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1549 lines (1369 loc) · 68.6 KB

File metadata and controls

1549 lines (1369 loc) · 68.6 KB


New features:

  • Matterhorn now supports multiple teams! This includes a number of UI changes:
    • Matterhorn no longer prompts for a team on startup.
    • If the configuration file sets team, Matterhorn will attempt to honor that by selecting that as the active team on startup. If the configuration does not specify the team setting, the initially-selected team is chosen as the first team after sorting the team list alphabetically.
    • The window title now reflects the sum of all unread channels in all teams, rather than the number of unread channels in the current team.
    • If the user is a member of more than one team, the list of teams will be displayed at the top of the window with the active team highlighted. Each team with unread channels will display the count of unread channels next to the team name and teams with unread channels will be highlighted. This change comes with a new theme attribute, currentTeam, to style the selected team in the list.
    • The current team selection can be changed with new keybindings:
      • next-team (default binding: C-Right)
      • prev-team (default binding: C-Left)
    • The team list can be reordered manually. In the official web client, the team list can be reordered by dragging and dropping the team icons; in Matterhorn, this can be done by using two new commands, /move-team-left and /move-team-right, respectively. New keybindings to do the same thing were also added:
      • move-current-team-left (unbound by default)
      • move-current-team-right (unbound by default)
  • The new /rename-channel-url command renames the current channel's URL name. This differs from the server command /rename, which renames the current channel's display name. Renaming the URL name with this command is equivalent to changing the value of the "URL" field in the "Rename Channel" dialog box in the official web client. (thanks to Ajay Eeralla for this work)

Other improvements:

  • The channel list now takes up the full window height. Previously the message editor and input preview were displayed across the entire screen; now those areas stop at the channel list, so the channel list gets a few more rows of space to display channels.
  • Matterhorn now parses all incoming Markdown text with the Haskell commonmark library. Migrating to commonmark improved our support for many Markdown extensions and improved how Matterhorn handles some Markdown syntax.
  • The syntax highlighting XML files in syntax/ were updated from version of the skylighting package.


New features:

  • Matterhorn now opens post links itself rather than invoking the configured URL open command. This means that if a user obtains a link to a post in the web client and pastes it into a message, Matterhorn will detect it, and if the user chooses to open that link, Matterhorn will switch to the post's channel and show the post. This change comes a new theme attribute, permalink, that is used to style post permalinks. Post links with no labels appear as <post link>; post links with labels are rendered with their labels. Post links also appear in the URL list accessed with C-o, and they are opened by the message selection mode o binding.
  • Message timestamp visibility can now be controlled with the configuration setting showMessageTimestamps (default: True) and can be toggled at runtime with the new /toggle-message-timestamps command.
  • The channel list can now be displayed on either the left side of the screen or the right. This is controlled with a new configuration setting, channelListOrientation, set to either left (the default and previous behavior) or right.
  • Matterhorn now supports strikethrough syntax in messages. This change adds a new theme attribute, markdownStrikethrough, that is used to style strikethrough text. This change also adds support for strikethrough as a valid style specifier in theme customization files. Bear in mind that your terminal might not support strikethrough; for details, see the FAQ entry on strikethrough support.
  • Matterhorn now has improved handling for channel topics (headers) with multiple lines of text. Previously Matterhorn displayed all lines in a multi-line channel topic but replaced newlines with spaces. That resulted in broken layouts for multi-line topics where layout was important. Now it renders the topics as originally intended with user control over how multi-line topics are displayed in order to let the user control how the topic affects screen real estate use.
    • Added a new key event, toggle-expanded-channel-topics, to toggle whether channel topics show only their first line or all lines.
    • Added a new configuration setting, showExpandedChannelTopics, to set this behavior on startup (default: True).
    • Added a new command, /toggle-expanded-topics, and a new default keybinding, F3, to control this behavior at runtime.
  • Added a /topic command that opens an interactive topic editor when run with no arguments. The editor provides a live Markdown preview of the channel topic. As part of the UI for this feature, new theme attributes were added: button and button.focused for rendering unfocused and focused buttons, respectively.
  • Command autocompletion now queries the server for available commands and includes those in the command list. Server commands are also indicated as being provided by the server to help distinguish them from Matterhorn-specific commands.

Other changes:

  • Channel selection mode (C-g) now displays entries more consistently with the normal channel sidebar, including:
    • Channel mention counts and visual styles
    • The previous channel sigil (<) and first-unread channel sigil (~)
    • Channel mute status ((m))
    • Unread status and visual style
  • When composing replies, Mattehorn now displays the thread root message of the thread being replied to, rather than the message the user selected for reply (#670). This is intended to be less surprising than the old behavior since showing the root post in the preview is consistent with the display of the post in the message list once it is posted, where the root post is shown above the reply.
  • Matterhorn no longer considers external program output to constitute an error, instead only reporting external program errors on non-zero exit status (#665).
  • Matterhorn now decorates all hyperlinks with angle brackets. This change is intended to get around issues caused when a hyperlink label has a style or color that prevents the normal hyperlink color from being used, thus concealing the fact that it is a link. This makes all links visible regardless of link label content. In particular, links labeled foo now get rendered as <foo>. Links with no labels also get decorated this way.
  • The total unread channel count is now included in the window title bar updates.
  • The total unread channel count is now included in the channel list header.
  • Long lines in code blocks with no syntax highlighting are now wrapped to improve readability.
  • Command autocompletion now sorts command completions to prefer prefix matches first.
  • Command autocomplete now makes only one request for the server command list per completion attempt.
  • There is now a new /shortcuts command to stand in for server-provided version which did nothing in Matterhorn.
  • Message selection mode now remains active when:
    • Opening message URLs (C-s/o),
    • Exiting the message view window (C-s/v), and
    • Exiting the emoji reaction list window (C-s/a).
  • The channel list now includes an unread indicator in the DM channel section header when any DM channels are unread.
  • The visual style for channel selection match text now includes the underline style.
  • All unknown websocket events are now logged rather than triggering messages to ask the user to report issues.

Bug fixes:

  • The URL list (C-o) now has a fixed header when the channel in question is a DM channel.
  • The URL list no longer treats URLs with the same target but different labels as duplicates.
  • The message editor's multi-line toggle UI hint now looks up the active keybinding rather than hard-coding it.
  • The channel sidebar's unread logic was improved (#655).


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where hyperlinks whose labels contained more hyperlinks would cause Matterhorn to generate rendering bug report messages (#674)


Bug fixes:

  • New websocket event types will no longer trigger JSON parsing exceptions. This issue was causing websocket disconnections which led to the client not getting server events.


Bug fixes:

  • Muted channels no longer appear to have unread messages when a message in such a channel is edited (#655)


New features:

  • Per-channel notification settings for non-DM channels can now be managed with the /notify-prefs command. As part of that change, themes got a new attribute, brickForm.focusedInput, that governs how focused form inputs are styled. (Thanks to Isaiah Mindich for this feature)
  • A new configuration file setting, messageSelectAfterURLOpen, was added to govern how URL opening works in message selection mode. When False (the default), opening URLs from a selected message returns the application to the main UI (the behavior prior to this release). When True, opening URLs leaves the application in message selection mode, allowing the user to continue opening URLs from other messages before returning to main mode manually.
  • The message viewing window now supports paging horizontally. This change adds two new key events:
    • page-left with default binding Shift-Left
    • page-right with default binding: Shift-Right
  • Matterhorn now sets the terminal window title based on unread activity (matterhorn* when there are unread messages; matterhorn otherwise.)
  • The /theme command now opens an interactive theme list window to choose between available built-in themes.
  • Added support for handling muted channels and respecting the /mute server command (thanks to Isaiah Mindich for this feature)
  • Make Shift-Home, not Home, selected the oldest message when in normal mode (#258). This change:
    • Changes the default keybinding for entering message selection mode and selecting the oldest message from Home to Shift-Home.
    • Adds a new key event, select-oldest-message, that Shift-Home triggers by default.
    • Home now triggers the editor-home event. Users wanting the old behavior can simply unbind the editor-home key event and bind select-oldest-message to Home.
  • New 256-color variants of the built-in light and dark themes were added. Those themes are identical to the 16-color variants except that larger pools of 256-color values are used to assign colors to usernames. If a username color chosen by the new themes is objectionable, it can be customized by first using the new /username-attribute command to find out which attribute is used to render a username and then setting it in the theme customization config. As part of this change the number of theme attributes for usernames was extended to 50, meaning attributes from username.0 to username.49 now govern the assignment of colors.

Other improvements:

  • The /members window now displays the total server user count in the title bar to avoid confusion about the number of displayed search results, which is capped by the server's API response.
  • Autocompletion now completes @all and @channel with prefix matches only and puts them after all other alternatives in the alternative list.
  • The help documentation on themes now documents the #RRGGBB theme color syntax that was already supported but not documented.
  • Key events now supported in the attachment management UI are now included in the keybinding help list.
  • The help documentation on themes now shows an attribute demo for each theme attribute using the current theme's colors.
  • Some documentation in the README was factored out into other documents in docs/.
  • The UI for showing typing notifications was improved.
  • The /leave command now hide DM and group channels instead of reporting an error (#626)

Bug fixes:

  • Matterhorn now properly restores the terminal state before crashing with unhandled exceptions (#622)
  • The URL list accessible with C-o now shows URLs from messages regardless of what kind of user reference they contain (#638)


New features:

  • More text-editing keybindings are now rebindable rather than being hard-coded. In addition, the keybinding events for text editing are now respected by editors for the /join window, the /msg window, the /members window, as well as channel selection mode (C-g). For the complete list of supported configurable keybindings, please see the Text Editing section of /help and /help keybindings as well as the keybinding tables provided by matterhorn -k.
  • Matterhorn now has support for dealing with server API request rate limiting. When Matterhorn is denied an API request due to rate limiting it will now attempt to reissue the request once the server's rate limit has reset. Matterhorn will indicate when it does this by displaying an informative message in the current channel. If for some reason the second attempt fails, the user will be notified. We recommend that users encountering rate limiting issues (e.g. on fast connections to their servers) contact their server administrators.
  • Channel selection mode (triggered by event enter-fast-select / default key: C-g) now provides two alternative key events for changing the selected entry (#609). These new events are alternatives for the existing events:
    • focus-prev-channel-alternate, default key: Up, alternative to focus-prev-channel
    • focus-next-channel-alternate, default key: Down, alternative to focus-next-channel
  • The message editor's tab completion now supports more intelligent completion by detecting punctuation following completions. Previously, tab completion would insert the completion followed by a trailing space; for example, @u<TAB> might complete to @user followed by a space. While this is often desirable behavior, it also meant that if the very next input character was a punctuation character such as a period, the final text would be @user . Based on the observation that usually the intention is to end up with @user., the editor now automatically replaces the trailing space when such a punctuation character is entered. This behavior is configurable with the smartediting configuration setting which defaults to On. The list of characters that trigger this behavior is: .,'";:)]!?.

Other improvements:

  • The current user's status is now displayed next to the current user's username at the top of the channel sidebar (#594).
  • Help for keybindings was improved to list all available bindings for each event. The help text also now makes it clear when an event has a non-bindable (fixed) key or has no binding at all. These improvements affected the output of /help, /help keybindings, and the output of the command-line options to print keybinding tables.
  • The sample configuration documentation clarified how to use the host field and also how to use Matterhorn without TLS.
  • The message editor's spell checking no longer checks the spelling of tokens that start with slashes or user/channel sigils (#611).
  • Matterhorn now sets the Markdown file extension when editing messages in external editors in order to help the external editors detect the file type and do syntax highlighting (#590).
  • The help text for the logging commands now makes it clear that the logging commands log application debug information, not chat messages.
  • The autocompletion list no longer appears if only a single completion is available when the user autocompletes input text.

Bug fixes:

  • Parsing for the configuration file's host field has been improved to accept only valid hostnames and IPv4/IPv6 addresses.
  • Editing a message now properly clears the message editor of any preexisting input (#614).
  • The example notification scripts for Linux and macOS have been improved with backslash and quote escaping (#613, thanks Bernhard Walle).
  • Incoming messages are now sanitized of unprintable characters (#604).
  • Matterhorn is now better behaved when the server has disabled custom emoji (#600).
  • Matterhorn's parsing of timezone data is now improved platforms where it previously could not parse the timezone files (#542).
  • The /join channel list no longer includes channels of which the user is already a member (#602).
  • The channel messages now render properly whenever the editor's multiline preview changes size (#587).


New features:

  • Support for Personal Access Tokens and browser session tokens was added. To take advantage of this feature, paste either type of token in the new "Access Token" field of the login user interface or set up the new tokencmd configuration file setting. See the "Authentication" section of the README for help and see docs/sample-config.ini for documentation on tokencmd. Thanks to @ftilde for early work on this feature!
  • The attribute used to render the current user's username can now be customized. By default the attribute still uses the same color as before (chosen based on the username) but is bold. The new theme attribute currentUser can be customized just like other attributes; for details, see /help themes.
  • The focus-next-unread (default: M-a) and focus-next-unread-user-or-channel (default: no binding) events can now be repeatedly triggered to cycle through channels with unread activity and then return to the original channel where you started, which is now marked with ~ in the channel sidebar.
  • Matterhorn got a new --check-config argument that triggers a configuration file validation check (thanks @glguy).
  • The Matterhorn login user interface was greatly improved and simplified. Now, instead of providing individual fields for server hostname and port, the user interface provides a single "Server URL" field that is capable of accepting server hostnames with or without ports as well as full Mattermost web client browser URLs, complete with team names and URL paths. This adds support for servers that run at URL paths other than "/" and auto-detects teams in URLs to improve the web client user's migration experience. As part of this change, the configuration got a new setting, urlPath, that corresponds to the URL path of the server URL in the login interface. Thanks, @glguy and @immindich!

Other improvements:

  • The XML syntax highlighting descriptions were updated.

  • Channels with unread join or leave messages now appear as unread in the sidebar as intended.

  • The format-specific command-line options for markdown and plain text for generated command and keybinding tables were merged. The old interface was:

    • -k/-K to output configured keybindings in plain and markdown formats, respectively
    • -m/-M to output commands in plain and markdown formats, respectively

    And the new interface is:

    • -f to set the output format (default: plain)
    • -k to output configured keybindings in the active format
    • -m to output commands in the active format
  • The macOS example notification script was improved (thanks Geir Skjotskift)


New features:

  • The channel sidebar now displays channels by display name, not URL name (#522).
    • The channel autocompletion list now includes channel display names.
  • Matterhorn now adds the character set with "stty erase" to the Vty input map so that the erase character translates to a backspace key event.
  • Matterhorn now supports viewing pinned posts and changing pinning status (#213)
    • This change adds a new command, /pinned-posts, that will show a post list of pinned posts in the current channel.
    • This change adds a new message select key event, pin-message (default: p) to toggle the pinning state of the selected post.
    • A new [PIN] indicator is now displayed to the left of pinned posts.
    • A new theme attribute, pinnedMessageIndicator, was added to render the pinning indicator.
  • A new configuration option now controls certificate validation (#263). This change adds a new config setting, validateServerCertificate. Its default is True. The sample config also includes documentation about the setting.
  • A new /purpose command was added to set channel purpose strings (#524).
  • A new example notification script for Mac OS systems was added at notification-scripts/notify-macos.
  • The help screen (default binding: F1) is now reachable from any Matterhorn screen (#525).
  • Private channels are now displayed as their own sidebar group (#510).

Other changes:

  • The markdownEmph attribute is now being used to render user list window and attachment window titles.
  • The output of the /theme command was improved.
  • The help UI's default colors were changed to improve contrast (#564)
  • Matterhorn now shows channel purpose strings, not headers, in channel autocompletion matches to match the official client's behavior (#524).
  • The notification script API is now documented in docs/
  • Configuration files without trailing newlines are now supported (#540).
  • Websocket action responses are now supported, which fixed a bug where typing notifications would cause websockets to get disconnected (#529).
  • Emote messages that get flagged now properly display a flagging indicator (#530).
  • Matterhorn now supports generation of a command table similar to its support for generating keybinding tables. This is done with the new -m/-M command-line options.
  • Date transition lines at the beginning of channels are now preserved (#534).


Bug fixes:

  • Initialization of the attachment file browser is delayed until it is needed.
  • Reply message coalescing now occurs if a non-reply intervening message is deleted.
  • When showing the attachment management window, the main UI is dimmed.
  • Fixed a race condition where a script completes after the user changes channels.

Other improvements:

  • README: improve mention of display corruption (relevant to #544)
  • README: clarify source build instructions (relevant to #536)


New features:

  • The configuration file now supports tilde expansion in the following fields, where a tilde ("~") will be expanded to the path to the user's home directory:
    • urlOpenCommand
    • syntaxDirectories
    • activityNotifyCommand
    • themeCustomizationFile
  • The "message view" window (accessible in message selection mode by default with the v binding) has been redesigned.
    • The window now shows the message and the message's user reactions in separate tabs in a tabbed interface.
    • New key events, select-next-tab (default: Tab) and select-previous-tab (default: Shift-Tab), were added to control tab-switching behavior.
    • The window got some keybinding help text.
    • Message text is now wrapped in this view, whereas before long lines were not wrapped and had to be scrolled horizontally to be read. In addition, code blocks are not wrapped, making wide code blocks readable by scrolling as originally intended.
    • New theme attribute names, tabSelected and tabUnselected, were added to style the currently-selected and other tabs, respectively.
    • Sections on the available keybindings in the various tabs for this interface were added to the interactive help section on keybindings as well as the generated keybindings file provided with Matterhorn.
  • The application's default attachment browser path can now be configured, thanks to Victor Shamanov (@wiruzx). See the defaultAttachmentPath setting in sample-config.ini for details.
  • Added the /log-mark command to add user-specified marker messages to the log to aid in debugging.
  • Logging no longer includes duplicate overlapping messages when paused and resumed.
  • Added the /create-private-channel command to support creating private channels. (#512)
  • The attachment list now supports the select-up and select-down key events.
  • All editors in Matterhorn now support bracketed pastes if your terminal emulator supports bracketed paste mode.

Other improvements:

  • Various files (e.g. were moved to docs/ in the repository as well as in releases.
  • The team selection interface at startup now shows team display names.
  • The main user interface now shows the current team and user at the top of the channel list sidebar.

Bug fixes:

  • The attachment file browser will now no longer disappear if the user attempts to navigate a symlinked directory. Instead, the symlinked directory will be navigated as expected. (#507)
  • The "Fetching messages" message that appears in channels with pending server responses now gets cleaned up properly. (#498)
  • Creating new /group-msg channels now properly shows the new group immediately; previously the /group-msg command had to be issued a second time or Matterhorn had to be restarted. (#477)


New features:

  • This release includes support for viewing, adding, and removing post emoji reactions:
    • A new message select keybinding (default a, event 'react-to-message') opens an emoji search window.
    • Pressing 'Enter' in the emoji search window posts the selected reaction to the selected message if you have not already posted that reaction, or removes it from the message otherwise.
    • The emoji search window automatically lists reactions that other users have posted before other emoji, along with your own posted reactions. This allows you to easily add your vote to (or remove) reactions.
    • Emoji reactions posted to a message are now displayed in the message view window (message select binding v).
  • Emoji are now supported in autocompletion by pressing TAB after a colon (:). The autocompletion list also includes custom emoji obtained from the server. The standard emoji are sourced from the file emoji.json located in the same directory as the Matterhorn configuration file config.ini, or at the path emoji/emoji.json relative to the location of the matterhorn binary (as in releases).
  • The channel list shown by the /join command has been redesigned to support incremental search similar to the UI for /msg.
  • Special @all and @channel mentions are now highlighted and included in autocompletion. (#491)
  • If a channel has new messages that go beyond the top of the displayed message area, a New Messages line appears at the top of the window to indicate that more unread messages precede it. (#131)

Other improvements:

  • The subprocess logger indicates when unexpected stdout output was received. (#503)
  • The log manager thread is now started before authentication begins so that the authentication code can do logging.
  • Keybinding event names are now included in auto-generated text and Markdown keybinding tables.
  • User status updates are automatically batched, resulting in O(1) user status requests on startup rather than O(n).
  • Command help text now includes @ and ~ in arguments to more clearly indicate user and channel arguments respectively.

Bug fixes:

  • Theme changes now invalidate the rendering cache, fixing color artifacts left over in the channel message area.
  • When searching for users, username sigils are always trimed first. (#497)


Bug fixes:

  • Matterhorn now correctly handles server API responses with Content-type parameters (#496).


New features:

  • Message reply rendering has been improved. Matterhorn now uses a rendering almost identical to that of the web client: rather than rendering an arrow from the reply to its parent, Matterhorn now indents the reply with a vertical border to its left. Matterhorn now also only renders the reply's parent message if it is not already adjacent or if it is not in the same thread as the previous message. This greatly reduces clutter in channels with a lot of threaded message activity. (#490)

  • At startup, Matterhorn no longer restores the terminal state to the pre-startup state in between authentication attempts.

  • At startup, if Matterhorn immediately attempts a connection (due to credentials being available in the configuration), a "Connecting to ..." message is displayed while the connection attempt is underway.

  • The syntax highlighting XML specification files included with Matterhorn were updated to the versions in the upstream Skylighting package as of commit bf3e5d163c3e7b9f98d1cd3b9aeb6780a6f76572. For more details, see

  • The help and usage messages for the /msg command were improved.

  • The script got various bug fixes and portability improvements.

Bug fixes:

  • Messages from bots now properly display a "[BOT]" indicator next to the post author username (#494)
  • Matterhorn no longer reports timeout-related network socket exceptions to the user (#492)


New features:

  • Channel scrolling mode has been merged with message select mode. There are no longer two separate modes that the user must switch between for fetching additional messages and operating on displayed messages.
    • As part of this change, message gaps in the local client history are displayed as special entries in the message history, along with specific key commands that can be used to fetch additional messages at those points.
  • The /msg command now takes optional user and message arguments to make it faster and easier to initiate discussions with specific users: /msg [@user [message]]. This resolves enhancement issue #471.
  • The /search and /flags post listings now support navigating to a post by pressing Enter when it is selected. This causes the client to switch to the post's channel and select the post in message selection mode.
  • If smart editing is enabled and a triple backtick is typed at the start of a line, input automatically switches to multi-line mode. Fixes issue #467.
  • Editor status is now tracked on a per-channel basis. The following editor state is tracked on a per-channel basis and is restored between channel changes:
    • Incomplete message (editor) entries.
    • Multi-line editor mode.
    • Input history scrollback position.
    • Incomplete message reply-to or editing-previous-post status. This resolves enhancement issue #445.
  • Adds the /user command as an alias for the /msg command.
  • Channel auto-completion mode indication of the user's membership in the channel is more clearly indicated.
  • A new configuration item (directChannelExpirationDays) is added. In release 50200.1.0, the channel sidebar management was updated to automatically remove direct channels if there had been no activity for 7 days. This configuration item allows overriding that time period, (thanks, Brent Carmer).
  • A new configuration item (cpuUsagePolicy) is added. Valid values are single and multiple which determines how many of the available processors Matterhorn will make use of. The default is multiple. This resolves enhancement issue #484.
  • Additional information on managing attachments (relevant to issue #485).

New command-line options:

  • -k: print the active keybindings in plain text format. The output includes customized bindings in the current configuration, or the defaults if -i is used.
  • -K: print the active keybindings in Markdown format. The output includes customized bindings in the current configuration, or the defaults if -i is used.

Documentation updates:

  • The FAQ is updated to help users with terminals that don't support hyperlinks (thanks, Bob Arezina).
  • Updated the Design notes and development Practices documentation for Matterhorn.
  • Matterhorn releases now include the default keybindings in a Markdown document,

Bug fixes:

  • Updated to mattermost-api 50200.1.2 which includes a bugfix for a server "UploadResponse" with a null client_ids field. This manifested as an error report when attempting to post a message with an attachment to a general channel.
  • Misc process and maintenance changes to re-enable and update the Travis builds (fully passing now).

Dependency updates:

  • Added support for building with GHC 8.6 (thanks, Adam Wick).


Bug fixes:

  • Permit user creation timestamp to be optional in server responses (#483)


Bug fixes:

  • The file browser now deals gracefully with directories containing broken symlinks.


This release contains many new features and changes. Please read carefully!

New features:

  • Matterhorn is now supported on CentOS 7. See the GitHub release tag for a prebuilt CentOS 7 binary.
  • Matterhorn's channel sidebar has changed significantly:
    • Matterhorn now only shows recently-active DM channels in the sidebar rather than showing all users. This change brings Matterhorn closer to the behavior of the official web client and reduces clutter. However, this change may be disorienting since previously all users were shown in the sidebar. To begin a chat with a user absent from your sidebar, use the /msg command.
    • The sidebar channel group headings have been renamed to reflect the new changes and to match those of the official web client.
    • Group DM channels are now displayed in the new Direct Messages section along with one-on-one DM channels.
    • Each channel group heading now displays an asterisk if any channels in that group have unread activity.
  • The autocompletion user interface has been dramatically improved.
    • The command completion UI now appears automatically if the user types a slash at the beginning of the prompt. Any text typed after the slash is matched case-insensitively on all client-side command names and descriptions, with a preference for matching command names. Tab then cycles through the displayed alternatives.
    • The user completion UI now appears automatically if the user enters a user sigil ("@"). Text typed after the sigil searches usernames, nicknames, and full names. Users in the current channel appear first and users not in the current channel appear next, marked with an asterisk and a help hint. Tab cycles through completion of the alternatives.
    • The channel completion UI now appears automatically if the user enters a channel sigil ("~"). Text typed after the sigil searches channel names, headers, and purposes. Channels of which the user is a member are listed first, with other channels following. Tab cycles through completion of the alternatives.
    • The fenced code block language name completion UI now appears automatically if the user types three backticks to begin a code block. Text following the backticks searches known language names case-insensitively with a preference for prefix match. Tab cycles through the alternatives.
  • Matterhorn now supports adding attachments to posts:
    • The default binding of C-x shows a file browser.
    • Enter in the file browser selects a regular file for attachment (or, if used on a directory, navigates to that directory in the browser).
    • The default cancellation binding of Esc closes the browser.
    • The default binding of o opens the selected browser entry using the URL opening command.
    • Once a file is attached, an attachment count is displayed above the message editor.
    • Pressing C-x again will open the attachment list for the current post, where existing attachments can be removed (d) or new ones can be added (a).
  • The channel selection mode (C-g) user input is now performed with a line editor, meaning that all of the text-editing keybindings that are supported in the message editor are now supported in channel selection mode.
  • Channel sidebar cycling keys (C-n, C-p) now cycle through all channels including DM channels, not just non-DM channels as before.

New commands:

  • /reconnect: forces a disconnection and reconnection of Matterhorn's websocket connection in case of network connection trouble. Ordinarily Matterhorn will time out and determine that its connection needs to be reestablished, but this command may be useful for other situations.
  • /hide: hides the current single-user or group direct message channel from the sidebar. The channel will reappear later if new messages arrive in the channel.

New key events:

  • show-attachment-list (default C-x): show the attachment list or file browser to attach a file to the current post.
  • add-to-attachment-list (default a): in the attachment list, open the file browser to select an additional file to attach to the current post.
  • delete-from-attachment-list (default d): in the attachment list, delete the selected pending attachment. (This does not affect the original disk file.)
  • open-attachment (default o): in the attachment list or file browser, open the selected file or attachment with the URL opening command, if one is configured.

New theme attributes:

  • fileBrowser: the base attribute for the attachment file browser.
  • fileBrowser.currentDirectory: the attribute for the file browser's heading displaying its working directory.
  • fileBrowser.selectionInfo: the attribute for the file browser's footer displaying information about the selected file or directory.
  • the attribute used for directories in the file browser.
  • fileBrowser.block: the attribute used for block devices in the file browser.
  • fileBrowser.regular: the attribute used for regular files in the file browser.
  • fileBrowser.char: the attribute used for character devices in the file browser.
  • fileBrowser.pipe: the attribute used for named pipes in the file browser.
  • fileBrowser.symlink: the attribute used for symbolic links in the file browser.
  • fileBrowser.unixSocket: the attribute used for Unix sockets in the file browser.

New command-line options:

  • -i/--ignore-config: start Matterhorn with no configuration, i.e., ignore the default configuration.

Performance improvements:

  • Matterhorn now renders its user interface more efficiently, resulting in improved input latency, especially on larger window sizes.
  • Matterhorn now makes fewer requests on startup, resulting in lower server API burden and improved startup performance.
  • Message username and channel name highlighting is now more efficient.

Bug fixes:

  • Username highlighting in messages now supports usernames containing periods and underscores (#373)
  • Matterhorn will now ask for a keypress if an interactive URL opener exits with a non-zero exit status, to allow the user to observe any error output before returning to Matterhorn (#462)
  • /group-msg now supports username arguments with sigils.
  • Matterhorn now properly updates channel view timestamps under the right conditions (#449)
  • The bundled notify script now uses bash, not sh, to get extended [ functionality.


  • The help interface now takes up the entire screen when it is active.
  • The user list overlay for /msg now respects the direct message restriction server setting (#378).


This release is compatible with server version 5.2.

New features:

  • The channel list sidebar can now be shown and hidden:
    • With the /toggle-channel-list command
    • With the default binding of F2
    • With the customized keybinding name of toggle-channel-list-visibility
  • The account preference for teammate name display is now honored and takes precedence over the server default; at present, only the "nickname" and "username" settings are supported.
  • Channel selection mode now matches case-insensitively if the input is entirely lowercase and matches case-sensitively otherwise.
  • Non-public channels now include their privacy level in the channel header.
  • A bundled "talky" script is now provided for working with the Talky video chat service: (Thanks @tommd)
  • Theme styles now support italics in terminals that support it. See the Theme help info for details.
  • A new key event, "focus-next-unread-user-or-channel", was added. This event changes to the next channel with unread messages, preferring direct message channels. This event has no default binding. (Thanks Brent Carmer)

Bug fixes:

  • Multiline mode in the built-in message editor is now preserved upon returning from editing with an external editor (#419)
  • Mixed formatting in hyperlink labels is now supported (#418)
  • When dealing with posts internally, we now use the post's root ID, not its parent ID, everywhere since parent IDs are unused (#404)
  • Private channels are no longer included in the tab-completion alternative list
  • Theme customization files can now use empty style lists.
  • Message selection mode now disallows selection of deleted messages.
  • The disconnection message is now displayed in a layer to avoid layout reflowing in the channel header.
  • Message view mode now properly displays reply parent (#397)
  • The startup team listing is now sorted by team name.
  • We now log websocket timeout and generic exceptions (#385)


New features:

  • Improved logging infrastructure. Matterhorn now keeps a running bounded internal buffer of log messages that can be written to disk at any time, in addition to supporting the usual mode where all messages are logged to a file. This feature includes:
    • Four new commands:
      • /log-status: check on whether Matterhorn is currently logging at all.
      • /log-start <path>: start logging to the specified file.
      • /log-stop: stop any active logging.
      • /log-snapshot <path>: dump the internal log message buffer to the specified file.
    • A new optional configuration setting, logMaxBufferSize, which is the number of entries in the internal log buffer.
  • Added a new message selection mode keybinding to view individual messages (default: v, keybinding name: view-message). This keybinding causes the selected message to be displayed alone in a pop-up window in which horizontal and vertical scrolling can be used to view the entire message. This is especially useful in cases where a message contains a code block with lines that could not be wrapped. (#377)
  • Message selection mode now supports selection of error and info messages in addition to just user posts.
  • Message selection mode now supports yanking the contents of all messages, not just messages with verbatim content as before. The keybinding name for this is yank-whole-message and defaults to Y. When this binding is used, the entire message's Markdown source is copied to the system clipboard. (#171)

Other changes:

  • The help screen now supports the scroll-top and scroll-bottom events (defaulting to the Home and End keys, respectively).
  • Exceptions related to spurious network problems with getAddrInfo no longer cause client error reports (#391).


Bug fixes:

  • Terminal escapes are now sanitized from local user input and user-provided values from the server (#390).
  • The Cabal package now includes XML syntax and DTD files in the manifest.
  • Releases now ship the syntax DTD.


This release supports Mattermost server version 4.9.

New features:

  • Matterhorn now supports activity notifications by invoking a user-configured external command. The external command is configured with the activityNotifyCommand setting. Matterhorn also includes an example notification script for Linux-based systems in the notification-scripts directory. Thanks to Jason Miller for this feature!
  • Matterhorn now bundles syntax highlighting language descriptions rather compiling them into the binary. This resolves issue #372. The XML descriptions are in the Kate project's language description format and are provided with their accompanying GPL license. Syntax description files are loaded from a prioritized list of directories. The list of directories is configurable using the optional syntaxDirectories configuration setting. See sample_config.ini for details.
  • Matterhorn now tab-completes available syntax highlighting language options on lines starting with the code block Markdown syntax (three backticks) (#354).

Other changes:

  • Tab-completion now always fills in user sigil on username and nickname completions, and fills in channel sigils on channel name completions.
  • Usernames in posts are now only highlighted when a user sigil is present.

Bug fixes:

  • Matterhorn now switches to a channel after it has been joined (#355).
  • Fixed emote editing (#388).


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented DM channel changes when the DM channels were named with user nicknames (#384)
  • "Resource vanished" exceptions will no longer be silenced during async work.


Bug fixes:

  • Matterhorn now properly handles servers with users whose usernames match existing channel names.
  • The flagged post list now ignores flagged posts from channels of which the current user is no longer a member.
  • Tab-completion now supports nickname completion in the presence of user sigils (relevant to #382).
  • The /search command now copes better with an empty string as input (#359).
  • The group-msg command now switches to the relevant channel if it already exists (#367).

Other changes:

  • Message edits no longer cause channels to appear to have unread activity.
  • The Haskell runtime's idle garbage collector was disabled, reducing Matterhorn's idle CPU usage from 2-4% on some systems to zero.


Bug fixes:

  • User list overlays shown by /msg, /add-user, and /members restrict results to the current team only.
  • Message posts, channel view events, and channel metadata update events destined for other teams are now properly ignored by Matterhorn if the team for those events doesn't match the current session's team.


This release supports Mattermost server version 4.8.

New features:

  • Matterhorn now uses a connection pool with persistent server connections for improved performance (thanks to Abhinav Sarkar)
  • Matterhorn now honors the server-side user preference about whether join/leave messages should be shown or hidden.
  • Matterhorn now honors the server-side configuration setting that determines whether users are displayed by nickname if possible (thanks to Kelly McLaughlin)

New configuration settings:

  • The "hyperlinkURLs" setting controls whether Matterhorn emits hyperlinking escape sequences. It defaults to on, but can be disabled for users using terminal emulators that do not handle such escapes gracefully when they don't support hyperlinking (see #374)

Bug fixes:

  • On (re-)connection, Matterhorn now fetches all users rather than just the first few hundred.


This release supports Mattermost server version 4.7.

New features:

  • The /focus command with no arguments now starts channel selection mode, equivalent to the default binding of C-g.
  • The /join command now accepts an optional channel name argument. If provided, the named channel is joined (#361).
  • A new user browser was added! The user browser presents a list of users and the ability to search users by name. The new user list powers some new and existing commands:
    • A new /msg command is used to browse known users and select a user with Enter to begin a private chat session with the selected user.
    • A new /add-user command is used to add users to the current channel. The list shows users who are not already members of the channelcurrent and Enter adds the selected user to the channel.
    • The existing /members command now shows a browsable user list of members of the current channel. Enter begins a private chat session with the selected user.

Bug fixes:

  • Missing urlOpenCommands are now reported as error messages rather than informative messages.
  • More login-related exceptions are now displayed in a more readable format on the login screen (#358).
  • Channel selection mode now prefers an exact match as the initial cursor selection if one exists (#356).
  • Replies now indicate the correct parent message in the message list.
  • The multi-line editor help message now shows the active binding (previously M-e).


Performance improvements:

  • Matterhorn's reconnection handling was improved to more reliably fetch messages that arrived while the client was disconnected.
  • Startup performance was improved by reducing redundant post and user metadata fetches when loading channel messages.

Other fixes:

  • The multi-line toggle help message now shows the active binding.
  • Slash commands now support multi-line input. Previously only the first line was passed as the command input.
  • Matterhorn now updates channel view status on updates from other clients (#342)


This release supports Mattermost server version 4.6.

New features:

  • Rebindable keys are now supported! See /help keybindings for details. Matterhorn also checks for conflicting bindings on startup.
  • The user status list now supports the Do Not Disturb status (shown as ×).
  • User typing notifications are now supported. These are off by default but can be enabled with the showTypingIndicator configuration setting. Enabling the feature causes Matterhorn to produce such notifications for the server and to display typing indications from other users. Thanks to Abhinav Sarkar for this feature!
  • Matterhorn now remembers which channel was visited when the client is closed and returns to that channel on startup. Thanks to Abhinav Sarkar for this feature!

New commands:

  • /message-preview now toggles message preview mode in addition to default M-p keybinding.

Bug fixes:

  • New post reactions no longer cause a post to be indicated as "(edited)" (#333)

UI changes:

  • The channel list shown by /join now also displays the channel purpose for each channel when possible.

Performance improvements:

  • Matterhorn now has much lower input latency on servers with very large numbers of users due to user list rendering performance improvements.


  • This release now uses only version 4 API endpoints, consistent with the upstream deprecation of version 3 API endpoints in the 4.6 release.
  • Startup requests are now performed concurrently to improve performance (#347, thanks to Abhinav Sarkar)
  • Channel header strings containing newlines are now rendered more effectively: newlines are converted to spaces. This behavior more closely matches the web client, too.


This release supports server version 4.4.

New features:

  • The active color theme can be customized by creating a theme customization file and setting the new themeCustomizationFile option. This setting lets you override any foreground color, background color, or style of any aspect of the Matterhorn interface. For details on the format of the customization file, please see the "Themes" help in Matterhorn with the /help themes command.
  • Edited posts are now displayed with a trailling "edited" marker. This change includes some new behavior and a new configuration option:
    • When you visit a post that has recent edits, the "edited" marker will be highlighted. This highlight can be dismissed in the same way as the "New Messages" cutoff, using the M-l keybinding.
    • This feature can be turned off using by setting the showOlderEdits configuration option to False.
  • New commands:
    • The /remove-user command removes a user from a channel.
    • The /group-msg command creates a new private group channel including several users.
    • The /search [term] command searches the chat history for posts that include the provided text and displays those posts in an overlay. Thanks to @abhin4v for this change!
  • Matterhorn now includes embedded hyperlinks using terminal escape sequences in terminals that support them. For more information on terminal support for hyperlink escape sequences, please see this gist and its associated discussion.
  • The width of the channel list (in columns) is now configurable with channelListWidth, which defaults to 20.
  • The urlOpenCommand can now be an interactive terminal-based program (such as a terminal-based web browser) but this requires the configuration option urlOpenCommandIsInteractive to be set to True. This defaults to False and should not be changed if the urlOpenCommand is not a terminal-based program.
  • The current selection in channel select mode can be moved forward and backward with C-n and C-p. (fixes #139)
  • Quotation blocks now include visible characters in addition to indentation.
  • We now honor the server's notification settings for channels.

Bug fixes:

  • New direct-message channels are properly added to running sessions (fixes #264)
  • No more reporting of "resource vanished" exceptions (fixes #116)
  • Missing editing keybindings now included in edit binding list (fixes #139)
  • Websocket message parse failures no longer result in crashes (fixes #297)
  • The sidebar no longer shows deleted users (fixes #316)
  • Tab-completion no longer includes deleted users (fixes #320)
  • User status updates are now rate-limited (fixes #282)
  • Private channels can be deleted successfully (fixes #304)
  • External commands now run in the background in their own thread and do not block the main UI (fixes #270)
  • Channel renaming is honored at runtime and does not require a restart (fixes #324)
  • Group channel show/hide preferences are observed, which in practice means a user can now 'leave' a several-user group channel
  • New channels will not appear twice in the sidebar (fixes #327)
  • New messages to previously-hidden group channels will cause the group channel to be shown again (fixes #326)

Package changes:

  • is now listed in extra-doc-files.
  • Three scripts usable with the /sh command are now listed in extra-doc-files:
    • cowsay runs the message text through the cowsay shell command and formats the output as a verbatim block. This command requires the cowsay command-line program to be installed externally.
    • figlet runs the message text through the figlet shell command and formats the output as a verbatim block. This command requires the figlet command-line program to be installed externally.
    • rot13 runs the trivial ROT13 subsitution cipher over the message text and otherwise passes it through unchanged.


New features:

  • Messages that start with a block-level element now get laid out so that the block level element appears underneath, rather than to the right of, the user name. This helps with long usernames such as bots. Thanks to @kellymclaughlin for this change.
  • Code blocks with fencing now display the language when syntax highlighting is active.
  • In channel scroll mode, Up/Down arrow keys scroll by just one row
  • All channel and user data are now fetched more efficiently on startup for greatly improved startup time.

Bug fixes:

  • The /members command now only shows active users (fixes #315)
  • Reset edit mode after handling commands and message input, provide reply context when running commands (fixes #305)
  • Allow all unknown client commands to fall through to server (fixes #306)
  • Improve uniqueness comparisons for URL lists


Bug fixes:

  • Attachments no longer appear in duplicate for edited messages.

Package changes:

  • is now listed in extra-doc-files.


Package changes:

  • Upgraded mattermost-api to 40000.0.1.
  • Upgraded mattermost-api-qc to 40000.0.1.

Bug fixes:

  • Ignore emoji_added websocket events rather than crashing due to JSON decode failures (#296)
  • channel_viewed websocket events from 4.0 servers lacking a channel_id value no longer cause a client crash (
  • use correct bindist file extension (#295)


This release supports server version 4.0.

Package changes:

  • Upgraded mattermost-api to 40000.0.0.
  • Upgraded mattermost-api-qc to 40000.0.0.

Bug fixes:

  • Attempts to /focus your own DM channel no longer trigger a server error (fixes #294)
  • Message edits now properly restore message reactions and attachments (fixes #292)
  • DM channels with topics now display those topics in addition to the DM channel user identification.
  • Rendering of attachments regressed in 31000.0.0 and is now fixed so that attachments are displayed beneath, not to the right of, their messages.

New features:

  • Markdown image alt text is now rendered when available and Markdown images are now available in the C-o URL list (fixes #285)
  • Added a new configuration setting, showBackgroundActivity, which determines whether the status of Matterhorn's asynchronous work queue is displayed in the interface. This setting is mostly for developers but can be a helpful diagnostic tool. When enabled, the setting causes the async queue length to appear in the lower-right corner of the interface.
  • Added a new configuration setting, unsafeUseUnauthenticatedConnection, which causes Matterhorn to use a non-HTTPS connection when connecting to the configured host and port. As the sample configuration file says, use this only if you know what you are doing.

Internal changes:

  • Added support for 4.0's channel_viewed and channel_updated websocket events.


This release supports server version 3.10.0.

Package changes:

  • Upgraded mattermost-api to 31000.0.0.
  • Upgraded mattermost-api-qc to 31000.0.0.

New features and keybindings:

  • Matterhorn now supports Flagged Posts. To use this feature:
    • Press M-8 or use the /flags command to show a list of your flagged posts. Within that view, 'f' will unflag a selected message.
    • In message selection mode in channels (C-s), 'f' will flag/unflag the selected message.
    • Flagged posts appear with a flag marker "[!]" next to the author's username.
  • Syntax highlighting of fenced code blocks is now supported in 256-color terminals. Code blocks must provide the langauge hint using the same syntax as supported by the web client.
  • Spell checking of user input is now supported using Aspell. To use this feature:
    • Install the Aspell binary and dictionaries on your system.
    • Set enableAspell = true in your Matterhorn configuration.
    • Optionally, set aspellDictionary to the name of the Aspell dictionary you want to use (this is only necessary if you want to override your LANG setting, which is typically sufficient)
    • Once user input is entered into the input area, a short delay after typing stops, a spell check will highlight any misspelled words.
  • Home and End now move the cursor as usual in editor while in normal mode, and also navigate the message list while scrolling.
  • Matterhorn now displays the mention count in the channel sidebar to mimic the web client behavior and highlights channels with at least one mention in magenta in the sidebar.

Bug fixes and improvements:

  • Configuration file values can now use quoted string syntax (fixes #269)
  • The channel switch mode prompt now mentions anchors.
  • The URL opening command is now run asynchronously.
  • Input history files are now saved with an appropriate file mode (fixes #218)
  • Fixed a bug that caused users created after a session began not to appear in the sidebar.
  • Help topics (valid arguments to /help) are now displayed in the main help UI (fixes #225)
  • Message deletion now also deletes replies to the deleted message (fixes #257)
  • On channel deletion, leave before deleting to avoid a server error.
  • URLs in the URL list are now displayed in the same order in which they appear in messages (fixes #250)
  • User identification now appears in DM channel headers.
  • Numbered lists now render starting at first specified number (fixes #243)
  • The login screen now displays validation errors for hostname and port inputs when appropriate (fixes #242)
  • Channel select inputs that have an exact match no longer require ^/$ anchors.


This release supports server version 3.8.2. This release is our first official public release.

Package changes:

  • Removed stale array and data-default dependencies
  • Increased lower bound on base dependency to 4.8 to relect our GHC testing.


  • Subprocess error logs are now only created on demand. Previously we created them on startup before any subprocess errors had occurred.
  • We now provide a QuickCheck test for some infrastructure.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug whereby some resize operations would cause a program crash by triggering an unsafe mutable vector operation in Vty.
  • New user creation is now handled successfully and no longer requires a client restart to function reliably. Previously bad behavior included not coloring new users' names and not showing new users' names at all on their messages.
  • Message selection mode is no longer blocked by errors and other non-post content.
  • Subprocesses that fail to run are now consistently mentioned in the subprocess error log.


This release supports server version 3.8.2.

Package changes:

  • Relax constraint on containers to allow 0.5.7 or greater.
  • Upgraded mattermost-api to 30802.0.0.

Bug fixes:

  • The help interface now updates properly when showing either the main help window or the scripts help window.
  • Attachments are now saved asynchronously.
  • Attachments are now opened without using the browser, thus removing our dependency on a valid browser session with the server (fixes #128)
  • Editing state is now saved before switching history entries (fixes #210)
  • Messages with unknown authors trigger a user metadata fetch (fixes #205)

New keybindings:

  • C-o now opens the URL list while scrolling through channel messages.
  • C-c now cancels channel selection in C-g mode

UI changes:

  • Channel scroll mode keybindings were added to the help page.
  • We no longer perform string highlighting on the contents of Markdown code spans in messages.
  • On startup, only the scrollback for Town Square is fetched to improve performance. Scrollback for other channels is fetched on demand.
  • We now use the channel sigil "~" rather than "#" to match the web client behavior, and highlight ~-prefixed channel names (fixes #204).


This release supports server version 3.7.1.

New features:

  • Matterhorn now has basic support for 3.7's new "group channel" feature. If other users add you to a group channel, it will appear in the sidebar with the member usernames listed (e.g. "#bob, sue, ..."). Creation of group channels will be supported in a future release.
  • When the urlOpenCommand program produces output on standard output or standard error, this output is now logged and a message is posted in the current channel with the path to the log file. This feature prevents the URL open command from poisoning the terminal state with unexpected output.
  • Added a /members command to show current channel membership.
  • Channel header changes from other users will now cause the channel topic string to update.
  • Added a /delete-channel command to delete the current channel.
  • Markdown rendering now puts empty lines between adjacent block elements of the same variety to improve readability.

Bug fixes:

  • Message selection now only supports reply/edit/delete on normal posts (fixes #174)
  • C-n/p now only change channels when a non-DM channel is selected (fixes #82)
  • We now handle new user events (fixed #111)
  • On channel change we now always reset the channel list to scroll to the top (fixes #138)
  • When a draft message is left in the editor when changing channels, a new sigil ("»") appears for the previous channel instead of the usual "#" to indicate this.
  • The help interface now resizes properly all the time.

Performance improvements:

  • On startup, all channel contents are fetched asynchronously. Town Square fetches are prioritized. These changes drastically improve startup time, even on fast connections.

Documentation changes:

  • The README now includes a feature list, a brief feature overview for new users, and a section on how to contribute.

Package changes:

  • Upgraded mattermost-api to 30701.0.0.
  • Binary releases now include the copyright and licensing information for all dependencies.

Internal changes:

  • Added preemption support for asynchronous work queue processing. doAsync(With) now both take an AsyncPriority.


New editing keybindings:

  • C-w, M-Backspace now delete the word to the left of the cursor.

  • M-d deletes the word to the right of the cursor.

  • C-k now kills text from the cursor to the end of the line and copies to an internal buffer; C-y pastes from said buffer.

  • C-b, C-f move back and forward by one word, respectively.

  • Many editing keybindings are now present in their own Help page section.

Package changes:

  • Upgraded text-zipper to 0.10.
  • Upgraded mattermost-api to 30600.2.2.


Bug fixes:

  • Message-yanking failures due to missing programs (e.g. xclip) no longer trigger an unhandled exception (fixes #170)
  • Users that are not members of the current team are now hidden from the user list (fixes #161)
  • User statuses in the sidebar are now periodically refreshed
  • Supported server commands now appear on the help screen (fixes #162)
  • Files containing non-UTF-8 content no longer trigger unhandled exceptions when being read by matterhorn (fixes #168)
  • Updated repository URL in error message about reporting problems (thanks @tommd)


  • Improved formatting of message attachments so that their filenames are shown. Previously only their hash identifiers were displayed. This change also entails asynchronous fetching of attachment metadata.
  • Upgraded to mattermost-api 30600.2.1.


  • Fixed a bug that caused message selection mode to trigger a Vty crash when a message being rendered was larger than half of the area available for the message list.


  • Added a new message selection mode. This mode provides access to four new features: replies, edits, deletion, and verbatim text yanking. To enter this mode, use the default binding of C-s (and cancel with Esc). The resulting cursor can be used to select messages in the current channel and perform the following actions on them:

    • y: for messages with any verbatim text, yank the verbatim text to the first verbatim block in the message to the system clipboard (works on Linux and OSX)
    • r: reply to the selected message. To cancel a reply, press C-c or Esc.
    • e: for messages written by the current user, edit the selected message. To cancel an edit, press C-c or Esc.
    • d: for messages written by the current user, delete the selected message (with a confirmation).
    • o: for messages containing URLs, open all URLs in the selected message.
    • j/k/up/down/pgup/pgdown: change the selected message cursor position.
  • Added a C-r binding to begin a reply to the most recently posted message in the current channel.

  • M-e now toggles multiline editing mode rather than just enabling it. Previously, Esc toggled it off.

  • Upgraded to mattermost-api 30600.2.0.


  • Upgraded to mattermost-api 30600.1.0. This fixed /me and /shrug server-side command execution failures.


Initial versioned release for server version 3.6.0.