- Hosted by @jbeda
- Hosted by @castrojo
- Hosted by @mauilion
- Hosted by @bryanl
- Hosted by @joshrosso
- Hosted by @cdickmann
- Hosted by @krisnova
- Recording date: 2020-01-10
- 00:00:00 - Welcome to TGIK!
- 00:00:00 - Week in Review
- Save the Date - Kubernetes Contributor Summit, 30 March 2020 at KubeCon in Amsterdam. (More info to follow)
- Kubernetes on TV!
- Brendan Burns creates Configula
- The folks at Grafana have a new ksonnet like tool
- Kubernetes needs more tech writers!
- 2020 Contributor Survey is open! Please fill it out
- Kubernetes Community Meetings are now Monthly
- kubectl tree by @ahmetb
- kubecon NA 2019 transparency report
- Bringing on prem k8s to cloud parity
- The folks at Jetstack describe multi cluster oidc auth using kube-oidc-proxy
- Ahmet Alp Balkan's Youtube Channel
- yaml-language-server
- Knative Conditions Convention. TL;DR:
- Have a top-level "Ready" or "Succeeded" condition
- Other conditions roll into the top-level condition
- "True" means done successfully, "False" means never going to work, and "Unknown" means still reconciling