoomInLeft
  • zoomInRight

Zooming Exits


  • zoomOut
  • zoomOutDown
  • zoomOutUp
  • zoomOutLeft
  • zoomOutRight


MIT License. © Joel Arvidsson 2015