- Hosted by @jbeda
- Recording date: 2019-04-12
- Live notes: https://hackmd.io/dn0KfrC3R3awmHpEgFMQSw
Episode issue: #111
- 00:00:00 - Welcome to TGIK!
- 00:04:00 - Week in Review
- 00:15:00 - Kustomize
- Blue/Green Deployments with Contour IngressRoute
- CRI-O is now in CNCF Incubation
- An update to Alexis Ducastel's CNI benchmarks
- Network Service Mesh is now a CNCF sandbox project
- Lots of news from Google at GCP Next but unclear how much of it is open vs. Google specific services.
- Some k8s upstream news - SIG Cluster Lifecycle had a meeting on how to get started contributing and SIG Windows is running a survey on usecases and would like your input.
- Good looking article from Bonsai Cloud on PodSecurityPolicy
- Security update for Istio/Envoy
- Where you can find us at Kubecon EU 2019 - has all of our sessions and talks, including the live TGIK at Kubecon!
- Some new projects in this space: ytt and kapp
Issue from Phil with some of the snags we hit during the episode: kubernetes-sigs/kustomize#973
- Kustomize website
- Github Repo
- Repo Docs. Good stuff here including a glossary and an annotated
- Repo Examples
- Repo Docs. Good stuff here including a glossary and an annotated
- Upstream Kubectl docs
- kubectl + kustomize + KEP drama
- Article from JetStack on kustomize+cert-manager
- Helm vs Kustomize