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This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 26, 2021. It is now read-only.

Data Stored & Requests Deletion

Vincent Lee edited this page May 6, 2020 · 2 revisions

Right now the following data is stored about you if you use the Turnip command set.

  • Your Discord ID
  • The date that prices begin from
    • The turnip prices (Monday-Saturday, AM/PM) that you give via <ap command
    • The Sunday purchase price of turnips that you give via <setBuyPrice command

This set of data exists for each week you give data for.

Data Requests & Requests for data deletion

These requests can currently be DMed to vlee489#5801 on Discord.

Automated data deletion

You can use the bot itself to delete data by issuing the following command


This is not reversible! When you delete data you will delete data from the database and it can't be undeleted.